Hydrothermal dissolution of deep-buried carbonate rocks and its significance for hydrocarbon exploration in Shunnan area, the Tarim Basin: taking well Peng-1 in Shunnan area as a case
摘要: 为揭示深层碳酸盐岩储层的成因机理,对塔里木盆地顺南地区蓬1井进行了研究。顺南蓬1井取心段揭示,在埋深超过7 500 m的碳酸盐岩中发育有大量的裂缝和溶蚀孔洞,基于详细的岩心观察和描述发现这些溶蚀孔洞主要分布在取心段下部上寒武统白云岩中,而在取心段上部下奥陶统碳酸盐岩中很少。溶蚀孔洞的直径随埋藏深度的增加逐渐增大,表明这些孔洞是由来源于深部的热流体而非大气淡水下渗溶蚀形成的。各成岩矿物(白云岩、方解石)与宿主围岩具有相似的碳同位素值和87Sr/86Sr比值,说明成岩流体与原始碳酸盐岩发生了强烈的水—岩反应,主要继承了原始封存的孔隙水的地球化学特征。但是,明显偏负的氧同位素值(平均-13.26‰)表明它们形成于较高温度的成岩流体中,这一推论也得到了流体包裹体显微测温的证实,表明白云岩的重结晶和随后方解石的沉淀都与断裂相关的深部热流体密切相关。此外,全直径CT扫描揭示,裂缝可以明显改善热液白云石化作用形成的白云岩的储集性能,尤其是渗透率,至少提高一个数量级,即从0.02×10-3 μm2提高至0.39×10-3 μm2。鉴于塔深1井及古城地区具有相似的情况,塔里木盆地深层—超深层碳酸盐岩可能广泛发育热液相关的白云岩储层。因此,在塔里木盆地及其他地区未来的油气勘探中,热液改造型相关的白云岩储层值得重点关注。Abstract: In order to reveal the genetic mechanism of deep-buried carbonate reservoirs, a study was made based on well Peng-1 in Shunnan area of the Tarim Basin. The core section of well Peng-1 revealed that a large number of fractures and dissolution pores were developed in the carbonate rocks with buried depth of over 7 500 m. Based on detailed core observation and description, it was found that the dissolution pores were mainly distributed in the Upper Cambrian dolomites in the lower part of the core section and few in the Lower Ordovician carbonates in the upper part of the core section. The diameter of pores increases gradually with the increase of burial depth, which indicated that the pores were formed by infiltration of deep-seated hydrothermal fluids rather than meteoric water. The similar δ13C values and 87Sr/86Sr ratios of different types of minerals (including dolomite and calcite) with host rocks indicated that the diagenetic fluids inherited the geochemical characteristics of original sequestered pore water through intense water-rock action with the original carbonate rocks. However, the significantly negative δ18O values (with an average of -13.26 ‰) suggested that they were precipitated from fluids with high temperatures. This inference was verified by the results of fluid inclusion microthermometry, which confirmed that dolomite recrystallization and subsequent calcite precipitation were closely associated with fault-related deep-seated hydrothermal fluids. In addition, whole diameter CT scanning revealed that fractures can significantly improve the reservoir property and permeability of the dolomite formed by hydrothermal dolomitization. The permeability can be improved by at least one order of magnitude, i.e. from 0.02×10-3 μm2 to 0.39×10-3 μm2. Hydrothermal-related dolomite reservoirs may be extensively developed in the deep/ultra-deep buried carbonates in the Tarim Basin in view of the occurrence of such phenomenon in the well TS1 and Gucheng area. Thus, in the future hydrocarbon exploration in the Tarim Basin and elsewhere, hydrothermal-altered dolomite reservoirs deserve more attention.
图 1 塔里木盆地顺南地区构造位置(a)及地层综合柱状图(b)
Figure 1. Simplified geological map (a) and composite stratigraphic column (b) of Shunnan area, the Tarim Basin
图 2 塔里木盆地顺南地区蓬1井上寒武统—下奥陶统岩心宏观特征
a.粉细晶白云岩,发育高角度构造裂缝被方解石完全充填,蓬莱坝组,7 327.17~7 327.37 m;b.纹层状粉细晶白云岩,蓬莱坝组,7 332.94~7 333.14 m;c.浅灰色细晶白云岩,针孔状溶孔发育,下丘里塔格组,7 556.99~7 557.11 m;d.灰白色细—中晶白云岩,溶孔发育,形态不规则,下丘里塔格组,7 561.35~7 561.51m;e.深灰色细—中晶白云岩,蜂窝状溶孔发育,被鞍形白云石和方解石完全充填—半充填,下丘里塔格组,7 626.79~7 626.94 m。
