Dynamic difference and characterization of reservoir fluid in continental rift basins
摘要: 通过研究盆地各压力系统(超压带、过渡带及常压带)油藏烃类地球化学特征的差异性,建立地球化学指标变化与动力学条件的关联。以渤海湾盆地济阳坳陷东营、沾化凹陷为例,分析甾烷异构化参数、轻/重比参数随深度的变化,明确由超压充注到常压驱动的过渡。选取东营凹陷博兴洼陷(单一压力结构)和沾化凹陷渤南洼陷(复合压力结构)的典型剖面,分析各区带地球化学参数差异性对应的动力学条件,各指标的变化与超压驱动及浮力驱动表现出良好的对应关系,并对成藏期异常压力的波及范围进行研究,该范围远大于现今油藏异常压力的分布范围,尤其在斜坡断阶带向外围有较大幅度延伸。在对动力条件进行地化表征的基础上,精细刻画成藏体系与供烃范围。Abstract: In order to establish the relationship between hydrocarbon characteristic variations and dynamic environments, the differences of hydrocarbon geochemical characteristics of reservoirs in various pressure systems (overpressure zone, transitional pressure zone and normal pressure zone) were studied. The Dongying and Zhanhua sags in the Jiyang Depression of the Bohai Bay Basin were taken as examples in this paper, the variations of sterane isomerization parameter, sterane light/heavy ratio with depth were revealed. The transition from overpressure charging to normal pressure driving was clarified. The typical profiles of the Boxing (single pressure structure) and Bonan (composite pressure structure) sub-sags in the Dongying and Zhanhua sags, respectively, were selected for the differential analyses of geochemical parameters and corresponding dynamic conditions in various belts. The variations of the geochemical parameters showed high correlations to overpressure driving and buoyancy driving. The development ranges of abnormal pressure during reservoir formation were studied as well, which are much larger than the present abnormal pressure distribution ranges. Especially in the step-fault zone belt, historic overpressure had greatly extended outwards. According to the geochemical characterization of dynamic conditions, the reservoir formation systems and hydrocarbon supply ranges were described in detail.
Key words:
- continental rift basin /
- reservoir forming dynamics /
- difference /
- geochemistry
表 1 济阳坳陷东营凹陷博兴洼陷岩性油气藏与周边烃源岩烃类指标对比
Table 1. Comparison of hydrocarbon indexes between lithologic reservoirs and surrounding source rocks in Boxing Subsag, Dongying Sag, Jiyang Depression
井号 样品类型 深度/m 层位 C29S/R C27/C29ββ F11 原油 2 550~2 750 Es3上 1.08 1.11 F24 原油 2 959~2 967 Es3中 1.02 0.92 F10 原油 2 973.9~2 979.9 Es3中 1.29 0.95 F14 原油 2 992~3 002 Es3中 1.11 1.08 F23 泥岩 3 058.28 Es3中 0.84 0.88 F101 泥岩 3 169.90 Es3下 0.80 0.70 表 2 济阳坳陷东营凹陷博兴洼陷南北向剖面主要井位烃类参数
Table 2. Hydrocarbon parameters of the main wells along NS profile in Boxing Sub-sag, Dongying Sag, Jiyang Depression
运移分带 井名 样品类型 井深/m 层位 C29S/R C27/C29ββ 洼陷边缘常压带 JX103 原油 1 090.5~1 099.8 Es1 0.72 1.07 过渡带 断阶带外侧 G26-5 油砂 1 515 Es2 0.97 0.94 G39 原油 1 706.4~1 713.1 Es2 1.05 0.93 断阶带内侧 F32 原油 2 094.5~2 100.8 Es1 0.85 0.78 F105 原油 2 315.1~2 329.6 Es2 0.81 0.85 F105 原油 2 329.6~2 315.1 Es2 0.75 0.98 G80 油砂 2 473.47 Es3上 0.82 0.86 洼陷中心超压带 F11 原油 2 550~2 750 Es3上 1.08 1.11 F24 原油 2 820~2 825 Es3中 1.07 0.91 F10 原油 2 892~2 914 Es3中 1.19 1.05 F31 原油 2 906~2 912 Es3中 0.87 0.87 F24 原油 2 959~2 967 Es3中 1.02 0.92 F10 原油 2 973.9~2 979.9 Es3中 1.29 0.95 F14 原油 2 992~3 002 Es3中 1.11 1.08 F125 原油 3 143.8~3 152.5 Es3下 0.74 1.03 F122 原油 3 145.2~3 147.0 Es3中 0.64 1.01 F181 原油 3 189.4~3 194.0 Es3下 0.77 1.20 F181 原油 3 194.0~3 198.4 Es3下 0.68 1.13 G893 原油 3 195~3 238 Es4 0.83 0.82 F101 油砂 3 275.56 Es3下 0.88 0.92 F1 油砂 3 311.7 Es4 1.00 0.78 表 3 济阳坳陷沾化凹陷渤南洼陷南北向剖面主要井位参数
Table 3. Hydrocarbon parameters of the main wells along NS profile in Bonan Sub-sag, Zhanhua Sag, Jiyang Depression
区带 井名 深度/m 样品类型 层位 油源 C29S/R C27/C29ββ 洼陷边缘常压带 C37 1 201.0~1 213.4 原油 Ng Es4 0.71 1.26 C40 1 361.0~1 443.8 原油 Ng+Ed Es4 0.42 0.97 C40-1 1 441.96~1 452.50 原油 Es1 Es4 0.47 1.05 C40-1 1 445.1~1 453.0 原油 Es1 Es4 0.44 1.19 过渡带 断阶带外侧 L801-1 1 737~1 745 原油 Es4 Es4 0.64 1.03 K5 1 839~1 900 原油 Es3—Es4 Es4 0.79 0.91 L50 2 077.2 油砂 Es3—Es4 Es4 0.86 0.99 L50 2 086 油砂 Es4 Es4 0.92 0.86 L50 2 109 油砂 Es4 Es4 0.89 1.03 断阶带内侧或两个压力中心间隔区域 Y49 2 763.6~2 767.4 原油 Es2 Es3 0.68 0.9 L48 2 973.12~3 065.00 原油 Es4 Es4 0.93 0.58 Y88 2 989.7~3 040.0 原油 Es2 Es3 0.54 1.08 Y123 3 190.6~3 200.4 原油 Es2 Es3 0.64 0.48 L151 3 036.3~3 062.6 原油 Es3 Es3 0.84 1.21 Y37 3 121~3 127 原油 Es2 Es3 1.13 1.07 Y85 3 221~3 223 原油 Es3 Es3 0.59 1.11 Y36 3 312.4~3 330.0 原油 Es2 Es4 0.68 0.59 洼陷中心超压带 Y170 3 233.2 油砂 Es3 Es3 0.89 1.22 Y110 3 644~3 666 原油 Pt Es3 1.27 1.01 Y17 3 661.1~3 664.7 原油 Es4 Es4 1.21 0.90 Y170 3 817.4 油砂 Es4 Es4 0.81 1.04 Y104 4 011.8~4 030.7 原油 Mz Es3 1.7 1.16 Y173 4 112.0~4 127.7 原油 Es4 Es3 0.8 0.94 -
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