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化祖献 刘小平 孙彪 刘天 刘杰 刘启东 刘世丽 毕天卓

化祖献, 刘小平, 孙彪, 刘天, 刘杰, 刘启东, 刘世丽, 毕天卓. 断陷盆地斜坡带油气富集差异性及成藏主控因素——以苏北盆地金湖凹陷三河次凹为例[J]. 石油实验地质, 2022, 44(6): 950-958. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202206950
引用本文: 化祖献, 刘小平, 孙彪, 刘天, 刘杰, 刘启东, 刘世丽, 毕天卓. 断陷盆地斜坡带油气富集差异性及成藏主控因素——以苏北盆地金湖凹陷三河次凹为例[J]. 石油实验地质, 2022, 44(6): 950-958. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202206950
HUA Zuxian, LIU Xiaoping, SUN Biao, LIU Tian, LIU Jie, LIU Qidong, LIU Shili, BI Tianzhuo. Differences in oil and gas enrichment in slope belts of rift basins and main controlling factors for hydrocarbon accumulation: a case study of Sanhe Sub-sag in Jinhu Sag, Subei Basin[J]. PETROLEUM GEOLOGY & EXPERIMENT, 2022, 44(6): 950-958. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202206950
Citation: HUA Zuxian, LIU Xiaoping, SUN Biao, LIU Tian, LIU Jie, LIU Qidong, LIU Shili, BI Tianzhuo. Differences in oil and gas enrichment in slope belts of rift basins and main controlling factors for hydrocarbon accumulation: a case study of Sanhe Sub-sag in Jinhu Sag, Subei Basin[J]. PETROLEUM GEOLOGY & EXPERIMENT, 2022, 44(6): 950-958. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202206950


doi: 10.11781/sysydz202206950

国家自然科学基金面上项目 42072150

国家自然科学基金面上项目 41372144


    化祖献(1998—),男,博士研究生,从事非常规油气地质研究。E-mail: Hzx.c@outlook.com


    刘小平(1971—),男,教授,博士生导师,从事石油地质教学和研究。E-mail: liuxiaoping@cup.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: TE122.3

Differences in oil and gas enrichment in slope belts of rift basins and main controlling factors for hydrocarbon accumulation: a case study of Sanhe Sub-sag in Jinhu Sag, Subei Basin

  • 摘要: 断陷盆地斜坡带紧邻深凹带生烃中心,是油气聚集的有利地区。由于斜坡带断裂系统及沉积体系发育的不均一性,油气成藏往往表现出明显的差异性特征,平面上油气富集程度与规模不同。苏北盆地金湖凹陷三河次凹斜坡带阜宁组二段油气聚集表现为“南富北贫”的特征,油气成藏差异性受多因素控制。通过地球化学测试及测井资料解释分析表明,研究区南部较北部烃源条件优越;纵向上发育下生中储型、自生自储型、上生下储型3种源储配置类型,以上生下储型最为发育,油气最为富集;平面上发育源储叠置型、源储紧邻型、源储分离型3种源储配置类型。北部以源储分离型为主,南部以源储叠置、源储紧邻型为主;南部断裂系统发育、物源丰富、砂体发育,北部远离物源、砂体欠发育。优越的烃源条件、合适的源储配置与良好的输导体系是断陷盆地油气富集的关键因素。


  • 图  1  苏北盆地金湖凹陷三河次凹区域构造示意

    Figure  1.  Regional structural map of Sanhe Sub-sag in Jinhu Sag, Subei Basin

    图  2  苏北盆地金湖凹陷三河次凹地层柱状图

    Figure  2.  Stratigraphic histogram of Sanhe Sub-sag in Jinhu Sag, Subei Basin

    图  3  苏北盆地金湖凹陷三河次凹各油田下含油气系统储量分布

    Figure  3.  Percentage of reserves of petroliferous system in Sanhe Sub-sag, Jinhu Sag, Subei Basin

    图  4  苏北盆地金湖凹陷三河次凹阜二段烃源岩评价

    Figure  4.  Frequency distribution of total organic carbon and hydrocarbon generation potential of source rocks of E1f2 in Sanhe Sub-sag, Jinhu Sag, Subei Basin

    图  5  苏北盆地金湖凹陷三河次凹阜二段有效烃源岩判别

    Figure  5.  Identification of effective source rocks of E1f2 in Sanhe Sub-sag, Jinhu Sag, Subei Basin

    图  6  苏北盆地金湖凹陷三河次凹阜二段纵向源储配置类型示意

    Figure  6.  Schematic diagram of longitudinal source-reservoir configuration types of E1f2 in Sanhe Sub-sag, Jinhu Sag, Subei Basin

    图  7  苏北盆地金湖凹陷三河次凹阜二段平面源储配置类型示意

    Figure  7.  Schematic diagram of plane source and storage configuration types of E1f2 in Sanhe Sub-sag, Jinhu Sag, Subei Basin

    图  8  苏北盆地金湖凹陷三河次凹GX21—S1井成藏期输导体系示意

    Figure  8.  Schematic diagram of transportation system during accumulation period of wells GX21 to S1 in Sanhe Sub-sag, Jinhu Sag, Subei Basin

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