Figure 2. Marcoscopic characteristics of the Upper Cambrian-Lower Ordovician cores from well Peng-1 in Shunnan area, the Tarim Basin
图 3 塔里木盆地顺南地区蓬1井上寒武统—下奥陶统岩心微观特征
a.粉细晶白云岩,蓬莱坝组,7 326.69 m,单偏光;b.残留的原始粪球粒,蓬莱坝组,7 330.92m,单偏光;c.粉细晶白云岩,裂缝被方解石充填,蓬莱坝组,7 326.52~7 326.62 m,阴极发光;d.细—中晶白云岩,镶嵌状接触,下丘里塔格组,7 559.9 m,单偏光;e-f.中粗晶白云岩,鞍形白云石和方解石充填溶蚀孔洞,下丘里塔格组,7 626.79~7 626.94 m,e为单偏光,f为阴极发光。
Figure 3. Microscopic characteristics of the Upper Cambrian-Lower Ordovician cores from well Peng-1 in Shunnan area, the Tarim Basin
表 1 塔里木盆地顺南地区蓬1井各成岩矿物碳、氧、锶同位素测试分析结果
Table 1. Isotopic data (δ13C, δ18O and 87Sr/86Sr ratios) of different types of minerals of well Peng-1 in Shunnan area, the Tarim Basin
样品编号 深度/m 岩性 δ13C/‰ δ18O/‰ 86Sr/87Sr ±2σ SHNP1-01 7 326.52~7 326.62 深灰色泥晶白云岩 -1.24 -8.27 0.709 375 0.000 017 裂缝方解石 -2.35 -13.12 0.709 112 0.000 013 裂缝方解石 -2.19 -13.31 SHNP1-02 7 327.37~7 327.56 浅灰色颗粒泥晶灰岩 -1.44 -12.58 0.709 080 0.000 018 裂缝方解石 -2.25 -13.32 0.709 224 0.000 013 裂缝方解石 -2.42 -13.31 SHNP1-03 7 626.79~7 626.94 灰色细晶白云岩 -1.12 -10.00 0.709 141 0.000 015 孔洞方解石 -2.53 -14.03 0.709 165 0.000 012 SHNP1-04 7 627.42~7 627.51 灰色细晶白云岩 -1.30 -10.55 0.708 956 0.000 016 鞍形白云石 -2.16 -12.40 0.709 516 0.000 009 表 2 塔里木盆地顺南地区蓬1井各成岩矿物流体包裹体显微测温结果
Table 2. Results of fluid inclusion microthermometry of different types of minerals of well Peng-1 in Shunnan area, the Tarim Basin
样号 矿物 个数 均一温度(Th)/℃ 冰点温度(Tm)/℃ 盐度/% 最小值 最大值 平均值 最小值 最大值 平均值 最小值 最大值 平均值 SHNP1-1 方解石 3 170.3 173.5 171.7 -28.9 -21.5 -24.9 23.4 28 25.5 2 160.9 160.9 160.9 -23.6 -23.2 -23.4 24.5 24.7 24.6 2 162.3 166.6 164.5 -23.1 -20.4 -21.8 22.6 24.4 23.5 5 173.1 176.3 174.5 -23.8 -21.9 -23.1 23.6 24.8 24.4 1 178.7 178.7 178.7 -22.9 -22.9 -22.9 24.3 24.3 24.3 3 168.5 179.8 175.0 -26.5 -23.4 -25.3 24.6 26.5 25.7 SHNP1-2 方解石 1 192.5 192.5 192.5 -24.6 -24.6 -24.6 25.3 25.3 25.3 2 185.6 193.5 189.6 -25.0 -25.0 -25.0 25.6 25.6 25.6 3 178.1 189.8 182.0 -24.8 -22.0 -23.7 24.0 25.5 24.8 5 172.5 187.3 179.8 -25.6 -18.3 -23.5 21.2 25.9 24.6 3 162.5 173.7 167.9 -24.3 -19.2 -21.8 21.8 25.1 23.5 4 158.8 164.4 162.4 -23.8 -22.5 -23.0 24.2 24.8 24.5 SHNP1-3 鞍形白云石 3 172.5 184.5 179.1 -20.7 -20.7 -20.7 22.8 22.8 22.8 4 186.1 197.8 191.1 -22.8 -19.9 -21.7 22.3 24.2 23.5 方解石 1 215.2 215.2 215.2 -21.2 -21.2 -21.2 23.2 23.2 23.2 2 206.1 210.1 208.1 -21.8 -21.8 -21.8 23.6 23.6 23.6 SHNP1-4 鞍形白云石 3 160.8 172.5 166.1 -20.2 -10.0 -16.4 13.9 22.5 19.4 1 178.5 178.5 178.5 -21.4 -21.4 -21.4 23.3 23.3 23.3 1 184.5 184.5 184.5 -27.9 -27.9 -27.9 27.4 27.4 27.4 石英 3 170.6 188.2 178.7 -14.4 -13.2 -13.8 17.1 18.1 17.6 5 188.2 188.5 188.3 -16.7 -12.9 -14.6 16.8 20.0 18.2 表 3 塔里木盆地顺南地区蓬1井寒武系下丘里塔格组储层特征测井解释
Table 3. Reservoir characteristics of Cambrian Lower Qiulitage Formation of well Peng-1 in Shunnan area of the Tarim Basin revealed by logging interpretation
地层 深度/m GR/API RT/(Ω·m) AC/(μs/ft) SH/% 孔隙度/% 渗透率/10-3 μm2 解释结论储层级别 3ql7 579~7 606 29.2~19 920~562 49.2~46.1 1.6 2.8 0.02 Ⅲ类 7 606~7 611.5 14.7~21.9 199~168 56.3~52.4 3.5 6.6 0.12~0.26 Ⅱ类 7 611.5~7 618 18.9~11.8 319~1 066 49.9~46.2 2.4 2.6~3.7 0.04~0.12 Ⅲ类 7 618~7 621 21.9~16.5 44.3~52.7 56.1~53.7 5.7 8.6 0.39 Ⅱ类 7 625~7 629.5 11.5~16.1 1 217~623 43.7~47.2 2.8 3.6 0.02 Ⅲ类 -
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