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任官宝 陈雷 计玉冰 程青松

任官宝, 陈雷, 计玉冰, 程青松. 昭通东北地区五峰组-龙马溪组龙一1亚段页岩岩相类型及其储层特征[J]. 石油实验地质, 2023, 45(3): 443-454. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202303443
引用本文: 任官宝, 陈雷, 计玉冰, 程青松. 昭通东北地区五峰组-龙马溪组龙一1亚段页岩岩相类型及其储层特征[J]. 石油实验地质, 2023, 45(3): 443-454. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202303443
REN Guanbao, CHEN Lei, JI Yubing, CHENG Qingsong. Shale lithofacies types and reservoir characteristics from Ordovician Wufeng Formation to the first sub-member of the first member of Silurian Longmaxi Formation, northeast Zhaotong area[J]. PETROLEUM GEOLOGY & EXPERIMENT, 2023, 45(3): 443-454. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202303443
Citation: REN Guanbao, CHEN Lei, JI Yubing, CHENG Qingsong. Shale lithofacies types and reservoir characteristics from Ordovician Wufeng Formation to the first sub-member of the first member of Silurian Longmaxi Formation, northeast Zhaotong area[J]. PETROLEUM GEOLOGY & EXPERIMENT, 2023, 45(3): 443-454. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202303443


doi: 10.11781/sysydz202303443

国家自然科技基金青年科学基金项目 41602147

中国石油—西南石油大学创新联合体科技合作项目 2020CX020000


    任官宝(2000—),男,硕士生,从事页岩气储层研究。E-mail: 2843153762@qq.com


    陈雷(1985—), 男, 博士, 副教授, 从事非常规油气地质、碳酸盐岩沉积与储层等研究。E-mail: cl211@126.com

  • 中图分类号: TE122.23

Shale lithofacies types and reservoir characteristics from Ordovician Wufeng Formation to the first sub-member of the first member of Silurian Longmaxi Formation, northeast Zhaotong area

  • 摘要: 页岩岩相对页岩储层有着重要的影响,一定程度上控制着页岩的生烃能力、储集和压裂性能。基于岩心、薄片、X射线衍射及各类地化测试数据,对昭通东北地区上奥陶统五峰组—下志留统龙马溪组页岩岩相特征、储层特征和评价进行了研究。研究区主要发育含灰/硅混合质页岩相、混合质页岩相、含黏土/硅混合质页岩相、混合硅质页岩相、含黏土硅质页岩相,南部与北部岩相纵向分布存在差异,南部五峰组—龙一1亚段岩相呈现出从黏土质页岩相组合向硅质页岩相组合再向混合质页岩相组合过渡的特征,北部呈现出从混合质页岩相组合向硅质页岩相组合再向混合质页岩相组合的过渡趋势;横向上岩相展布非均质性强,连续性差。不同岩相储层特征存在差异,硅质页岩储层性能较好,具有有机碳(TOC)含量高、含气量高、脆性矿物含量高的特征;黏土质页岩TOC含量和含气量较高,但脆性矿物含量极低;混合质页岩储层性质复杂,总体上硅质含量高的混合质页岩储层性质较好。基于TOC含量、含气量、脆性矿物含量,利用层次分析法和熵值法相结合的方法,建立了页岩岩相评价标准,确定了优势岩相,研究区混合硅质页岩相、含灰硅质页岩相和含灰/硅混合质页岩相为Ⅰ类优势岩相;含黏土硅质页岩相、混合质页岩相和含黏土/硅混合质页岩相为Ⅱ类优势岩相;混合黏土质页岩相和含硅黏土质页岩相为非优势岩相。


  • 图  1  昭通东北地区区域构造地质图与岩性柱状图


    Figure  1.  Regional tectonic geological map and lithologic histogram of northeast Zhaotong area

    图  2  昭通东北地区奥陶系五峰组—志留系龙一1亚段页岩岩相划分三端元图


    Figure  2.  Three terminal diagram of shale lithofacies division from Ordovician Wufeng Formation to the first section of the first member of Silurian Longmaxi Formation in northeast Zhaotong area

    图  3  昭通东北地区奥陶系五峰组—志留系龙一1亚段页岩主要岩相岩心特征

    a.M-1,发育水平层理,YS4井,1 638.86~1 639.19 m,2小层;b.M-1,发育笔石,YS6井,1 998.34~1 998.49 m,3小层;c.M-2,发育直管笔石,YS4井,1 647.47~1 647.48 m,五峰组;d.M-2,发育大量被方解石充填的高角度缝,YS4井,1 648.66~1 648.71 m,五峰组;e.M-4,可见水平层理和被方解石充填的高角度裂缝,YS4井,1 622.04~1 622.16 m,4小层;f.S-2,可见厚约1 cm的黄铁矿条带,YS6井,2 004.73~2 004.77 m,3小层;g.S-2,发育笔石,YS6井,2 004.73~2 004.77 m,3小层;h.S-4,层理发育程度差,YS4井,1 635.84~1 636.20 m,3小层;i.S-4,发育笔石,YS4井,1 635.84~1 636.20 m,3小层

