Fine-grained sedimentary characteristics and evolution model of Permian Fengcheng Formation in Hashan area, Junggar Basin
摘要: 准噶尔盆地西北缘哈山地区地质条件复杂,勘探难度大,明确该地区二叠系风城组烃源岩沉积与演化特征对拓展盆缘油气勘探具有重要意义。基于全岩XRD、元素地球化学、有机质丰度、薄片鉴定和岩相组合特征,开展了玛湖凹陷和哈山地区风城组沉积特征与岩性、岩相组合差异分析,恢复了该区古沉积环境演化序列,建立了古沉积演化模式。哈山地区风城组岩相组合特征及古沉积环境演化序列与玛湖凹陷高度相似,整体为火山背景下的碱湖多源混合细粒沉积建造,发育多种岩相组合,沉积古环境具有阶段性演化特征。哈山地区风二段典型碱性矿物的大量出现,揭示该地区发育除玛湖凹陷外的另一湖盆中心。风一段沉积时湖平面相对较高,水体盐度较低,气候半干旱,火山沉积发育,岩相以含有机质块状凝灰岩为主;风二下段沉积时湖盆开始萎缩,气候相对更干旱,水体开始变咸,环境更局限,岩相以富有机质层状云质泥岩为主;风二段顶部和风三段下部沉积时环境相对最封闭,水体盐度大,发育大量碱性矿物,岩相以富有机质纹层状含碱云质泥岩和富有机质纹层状混合质页岩为主;风三段上部沉积时陆源碎屑输入增多,咸化减弱,发育扇三角洲沉积体系,岩相以含有机质块状粉细砂岩为主。风城组沉积环境控制了有机质的富集程度,总体上,碎屑输入少、温暖湿润、盐度相对较小的深水环境更有利于有机质富集。Abstract: The geological conditions of Hashan area on the northwestern margin of the Junggar Basin are complicated and it is difficult to explore. It is of great significance to clarify the sedimentary and evolutionary characte-ristics of source rocks in the Permian Fengcheng Formation in this area for expanding oil and gas exploration on the basin margin. Based on the analysis of whole-rock XRD, elemental geochemistry, organic matter abundance, thin section identification, and lithofacies association characteristics, this paper conducted a comparative analysis of the sedimentary characteristics, lithology, and lithofacies association characteristics of the Fengcheng Formation in the Mahu Sag and Hashan area, restored the ancient sedimentary environment evolution sequence in the study area, and established a model of ancient sedimentary evolution. The research results show that the lithofacies association characteristics and ancient sedimentary environment evolution sequence of the Fengcheng Formation in the Hashan area are highly similar to those in the Mahu Sag, which are generally fine-grained sediments mixed from multiple sources in an alkaline lake with a volcanic background, and various lithofacies associations are developed. The sedimentary paleoenvironment has phased evolution characteristics. The large number of typical alkaline minerals in the second member of Fengcheng Formation in Hashan area reveals the development of another lake basin center in addition to the Mahu Sag. During the deposition of the first member of Fengcheng Formation (P1f1), the lake level was relatively higher, the water salinity was low, the climate was semi-arid, and volcanic sedimentation was developed, with lithofacies mainly composed of organic-rich blocky tuffaceous limestone. In the lower part of the second member of Fengcheng Formation (P1f2), the basin began to shrink, the climate became relatively drier, the water became saltier, the environment became more limited, and the lithofacies were mainly organic-rich layered dolomitic mudstone. In the top of the P1f2 and the lower part of the third member of Fengcheng Formation (P1f3), the environment was relatively closed, the water salinity was higher, a large number of alkaline minerals were developed, and the lithofacies were mainly organic-rich layered alkaline dolomitic mudstone and organic-rich layered mixed shale. In the upper part of P1f3, the input of terrigenous debris increased, salinization weakened, a fan-delta system was developed, and the lithofacies were mainly organic-rich blocky fine sandstone. The sedimentary environment of the Fengcheng Formation has a controlling effect on organic matter enrichment. Overall, a deep-water environment with less input of debris, warm and humid conditions, and relatively lower salinity is more conducive to organic matter enrichment.
Key words:
- fine-grained sediment /
- lithofacies /
- sedimentary environment /
- Fengcheng Formation /
- Hasan area /
- Junggar Basin /
图 2 准噶尔盆地哈山地区二叠系风城组典型岩石和矿物
a.灰色含砾细砂岩,HSX1井,P1f3,3 305.5 m;b.灰白色层状含碱泥岩,HS5井,P1f2,4 640.8 m;c.白色盐岩(纯碱),HS5井,P1f2,4 797 m;d.灰白色块状泥质白云岩,HSX4井,P1f2,2 175 m;e.灰色纹层状砂/灰混积岩,HS5井,P1f2,4 458 m;f.灰黑色块状杏仁状玄武岩,HS5井,P1f1,5 475 m。
Figure 2. Typical rocks and minerals of Permian Fengcheng Formation in Hashan area, Junggar Basin
图 4 准噶尔盆地哈山地区二叠系风城组主要岩相类型、特征及纵向分布
a.HSX1,3 347.5 m,P1f3,富有机质纹层状粉砂质页岩,单偏光;b.为a不同视域下照片,单偏光;c.为a不同视域下照片,正交偏光;d. HS1,2 099 m,P1f2,富有机质纹层状砂/灰混合质页岩;e-f.为d不同视域下照片,正交偏光;g.HS5,4 457 m,P1f2,含有机质层状碱质泥岩,单偏光;h.为g同视域正交偏光照片;i.HS5,P1f2,4 644.8 m,含白云石凝灰质硅硼钠石盐岩;j.HQ6,2 542.1 m,P1f2,含有机质块状泥质白云岩,单偏光;k-l.为j同视域正交偏光照片;m.HQ6,1 563.8 m,P1f3,含有机质块状含凝灰细粉砂岩,正交偏光;n.为m同视域单偏光照片;o.HS5,P1f1,5 137.51 m,沉凝灰岩,单偏光;p.HSX1,P1f1,4 293.5 m,安山岩,正交偏光;q.HSX1,P1f1,4 293.5 m,安山岩,单偏光;r.HSX1,P1f1,4 294.5 m,安山岩,正交偏光;s.HS5,P1f1,5 474 m,杏仁状玄武岩,单偏光;t.为s杏仁状隐晶质—玻璃质斑晶,正交偏光;u.为s长柱状—板条状斜长石微晶基质,正交偏光。
Figure 4. Main lithofacies types, characteristics and vertical distribution of Permian Fengcheng Formation in Hashan area, Junggar Basin
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