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王剑 高崇龙 白雷 向宝力 刘金 鲜本忠 连丽霞 刘可

王剑, 高崇龙, 白雷, 向宝力, 刘金, 鲜本忠, 连丽霞, 刘可. 准噶尔盆地南缘西段白垩系清水河组储层成岩作用及孔隙演化[J]. 石油实验地质, 2023, 45(4): 632-645. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202304632
引用本文: 王剑, 高崇龙, 白雷, 向宝力, 刘金, 鲜本忠, 连丽霞, 刘可. 准噶尔盆地南缘西段白垩系清水河组储层成岩作用及孔隙演化[J]. 石油实验地质, 2023, 45(4): 632-645. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202304632
WANG Jian, GAO Chonglong, BAI Lei, XIANG Baoli, LIU Jin, XIAN Benzhong, LIAN Lixia, LIU Ke. Diagenesis and pore evolution of Cretaceous Qingshuihe Formation reservoir in western section of southern margin of Junggar Basin[J]. PETROLEUM GEOLOGY & EXPERIMENT, 2023, 45(4): 632-645. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202304632
Citation: WANG Jian, GAO Chonglong, BAI Lei, XIANG Baoli, LIU Jin, XIAN Benzhong, LIAN Lixia, LIU Ke. Diagenesis and pore evolution of Cretaceous Qingshuihe Formation reservoir in western section of southern margin of Junggar Basin[J]. PETROLEUM GEOLOGY & EXPERIMENT, 2023, 45(4): 632-645. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202304632


doi: 10.11781/sysydz202304632

国家科技重大专项 2017ZX05008-004-008

新疆维吾尔自治区重点实验室开放课题 2017D04023



  • 中图分类号: TE122.2

Diagenesis and pore evolution of Cretaceous Qingshuihe Formation reservoir in western section of southern margin of Junggar Basin

  • 摘要: 准噶尔盆地南缘西段白垩系清水河组具有十分优越的油气勘探前景,系统研究其成岩作用特征及孔隙演化过程,明确有利储层发育区,可以为后期油气精细勘探评价提供指导。基于普通薄片、铸体薄片、全岩X衍射、粒度、扫描电镜、碳酸盐胶结物碳氧同位素与流体包裹体分析,综合研究准南西段清水河组成岩特征及其孔隙演化过程,并进一步探讨了不同成岩相间的储层孔隙演化过程差异。研究表明:(1)研究区清水河组储层以砂砾岩为主,岩屑含量高,平均占比65.97%,并以凝灰岩岩屑为主。胶结物主要为方解石。储层平均孔隙度为6.2%,平均渗透率为7.45×10-3 μm2,整体表现为低孔—低渗型的致密储层,但局部仍有优质储层发育;(2)储层埋藏方式以长期浅埋—晚期快速深埋为特征,并可进一步划分出长期浅埋、构造抬升至近地表、正常深埋和快速深埋4个演化阶段。其中在长期浅埋、构造抬升至近地表、正常深埋阶段储层成岩演化处于早成岩A期,而快速深埋阶段储层处于早成岩B期—中成岩A期;(3)清水河组储层可划分出4种典型成岩相,即强压实相、钙质/铁泥质强胶结相、凝灰质充填—弱溶蚀相和弱压实—孔隙发育相,并以成岩相为约束建立准噶尔盆地南缘清水河组碎屑岩储层孔隙演化模式。弱压实—孔隙发育相为优质储层成岩相类型,其次为凝灰质充填—弱溶蚀相。


  • 图  1  准噶尔盆地南缘西段研究区构造位置及其深层—超深层地层特征


    Figure  1.  Tectonic location and stratigraphic characteristics of the deep and ultra-deep formations in the studied area in the western section of the southern margin of the Junggar Basin

    图  2  准噶尔盆地南缘西段高泉地区白垩系清水河组岩石学特征

    Figure  2.  Petrological characteristics of Cretaceous Qingshuihe Formation in Gaoquan area in the western section of the southern margin of the Junggar Basin

    图  3  准噶尔盆地南缘西段高泉地区白垩系清水河组储层物性特征

    Figure  3.  Physical properties of Cretaceous Qingshuihe Formation reservoir in Gaoquan area in the western section of the southern margin of the Junggar Basin

    图  4  准噶尔盆地南缘西段高泉地区清水河组砂砾岩储层成岩作用

    a.GHW001井,5 826.96 m,颗粒间以线接触为主;b.GQ5井,6 051.96 m,塑性云母压实变形;c.GHW001井,5 831.6 m,多个颗粒边缘发育石英次生加大边;d.GQ5井,6 051m,与粒间杂基混杂的自生微晶石英;e.GHW001井,5 833.96 m,与粒间火山灰混杂的孤立“斑状”方解石;f.GHW001井,5 825 m,粗晶方解石,形态呈脉状;g.GHW001井,5 825 m,铁方解石交代方解石;h.GHW001井,5 829.77 m,早期“斑状”黄铁矿(反射光);i.GQ5井,6 081.96 m,晚期“草莓状”黄铁矿;j.G101井,6 020.83 m,赤铁矿化杂基(反射光);k.GQ5井,6 051.96 m,叶片状绿泥石(Ch);l.GHW001井,5 833.84 m,与杂基伴生的高岭石(K);m.GHW001井,5 824.19 m,“蜂窝状”伊/蒙混层(I/S);n.GQ5井,6 051.34 m,环颗粒边缘绿泥石与微晶石英;o.GHW001井,5 829.04 m,凝灰岩岩屑斑晶溶蚀;p.GHW001井,5 829.04 m,颗粒间凝灰质杂基呈“片条状”溶蚀。

    Figure  4.  Diagenesis of the glutenite reservoir of Cretaceous Qingshuihe Formation in Gaoquan area in the western section of the southern margin of the Junggar Basin