    Figure  3.  Core characteristics of main shale lithofacies from Ordovician Wufeng Formation to the first section of the first member of Silurian Longmaxi Formation in northeast Zhaotong area

    图  4  昭通东北地区奥陶系五峰组—志留系龙一1亚段页岩主要岩相镜下特征

    a.M-1,可见棘皮碎屑,YS4井,1 644.29 m,1小层,单偏光;b.M-1,可见未充填的微裂缝,YS8井,1 984.62 m,2小层,单偏光;c.M-2,微裂缝发育,Y3井,1 068.1 m,3小层,单偏光;d.M-2,硅质纹层与黏土纹层互层,Y5井,1 659.96 m,4小层,单偏光;e.M-4,碳质条带呈定向排列,部分碳质条带半充填于微裂缝中,YS4井,1 619.71 m,4小层,单偏光;f.S-2,发育近圆形碳质颗粒,石英颗粒磨圆度较高,YS4井,1 640.98 m,2小层,单偏光;g.S-2,可见近圆形黄铁矿和碳质条带,YS4井,1 624.84 m,4小层,正交光;h.S-4,较发育黄铁矿,可见黄铁矿呈条带状分布,YS4井,1 636.39 m,2小层,单偏光;i.S-4,可见未被充填的微裂缝,YS5井,1 081.23 m,3小层,单偏光

    Figure  4.  Microscopic characteristics of main shale lithofacies from Ordovician Wufeng Formation to the first section of the first member of Silurian Longmaxi Formation in northeast Zhaotong area

    图  5  昭通东北地区Y4井奥陶系五峰组—志留系龙一1亚段岩相柱状图

    Figure  5.  Lithofacies histogram from Ordovician Wufeng Formation to the first section of the first member of Silurian Longmaxi Formation, well Y4, northeast Zhaotong area

    图  6  昭通东北地区YS8井奥陶系五峰组—志留系龙一1亚段岩相柱状图

    Figure  6.  Lithofacies histogram from Ordovician Wufeng Formation to the first section of the first member of Silurian Longmaxi Formation, well YS8, northeast Zhaotong area

    图  7  昭通东北地区奥陶系五峰组—志留系龙一1亚段南西—北东向岩相连井剖面

    Figure  7.  SW-NE lithofacies cross section from Ordovician Wufeng Formation to the first section of the first member of Silurian Longmaxi Formation, northeast Zhaotong area

    图  8  昭通东北地区奥陶系五峰组—志留系龙一1亚段不同岩相TOC含量、含气量和脆性矿物含量柱状图


    Figure  8.  TOC content, gas content and brittle mineral content histogram of different lithofacies from Ordovician Wufeng Formation to the first section of the first member of Silurian Longmaxi Formation, northeast Zhaotong area

    图  9  优势岩相划分的层次结构模型

    Figure  9.  Hierarchical structure model of dominant lithofacies division

    表  1  判断矩阵标度

    Table  1.   Judgement matrix scale

    Aij 含义
    1 AiAj相比,同等重要
    3 AiAj稍微重要
    5 AiAj较强重要
    7 AiAj强烈重要
    9 AiAj绝对重要
    2,4,6,8 两相邻判断的中间值
    下载: 导出CSV

    表  2  随机一致性RI表格

    Table  2.   Random consistency (RI) table

    n 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
    RI 0.52 0.89 1.12 1.26 1.36 1.41 1.46 1.49 1.52 1.54
    下载: 导出CSV

    表  3  昭通东北地区奥陶系五峰组—志留系龙一1亚段不同岩相评价指标(AECS)及评价结果

    Table  3.   AECS and evaluation results of different shale lithofacies from Ordovician Wufeng Formation to the first section of the first member of Silurian Longmaxi Formation, northeast Zhaotong area

    岩相类型 TOC平均含量/% 平均含气量/(m3·t-1) 脆性矿物平均含量/% AECS 评价结果
    含灰硅质页岩相(S-3) 3.77 2.68 75.5 12.45
    混合硅质页岩相(S-2) 3.67 2.80 75.7 12.47
    含灰/硅混合质页岩相(M-1) 3.66 2.58 73.4 12.09
    含黏土硅质页岩相(S-4) 3.17 2.20 68.9 11.14
    混合质页岩相(M-2) 3.34 2.45 63.3 10.61
    含黏土/硅混合质页岩相(M-4) 2.86 2.46 62.0 10.21
    含硅黏土质页岩相(CM-4) 3.06 2.94 30.3 6.47 非优势
    混合黏土质页岩相(CM-2) 2.60 2.70 22.8 5.20
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