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钱英强 杨雪 刘晓强 李美俊 陈泽琴 薛英

钱英强, 杨雪, 刘晓强, 李美俊, 陈泽琴, 薛英. 烟道气驱替石英狭缝孔中页岩气的分子模拟[J]. 石油实验地质, 2023, 45(3): 560-565. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202303560
引用本文: 钱英强, 杨雪, 刘晓强, 李美俊, 陈泽琴, 薛英. 烟道气驱替石英狭缝孔中页岩气的分子模拟[J]. 石油实验地质, 2023, 45(3): 560-565. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202303560
QIAN Yingqiang, YANG Xue, LIU Xiaoqiang, LI Meijun, CHEN Zeqin, XUE Ying. Molecular simulation of the displacement of shale gas in quartz slit by flue gas[J]. PETROLEUM GEOLOGY & EXPERIMENT, 2023, 45(3): 560-565. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202303560
Citation: QIAN Yingqiang, YANG Xue, LIU Xiaoqiang, LI Meijun, CHEN Zeqin, XUE Ying. Molecular simulation of the displacement of shale gas in quartz slit by flue gas[J]. PETROLEUM GEOLOGY & EXPERIMENT, 2023, 45(3): 560-565. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202303560


doi: 10.11781/sysydz202303560

四川省科技计划项目 2020YJ0342

四川省自然科学基金 2022NSFSC0182


    钱英强(1998—),男,硕士生,从事非常规及复杂油气藏分子模拟。E-mail: yqqian@petalmail.com


    陈泽琴(1976—),女,博士,教授,从事非常规及复杂油气藏分子模拟。E-mail: chenzeqin19@cdut.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: TE357.7

Molecular simulation of the displacement of shale gas in quartz slit by flue gas

  • 摘要: 为了探究石英狭缝孔中烟道气封存联合页岩气采收技术的效率,采用巨正则蒙特卡洛(GCMC)和分子动力学(MD)模拟探讨了地质埋深、地层水含量和烟道气注入比例对烟道气(CO2/N2)驱替石英狭缝孔中页岩气(CH4)效率的影响。通过系统分析各组分的密度分布、负载量、吸附热和相互作用能,确定了各组分的吸附机理和CH4的采收率。混合组分中CH4和N2的负载量(ΓCH4ΓN2)与地层水含量呈负相关。随着地质埋深的增大,ΓCH4ΓN2迅速增大,在埋深达到2 400 m后趋于平缓。CO2的负载量(ΓCO2)在埋深2 400 m出现最大值;在埋深小于2 400 m时,ΓCO2与地层水含量呈正相关;埋深大于2 400 m后,ΓCO2与地层水含量呈负相关。CH4的采收率在埋深400~600 m处出现最大值,并随烟道气中CO2摩尔分数的增大而增大,表明烟道气中的CO2对CH4有较强的驱替能力。


  • 图  1  石英狭缝中混合组分CH4、CO2和N2的密度随地质埋深(a)和CO2的摩尔分数(b)变化规律

    Figure  1.  Density distributions of mixed CH4, CO2 and N2 in quartz slit varying with burial depth (a) and mole fraction of CO2 (b)

    图  2  石英狭缝中混合组分CH4(a)、CO2 (b)和N2 (c)的负载量随地质埋深、地层水含量和烟道气注入比例的变化规律

    Figure  2.  Loadings of mixed CH4 (a), CO2 (b) and N2 (c) in quartz slit varying with burial depth, formation water content and injected flue gas ratio

    图  3  石英狭缝中混合组分CH4、CO2和N2的吸附热(Qst)随地质埋深和地层水含量的变化规律

    Figure  3.  Adsorption heats (Qst) of mixed CH4, CO2 and N2 in quartz slit varying with burial depth and formation water content

    图  4  石英狭缝中混合组分CH4、CO2和N2与孔壁的相互作用能(E)随地质埋深的变化规律

    Figure  4.  Interaction energies (E) of mixed CH4, CO2 and N2 in quartz slit with wall varying with burial depth

    图  5  CH4的采收率(η)随CO2的摩尔分数(a)和地层水含量(b)的变化规律

    Figure  5.  Recovery efficiencies (η) of CH4 varying with CO2 mole fraction (a) and formation water content (b)

    表  1  渤海湾盆地东北海区不同地质埋深(Bd)对应的温度(T)和压力(P)[21]

    Table  1.   Temperatures and pressures at different burial depths in the northeast sea area of Bohai Bay Basin

    Bd/m T/K P/MPa Bd/m T/K P/MPa Bd/m T/K P/MPa
    200 297.75 2.00 2 200 349.75 22.00 4 200 393.99 42.00
    400 306.55 4.00 2 400 352.95 24.00 4 400 398.15 44.00
    600 314.55 6.00 2 600 357.83 26.00 4 600 402.23 46.00
    800 321.75 8.00 2 800 362.63 28.00 4 800 406.23 48.00
    1 000 328.15 10.00 3 000 367.35 30.00 5 000 410.15 50.00
    1 200 333.75 12.00 3 200 371.99 32.00 5 200 415.03 52.00
    1 400 338.55 14.00 3 400 376.55 34.00 5 400 419.37 54.00
    1 600 342.55 16.00 3 600 381.03 36.00 5 600 424.23 56.00
    1 800 345.75 18.00 3 800 385.43 38.00 5 800 428.51 58.00
    2 000 348.15 20.00 4 000 389.75 40.00 6 000 433.35 60.00
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