Assessment methods and potential of shale oil resources in China
摘要: 鉴于我国页岩油在类型划分、评价方法、评价参数标准和资源潜力预测等方面存在较大分歧的现状,将页岩油划分为夹层页岩油、纯页岩油和原位转化页岩油三大类。根据这三大类页岩油明显不同的赋存与形成特征,分别建立了相应的容积法、基于热解烃S1含量体积法、基于氢指数变化的生烃量法资源量计算方法模型,并确定各种方法模型的关键参数及参数下限标准,最后按照统一的参数标准评价了我国主要盆地页岩层系的三大类页岩油资源量。我国纯页岩油、夹层页岩油、原位转化页岩油地质资源量分别为145.4×108, 95.1×108,708.2×108 t, 可采资源量分别为9.4×108,7.1×108,460.3×108 t。评价结果表明,我国页岩油资源丰富,是推动国内原油增产稳产的重要接替领域。Abstract: In view of the large differences in type classification, assessment methods, evaluation parameters and resource potential prediction of shale oil in China, shale oil is classified into three categories: interlayer shale oil, pure shale oil and in-situ converted shale oil. According to the obviously different occurrence and formation characteristics of the three types of shale oil, the corresponding resource calculation method models, respectively named volume method, volume method based on pyrolysed hydrocarbon S1 content and hydrocarbon generation quantity method based on hydrogen index variation, were put forward, and the key parameters and their lowest threshold standards of each model were determined. Finally, the three categories of shale oil resources in the major basins in China were evaluated according to the unified parameter criterion. The in-place resources of pure shale oil, interlayer shale oil and in-situ converted shale oil are 145.4×108 t, 95.1×108 t and 708.2×108 t, respectively, and the recoverable resources are 9.4×108 t, 7.1×108 t and 460.3×108 t, respectively. The evaluation results show that China is rich in shale oil resources, which is an important replacement field to promote domestic crude oil production increase and stabilization.
图 1 鄂尔多斯盆地评价区延长组7段页岩氢指数IH, pd与Ro的关系[24]
Figure 1. Relationship between hydrogen index IH, pd and Ro of shale in Chang 7 member of Yanchang Formation in evaluation area of Ordos Basin
图 2 鄂尔多斯盆地延长组7段储层孔隙度、渗透率与含油气性关系[24]
Figure 2. Relationship between porosity, permeability and hydrocarbon-bearing property of reservoirs in Chang 7 member of Yanchang Formation in Ordos Basin
表 1 不同学者或机构对中国页岩油资源评价结果
Table 1. Assessment results of shale oil resources in China by different scholars or institutions
表 2 页岩油分类
Table 2. Shale oil classification
层系 粉砂岩、细砂岩、碳酸盐岩
累计厚度占层系厚度比/%岩性 单层厚度及Ro 类型 富有机质
页岩层系<30 粉砂岩、细砂岩、碳酸盐岩 单层厚度≥5 m 致密油(非页岩油) 单层厚度<5 m 夹层页岩油 泥页岩 Ro≥0.8% 纯页岩油 Ro<0.8% 原位转化页岩油 表 3 纯页岩油与夹层页岩油评价参数下限标准
Table 3. Lowest threshold standards for evaluation parameters of pure shale oil and interlayer shale oil
页岩油类型 关键评价参数取值下限 纯页岩油 无S1平面分布图:w(TOC)≥2.0%,Ro≥0.8%,页岩厚度≥5 m;具备S1平面分布图:S1>1.0 mg/g(S1未恢复轻烃损失),页岩厚度≥5 m 夹层页岩油 夹层厚度≥5 m;平均孔隙度≥4%;含油饱和度≥30% 页岩+ 夹层页岩油 页岩层:w(TOC)≥2.0%,Ro≥0.8%;夹层:平均孔隙度≥4%,含油饱和度≥30%;页岩层+夹层厚度≥5 m 注:表中数据据郭秋麟等[24]修改。 表 4 鄂尔多斯盆地延长组页岩样品热模拟实验结果
Table 4. Thermal simulation experiment results of shale samples from Yanchang Formation in Ordos Basin
样品 w(TOC)/% S1/(mg·g-1) S2/(mg·g-1) Ro/% 总产量/(kg·t-1) 产油量/(kg·t-1) 产气量/(m3·t-1) (油/总资源当量)/% 残留S2/(mg·g-1) IH, pd/(mg·g-1) IH, end/(mg·g-1) LI 38-1 23.70 4.06 79.88 0.8 54 36 22.50 66.67 29.94 337.05 126.33 LI 38-2 23.70 4.06 79.88 0.8 65 47 22.50 72.31 18.94 337.05 79.92 HJF-out 24.73 6.29 115.62 0.5 73 52 26.00 71.23 48.91 467.53 197.78 平均值 24.04 4.80 91.79 0.7 64 45 23.67 70.07 32.60 380.54 134.67 表 5 中国典型层系页岩油资源潜力
Table 5. Shale oil resource potential of typical formations in China
盆地 层系 页岩油类型 面积/km2 平均厚度/m 资源丰度/(104 t·km-2) 单储系数/(104 t·km-2·m-1) 地质资源量/108 t 鄂尔多斯盆地 延长组长73亚段 夹层 17 006 8.3 16.3 1.96 27.73 纯页岩 24 724 32.6 15.8 0.48 39.07 原位转化 16 932 27.8 204.2 7.35 345.80 松辽盆地北部 青山口组一段 夹层型 650 8.0 48.5 6.06 3.15 青山口组二段 夹层型 840 25.0 66.2 2.65 5.56 青山口组一段 纯页岩 14 481 34.3 36.1 1.05 52.23 嫩江组 原位转化 8 166 47.7 323.2 6.80 263.90 准噶尔盆地吉木萨尔凹陷 芦草沟组 夹层(上甜点) 518 12.7 92.5 7.28 4.79 夹层(下甜点) 910 14.5 79.1 5.46 7.20 纯页岩 828 204.7 43.8 0.21 3.63 原位转化 516 12.5 126.0 10.08 6.50 注:本文资源量定义采用《油气矿产资源储量分类:GB/T 19492-2004》标准,下同。 表 6 中国页岩油资源潜力
Table 6. Shale oil resource potential in China
类型 盆地/层系 地质资源量/108/t 可采资源量/108 t 可采系数/% 经济性 纯页岩油 鄂尔多斯/长73亚段 39.1 2.0 5 除青山口组高演化、高含气页岩油外,其他部分目前还不具备经济开采价值 松辽北部/青山口组一段 52.2 4.7 9 准噶尔/芦草沟组 3.6 0.2 5 其他 50.5 2.5 5 合计 145.4 9.4 6.5 夹层页岩油 鄂尔多斯/长73亚段 27.7 2.2 8 资源较集中的层系已初步具备经济开采价值 松辽北部/青山口组一段、二段 8.7 0.6 7 准噶尔/芦草沟组 12.0 1 8 其他 46.7 3.3 7 合计 95.1 7.1 7.5 原位转化页岩油 鄂尔多斯/长73亚段 345.8 224.8 65 今后5年到10年,科学技术获得重大突破后,这部分资源才真正具备开采价值 松辽北部/嫩江组 263.9 171.5 65 准噶尔/芦草沟组 6.5 4.2 64 其他 92.0 59.8 65 合计 708.2 460.3 65 -
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