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王东 王海军 杨成 张俊辉 赵姗姗 胡永亮

王东, 王海军, 杨成, 张俊辉, 赵姗姗, 胡永亮. 龙门山中段北川通口剖面中二叠统栖霞组地层沉积特征[J]. 石油实验地质, 2024, 46(2): 278-287. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202402278
引用本文: 王东, 王海军, 杨成, 张俊辉, 赵姗姗, 胡永亮. 龙门山中段北川通口剖面中二叠统栖霞组地层沉积特征[J]. 石油实验地质, 2024, 46(2): 278-287. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202402278
WANG Dong, WANG Haijun, YANG Cheng, ZHANG Junhui, ZHAO Shanshan, HU Yongliang. Stratigraphic and sedimentary characteristics of Middle Permian Qixia Formation in Beichuan Tongkou section, middle Longmen Mountain[J]. PETROLEUM GEOLOGY & EXPERIMENT, 2024, 46(2): 278-287. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202402278
Citation: WANG Dong, WANG Haijun, YANG Cheng, ZHANG Junhui, ZHAO Shanshan, HU Yongliang. Stratigraphic and sedimentary characteristics of Middle Permian Qixia Formation in Beichuan Tongkou section, middle Longmen Mountain[J]. PETROLEUM GEOLOGY & EXPERIMENT, 2024, 46(2): 278-287. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202402278


doi: 10.11781/sysydz202402278

中国石化科技项目“龙门山前海相上组合油气成藏条件与区带评价” P22073


    王东(1981—),男,硕士,副研究员,从事储层沉积学方面的科研与生产工作。E-mail: 1060911043@qq.com

  • 中图分类号: TE122.23

Stratigraphic and sedimentary characteristics of Middle Permian Qixia Formation in Beichuan Tongkou section, middle Longmen Mountain

  • 摘要: 川西龙门山前带栖霞组是近期油气勘探的热点,龙门山中段栖霞组勘探程度低,明确其地层沉积特征,对于天然气勘探具有重要的指导意义。基于对龙门山中段北川通口剖面实测,结合薄片鉴定和主量、微量元素分析,对栖霞组层序地层及沉积特征进行了研究,明确了沉积环境。北川通口剖面梁山组—栖霞组识别出2个三级和1个四级层序界面,划分为1个三级层序和2个四级层序。梁山组—栖霞组发育滨岸—沼泽、开阔台地及台地边缘3种沉积相,开阔海、滩间海、台内滩和台缘滩4种亚相,台内生屑滩、台缘生屑滩和台缘砂屑、生屑滩3种微相。栖一段至栖二段下部整体处于开阔台地,栖二段中上部则处于台地边缘,建立了龙门山中段栖霞组镶边碳酸盐岩台地沉积模式。栖霞组沉积期整体处于温暖、湿润、富氧、古生物大量繁殖的海水—陆表海沉积环境,栖二段中上部高位体系域Sr/Ba比值整体最低,MgO/CaO比值最高,平均古水温高,V/(V+Ni)、V/Cr低值,古盐度m值明显较高,代表远离陆地的浅水、高能台地边缘沉积环境,厚大高能台缘砂屑、生屑滩发育,是规模优质滩相孔隙型白云岩储层发育有利部位。龙门山中段栖二段与北段、南段具有相似的沉积相带和储集条件,是栖霞组油气勘探的有利区带,有望成为实现规模增储的重要战略接替阵地。


  • 图  1  川西龙门山前带地质背景及北川通口剖面位置

    Figure  1.  Geological background of foothills of Longmen Mountain in western Sichuan Basin and location of Beichuan Tongkou section

    图  2  龙门山中段北川通口剖面梁山组—栖霞组综合柱状图

    Figure  2.  Comprehensive column of Liangshan-Qixia formations in Beichuan Tongkou section, middle Longmen Mountain

    图  3  龙门山中段北川通口剖面梁山组—栖霞组层序界面特征


    Figure  3.  Sequence boundary characteristics of Liangshan-Qixia formations in Beichuan Tongkou section, middle Longmen Mountain

    图  4  龙门山中段北川通口剖面栖霞组主要岩石类型


    Figure  4.  Main rock types of Qixia Formation in Beichuan Tongkou section, middle Longmen Mountain

    图  5  龙门山中段北川通口剖面栖霞组典型相序

    Figure  5.  Typical facies sequence of Qixia Formation in Beichuan Tongkou section, middle Longmen Mountain

    图  6  龙门山中段北川通口剖面栖霞组主要古生物类型


    Figure  6.  Main palaeontological types of Qixia Formation in Beichuan Tongkou section, middle Longmen Mountain

    图  7  龙门山中段北川通口剖面栖霞组镶边碳酸盐岩台地沉积模式

    Figure  7.  Sedimentary model of carbonate platform rimmed by Qixia Formation in Beichuan Tongkou section, middle Longmen Mountain

    图  8  龙门山中段北川通口剖面栖霞组二段中上部常量、微量元素分布

    Figure  8.  Distribution of major and trace elements in middle and upper parts of second member of Qixia Formation in Beichuan Tongkou section, middle Longmen Mountain

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