    图  5  准噶尔盆地南缘西段高泉地区GHW001井清水河组砂砾岩不同期次石英加大边特征

    Figure  5.  Characteristics of quartz overgrowth edge in different stages of Cretaceous Qingshuihe Formation of well GHW001 in Gaoquan area in the western section of the southern margin of the Junggar Basin

    图  6  准噶尔盆地南缘西段高泉地区GHW001井清水河组砂砾岩不同期次方解石胶结物特征

    a.5 832.84 m,Ⅰ期方解石胶结物产状及能谱元素含量;b.5 833.96 m,Ⅱ期方解石胶结物产状及其能谱元素含量;五角星为能谱打点位置。

    Figure  6.  Characteristics of calcite cements of different stages in glutenite in Cretaceous Qingshuihe Formation in well GHW001 in Gaoquan area in the western section of the southern margin of the Junggar Basin

    图  7  准噶尔盆地南缘西段高泉地区清水河组碳酸盐胶结物的成因图版

    据文献[23]修改。A.有机质热成熟脱羧成因;B.大气淡水淋滤成因;C. 无机碳酸盐岩重溶成因;D.岩浆作用成因;E.浅埋细菌生物气成因。

    Figure  7.  Genetic mechanism of carbonate cements of Cretaceous Qingshuihe Formation in Gaoquan area in the western section of the southern margin of the Junggar Basin

    图  8  准噶尔盆地南缘西段高泉地区GHW001井清水河组流体包裹体特征与均一温度

    a.5 820.29 m,石英次生微裂缝中的天然气包裹体及伴生的盐水包裹体; b.5 825.36 m,石英次生微裂缝中的盐水包裹体; c.5 828.19 m,石英加大边微裂隙中的盐水包裹体; d.5 828.19 m,石英加大边中的盐水包裹体; e.石英次生微裂缝中的盐水包裹体均一温度; f.石英加大边中的盐水包裹体均一温度;NGI.天然气包裹体,AI.盐水包裹体。

    Figure  8.  Fluid inclusion characteristics and homogenization temperature of Cretaceous Qingshuihe Formation of well GHW001 in Gaoquan area in the western section of the southern margin of the Junggar Basin

    图  9  准噶尔盆地南缘西段高泉地区清水河组不同岩性储层平均孔隙度和平均渗透率特征

    Figure  9.  Characteristics of average porosity and average permeability of pores of Cretaceous Qingshuihe Formation reservoirs with different lithology in Gaoquan area in the western section of the southern margin of the Junggar Basin

    图  10  准噶尔盆地南缘西段高泉地区清水河组埋藏演化史及成岩演化序列

    Figure  10.  Burial evolution history and diagenetic evolution sequence of Cretaceous Qingshuihe Formation in Gaoquan area in the western section of the southern margin of the Junggar Basin

    图  11  准噶尔盆地南缘西段高泉地区清水河组不同成岩相特征

    a.G103井,5 905.9 m,粒间孔隙不发育,颗粒间存在凹凸接触;b.G103井,5 905.9 m,粒间孔隙不发育,仅残留少量粒缘缝;c.G103井,5 905.9 m,粒间凝灰质杂基发生水云母化;d.G101井,6 018.6 m,清水河组,方解石强胶结;e.G101井,6 020.83 m,方解石与赤铁矿化杂基(简称铁泥质)充填粒间孔隙;f.G101井,6 018.6 m,方解石与赤铁矿化杂基(简称铁泥质)充填粒间孔隙;g.GHW001井,5 829.32 m,凝灰质杂基充填孔隙,局部可见溶蚀现象;h.GHW001井,5 830.65 m,粒间凝灰质杂基呈“蜂窝状”溶蚀;i.GHW001井,5 833.96 m,方解石充填凝灰质杂基溶孔;j.GHW001井,5 825.36 m,原生粒间孔隙发育,颗粒以点—线接触为主;k.GHW001井,5 825.64 m,颗粒以点—线接触为主;l.粒间孔隙发育,孔隙内部较为干净。

    Figure  11.  Characteristics of different diagenetic facies of Cretaceous Qingshuihe Formation in Gaoquan area in the western section of the southern margin of the Junggar Basin

    图  12  准噶尔盆地南缘西段高泉地区清水河组储层面孔率—孔隙度关系

    Figure  12.  Relationship between surface porosity factor and porosity of Cretaceous Qingshuihe Formation in Gaoquan area in the western section of the southern margin of the Junggar Basin

    图  13  准噶尔盆地南缘西段高泉地区清水河组不同成岩相孔隙演化模式

    a.G103井,5 905.9 m,强压实相;b.G101井,6 018.6 m,钙质、铁泥质强胶结相;c.GHW001井,5 829.32 m,凝灰质充填—弱溶蚀相;d.GHW001井,5 825.36 m,弱压实—孔隙发育相。

    Figure  13.  Pore evolution model of different diagenetic facies of Cretaceous Qingshuihe Formation in Gaoquan area in the western section of the southern margin of the Junggar Basin

    表  1  准噶尔盆地南缘西段高泉地区清水河组不同相带物性特征

    Table  1.   Physical properties of different facies of Cretaceous Qingshuihe Formation in Gaoquan area in the western section of the southern margin of the Junggar Basin

    岩性 孔隙度/% 渗透率/10-3 μm2 沉积微相 样品数
    砂砾岩(砾岩) 1.2~26.1(8.2) 0.019~67.7(8.7) 分流河道 21
    砂岩 0.6~15.5(5.5) 0.05~12.6(2.4) 河口坝 9
    粉砂岩 0.6~10.5(4.3) 0.01~8.1(0.8) 席状砂/远砂坝 5
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