Discussion on prospecting shale oil potential of Mesoproterozoic Hongshuizhuang Formation in the Jibei Depression
摘要: 为评价冀北坳陷中元古界洪水庄组页岩油勘探前景,对钻井岩心和露头剖面典型样品开展热解、基质孔隙度与渗透率、压汞+氮吸附、氩离子抛光+扫描电镜、X衍射全岩矿物等分析,综合前人分析与研究成果,剖析了洪水庄组页岩油形成条件,估算了页岩油资源潜力并探讨勘探前景。冀北坳陷洪水庄组中部潟湖相黑色泥页岩厚度主要介于35~55 m,有机质类型以Ⅱ1、Ⅱ2型为主,为一套富有机质的好—极好烃源岩,等效镜质体反射率处于0.80%~1.25%;基质孔隙度主要介于1.0%~8.0%,基质渗透率介于(2~100)×10-6 μm2,孔隙以孔径大于50 nm的无机孔缝为主;恢复后热解游离烃S1主要介于1.60~6.50 mg/g,残余气态烃介于0.13~0.24 m3/t,具有较好的含油气性;脆性矿物含量平均介于61.9%~72.3%,具备良好的可压裂改造性。冀北坳陷洪水庄组富有机质页岩型页岩油地质资源量约为12×108 t,可采资源量为0.72×108 t,具备针对洪水庄组富有机质泥页岩开展页岩油勘探的资源基础,具有较好的基质型页岩油勘探前景。Abstract: In order to evaluate the shale oil prospecting potential of the Mesoproterozoic Hongshuizhuang Formation in the Jibei Depression, the analyses of routine Rock-Eval pyrolysis, matrix porosity and permeability, mercury intrusion and nitrogen adsorption, argon ion polishing SEM and X-ray diffraction of bulk rock of typical core samples were carried out in this study. The shale oil forming conditions of the Hongshuizhuang Formation were studied, the shale oil resource was assessed, and the prospecting potential was discussed based on previous results. The results show that the lagoon facies black shale in the middle section of the Hongshuizhuang Formation is mainly 35-55 m thick with organic matter types of Ⅱ1 and Ⅱ2, and is a set of good- to excellent-quality source rock. The equivalent vitrinite reflectance of organic-rich black shale is 0.80%-1.25%. The matrix porosity is mainly 1.0%-8.0%, and the matrix permeability is (2-100)×10-6 μm2. The pores are dominated by inorganic pores and fissures with the diameter of pore larger than 50 nm. The values of S1 after recovery is mainly 1.60-6.50 mg/g, and the content of residual hydrocarbon gas distributes 0.13-0.24 m3/t, indicating good hydrocarbon potential. The average content of brittle minerals is 61.9%-72.3%, with good frangibility. The shale oil geological resource is about 12×108 t, and the shale oil recoverable resource is about 0.72×108 t for organic matter rich shale of the Hongshuizhuang Formation. These suggested that the organic matter rich shale of the Hongshuizhuang Formation in the Jibei Depression has a resource basis for shale oil exploration with good prospecting potential.
Key words:
- resource potential /
- prospecting potential /
- shale oil /
- Hongshuizhuang Formation /
- Mesoproterozoic /
- Jibei Depression
图 1 燕辽裂陷带地层构造单元与冀北坳陷构造位置简图
Figure 1. Tectonic units of Yanliao fault belt and tectonic location of Jibei Depression
表 1 冀北坳陷钻井与露头剖面洪水庄组与富有机质页岩厚度
Table 1. Thickness of Mesoproterozoic Hongshuizhuang Formation
表 2 冀北坳陷中元古界洪水庄组富有机质页岩矿物组成
Table 2. Mineral compositions of organic matter rich shale of Mesoproterozoic Hongshuizhuang Formation in Jibei Depression
样品来源 样品数 矿物成分含量/% 黏土矿物 石英 钾长石 斜长石 方解石 白云石 菱铁矿 黄铁矿 石膏 硬石膏 钙芒硝 冀浅1井岩心 27 13.2~35.0 31.7~77.0 0~4.0 0~1.7 0.1~2.5 1.5~36.5 0.6~4.3 1.0~13.9 0~0.3 0~3.2 0 27.2 54.4 2.1 0.5 1.1 7.0 2.3 4.9 0.1 0.4 0 野外露头 25 23.5~52.5 38.9~73.1 0.9~3.8 0~1.2 0.1~4.8 0.2~3.5 0.2~1.8 0.1~1.5 0~0.2 0~0.8 0~5.7 36.2 55.2 2.1 0.4 0.8 1.9 1.1 0.4 0.0 0.2 1.7 注:表中分式的意义为$\frac{\text { 最小值~最大值 }}{\text { 平均值 }}$。 -
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