Petroleum geological conditions and exploration potential of the Permian Qixia Formation in the middle segment of Western Depression, Sichuan Basin
摘要: 近年来,四川盆地西部坳陷北段双鱼石构造、南段平落坝构造二叠系栖霞组勘探取得重大突破,而西部坳陷中段栖霞组勘探尚未突破。为了加快栖霞组超深层海相油气勘探节奏,基于西部坳陷中段周边大量野外露头剖面,结合区内及邻区部分地震和钻井资料以及前人研究成果,系统梳理了栖霞组油气地质条件,综合分析西部坳陷中段的勘探潜力。结果表明,研究区栖霞组具有与西部坳陷北段和南段相同的沉积背景,具备台缘优势相带,具有形成优质储层的条件;同时,该区栖霞组通源断裂发育,能有效沟通寒武系筇竹寺组生烃中心,上覆二叠系致密灰岩和泥页岩以及三叠系膏岩层可作为良好盖层,源—储—盖组合较好,具有形成规模性油气藏的条件。Abstract: In recent years, great breakthroughs have been achieved for the exploration in the Permian Qixia Formation of the Shuangyushi structure in the north and the Pingluoba structure in the south of the Western Depression of the Sichuan Basin (Chuanxi Depression), while the exploration of the same formation in the middle segment of the Chuanxi Depression has not been carried out. In order to accelerate the ultra-deep marine natural gas exploration of the Qixia Formation, based on a large number of outcrops around the middle segment of the Chuanxi Depression, combined with seismic and drilling data and previous research results, this study systematically combed the oil and gas geological conditions of the Qixia Formation and comprehensively analyzed its exploration potential. Results show that the Qixia Formation in the study area has comparable sedimentary background as the north and south segments of the Chuanxi Depression, and is a platform margin sedimentary facies with superior reservoir conditions. Moreover, the Qixia Formation in the study area is connected with the hydrocarbon generation center of the Cambrian Qiongzhusi Formation by source faults. The tight limestone and shale of Permian and the gypsolyte of Triassic can be potential excellent cap rocks. Therefore, the source-reservoir-cap assemblage of the Qixia Formation in this area is preferential for large-scale hydrocarbon accumulation.
图 2 四川盆地西部坳陷中段二叠系栖霞组颗粒滩镜下特征
露头位置见图 1。
Figure 2. Microscopic characteristics of grain bank of Permian Qixia Formation in middle segment of Chuanxi Depression, Sichuan Basin
图 3 四川盆地西部坳陷二叠系栖霞组地震剖面特征
地震剖面位置见图 1a。
Figure 3. Seismic profile of Permian Qixia Formation in Chuanxi Depression, Sichuan Basin
图 6 四川盆地西部坳陷中段二叠系栖霞组油气输导条件
地震剖面位置见图 1b。
Figure 6. Oil and gas channel conditions of Permian Qixia Formation in middle segment of Chuanxi Depression, Sichuan Basin
图 7 四川盆地西部坳陷中段二叠系栖霞组储层特征
露头位置见图 1。
a.绵竹燕子岩,灰色云质灰岩,溶蚀孔洞发育;b.绵竹燕子岩,浅灰色白云岩,溶孔发育;c.绵竹燕子岩,浅灰色白云岩,晶间孔发育, 扫描电镜;d.北川通口, 生屑颗粒云岩,晶间溶孔发育,单偏光;e.绵竹高桥,浅灰色白云岩,溶蚀孔洞发育;f.绵竹高桥,浅灰色白云岩,溶孔发育;g.都江堰虹口,细—中晶白云岩,晶间孔发育,单偏光,铸体片;h.都江堰虹口,中—粗晶白云岩,晶间(溶)孔发育,单偏光Figure 7. Reservoir characteristics of Permian Qixia Formation in middle segment of Chuanxi Depression, Sichuan Basin
图 8 四川盆地西部坳陷中段连片三维二叠系栖霞组波阻抗反演剖面
地震剖面位置见图 6。
Figure 8. Three dimensional wave impedance inversion of Permian Qixia Formation in middle segment of Chuanxi Depression, Sichuan Basin
图 9 四川盆地西部坳陷中段断裂发育及盖层特征
地震剖面位置见图 1b。
Figure 9. Fault development and cap rock characteristics in middle segment of Chuanxi Depression, Sichuan Basin
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