Classified characteristics of helium gas resources and controlling factors for the enrichment
摘要: 我国氦气供应量不足,根本原因是氦气资源相对贫乏。加强对富氦天然气的分类研究,明确不同类型氦气藏的特征及富集主控因素,对促进我国氦气勘探开发研究和保障我国用氦安全都具有重要意义。通过研究氦气的成因,同时考虑氦气资源丰度禀赋,铀、钍放射性元素所处空间层位,载体气藏类型,以及成藏主控因素的差别,对含氦气藏进行了细致划分。氦气藏总体分为两类:壳幔混合型和壳源型,壳源型又可细分为壳源远源型(包括烃类伴生型和水溶气型)和壳源近源型(页岩气型),不同类型氦气资源特征大相径庭。从国内目前发现的氦气藏来看,只有与烃类气藏共同成藏的壳源氦才具有工业利用价值,尽管其资源品位相对较低,但资源潜力较大。壳源远源型和壳源近源型氦气藏富集主控因素大致相同,但在氦源岩和运移通道上存在差异。Abstract: The lack of helium resources accounts for the limited helium supply in China. It is of great significance to classify of helium-enriched natural gas according to the characteristics of helium reservoirs and the main controlling factors of helium enrichment, thus the exploration and development of helium can be promoted and the safety of helium use in China may be ensured. Based on the origin of helium, this paper classifies the helium reservoirs by the consideration of the abundance of helium resources, the spatial horizon of uranium and thorium radioactive elements, the types of carrier gas reservoirs, and the main controlling factors of helium accumulation. The helium gas resources can be characterized into two types: crust-mantle mixed type and crust-source type. Crust-source type can be further classified into crust-source far-source type (including hydrocarbon associated type and water-soluble gas type) and crust-source near-source type (shale gas type) with different characteristics. In terms of helium reservoirs discovered in China, only crust-source helium which was formed together with hydrocarbon gas reservoirs has industrial utilization value due to the great resource potential, although its resource grade is relatively low. The main controlling factors of helium accumulation in the crust-source far-source type and crust-source near-source type are roughly the same, but there are differences in helium sources and migration pathways.
Key words:
- crust-mantle mixed type /
- crust-source type /
- helium gas /
- helium-rich natural gas /
- China
表 1 氦气资源分类及示例
Table 1. Helium resource classification and samples
项目 壳幔混合型 壳源型 壳源远源型 壳源近源型 R/Ra >1 <1 <1 气藏特征 非烃气体伴生氦气 烃类气体伴生氦气 页岩气伴生氦气 氦含量及特征 氦含量相对较高 氦含量较低且分布不均 氦含量低且分布均匀 示例 黄桥气田:氦含量1.1%~1.4%,R/Ra为2.6~3.2;万金塔气田:氦含量平均0.104%,R/Ra最高为5.14;花沟地区:氦含量0.08%~5.11%,R/Ra为3.1~3.2;三水盆地:氦含量0.1%~0.3%,R/Ra为1.2~4.6 威远气田:氦含量平均0.2%,R/Ra为0.01~0.02;东胜气田:氦含量0.14%,R/Ra为0.01~0.02;等等 涪陵页岩气田:氦含量0.044%,R/Ra为0.004~0.03;永川页岩气田:氦含量0.041%,R/Ra为0.003;威荣页岩气田:氦含量0.030%,R/Ra为0.002~0.03;等等 特例:水溶气伴生氦气,氦含量相对较高。渭河盆地水溶氦气,氦气含量0.1%~4.1%,R/Ra为1.2~4.6 -
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