Progress and research direction of normal-pressure shale gas exploration and development in southeastern Chongqing
摘要: 四川盆地及其周缘发育高压和常压2种页岩气藏类型。近年来,中国石化华东油气分公司立足于渝东南盆缘复杂构造区及盆外褶皱带开展常压页岩气技术攻关,经过十余年的探索攻关,常压页岩气勘探开发取得了重大进展,形成了相对完善的常压页岩气地质理论认识及工程工艺技术系列。与高压页岩气相比,常压页岩气具有构造复杂、保存条件差异大、地应力变化快等特点,为加快对该类页岩气的勘探开发,从地质特征、富集规律、勘探开发效果等方面,系统总结了渝东南地区常压页岩气勘探开发进展及认识:①深水陆棚相控制常压页岩气优质页岩展布,多期构造作用控制了构造样式、裂缝及地应力差异性分布,保存条件具有自东向西、由南往北逐渐变好的变化规律;②构建了4种常压页岩气聚散模式,有效指导了勘探部署,盆缘地区落实了平桥、东胜、阳春沟3个千亿立方米增储区带,发现了南川常压页岩气田,盆外地区明确了武隆、道真、老厂坪等一批有利目标;③制定了常压页岩气开发技术政策,明确产能主控因素,实现了效益开发。通过系统总结渝东南地区前期成果认识和勘探开发经验,分析面临的挑战,明确了下步攻关方向,可为中国南方同类地区常压页岩气效益开发提供借鉴。Abstract: There are high-pressure shale gas reservoirs and normal-pressure shale gas reservoirs in the Sichuan Basin and its periphery. In recent years, SINOPEC East China Oil & Gas Company takes technical research for normal-pressure shale gas in the complex tectonic regions of basin margin and the fold belt outside Sichuan Basin in southeastern Chongqing, makes significant progress in exploration and development of normal-pressure shale gas, and forms relatively perfect geological theory and technology series of normal-pressure shale gas after more than ten years of research. The normal-pressure shale gas has the characteristics of complex structure, very different preservation condition, and complex in-situ stress compared with high-pressure shale gas. The exploration and development progress and cognition of normal-pressure shale gas in southeastern Chongqing are systematically summarized from geological characteristics, enrichment laws and exploration and development efficiency: (1)The continental shelf facies in deep-water shelf controls the high-quality shale distribution of normal-pressure shale gas, the multistage tectonism controls the differential distribution of tectonic types, fractures and in-situ stress, and the preservation condition becomes better from east to west and from south to north; (2)Four accumulation-dispersion modes of normal-pressure shale gas were established to guide exploration deployment. In the basin margin area, three 100 billion cubic meters increasing reserves zones of Pingqiao, Dongsheng and Yangchungou were completed in the basin margin, and Nanchuan normal-pressure shale gas field was found. In the basin outside area, some favorable exploration targets were confirmed, such as Wulong Syncline, Daozhen Syncline, and Laochangping Anticline; (3)The development technology policy of normal-pressure shale gas was formulated, controlling factors of productivity were defined, and benefit development was realized.Through systematic summary of previous achievement understanding, exploration and development experience, the challenge was analyzed, and the research direction was cleared, to provide reference for normal-pressure shale gas benefit development in similar areas of South China.
图 3 渝东南地区及周边重点钻井五峰组—龙马溪组一段连井剖面
剖面位置见图 1。
Figure 3. Well connection profile of important wells in Wufeng Formation-Member 1 of Longmaxi Formation in southeastern Chongqing and surrounding area
表 1 渝东南南川地区平桥开发分区特征
Table 1. Characteristics of Pingqiao development zonation in Nanchuan area of southeastern Chongqing
项目 背斜主体 背斜两翼 南斜坡 地质特征 埋深/m 2 500~3 700 3 700~4 200 2 500~3 700 压力系数 1.2~1.32 1.3~1.32 1.1~1.2 地应力/MPa 60~80 80~110 70~80 生产特征 初期 日产气/104 m3 8.6 7.9 9.2 套压/MPa 27.5 15.3 16.2 稳产期 日产气/104 m3 6.8 5.3 4.6 压降/(MPa/d) 0.15 0.18 0.22 稳产期/年 3 1.4 1 阶段累产/104 m3 6 954 2 628 1 920 递减期 初始递减率/% 34.8 46.8 59.3 压降/(MPa/d) 0.009 0.007 0.005 阶段累产/104 m3 6 646 4 472 4 800 递减期占比/% 48.5 62.9 73.8 平均EUR/108 m3 1.36 0.71 0.65 -
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