Characteristics and sedimentary geological significance of tempestites in first member of Lower Cambrian Canglangpu Formation in north central Sichuan Basin
摘要: 川中地区北部下寒武统沧浪铺组风暴岩发育,但对该风暴岩沉积以及该区早寒武世沉积环境、古地理和沉积古地貌的研究较为薄弱。通过详细岩心观察及镜下薄片鉴定,研究了沧浪铺组风暴沉积序列和沉积模式,并揭示其地质意义。研究区沧浪铺组发育砾屑层、粒序段、平行层理和丘状交错层理等风暴沉积构造,可划分出5个风暴沉积序列,即:序列Ⅰ由砾屑段(A)、平行层理段(C)和丘状交错层理段(D)组成,在正常浪基面之上沉积;序列Ⅱ由平行层理段(C)、丘状交错层理段(D)和水平层理泥岩段(E)组成,位于风暴浪基面附近;序列Ⅲ由底冲刷面和砾屑段(A)和粒序段(B)构成,于正常浪基面和风暴浪基面之间;序列Ⅳ由粒序段(B)和平行层理段(C)组成,距离风暴中心远,沉积环境更靠近风暴浪基面附近;序列Ⅴ由底冲刷面和砾屑段(A)构成,位于平均海平面与正常浪基面之间且靠近正常浪基面。川中地区北部风暴岩的发现证实,沧浪铺组一段为陆棚—斜坡—台地边缘沉积,指示上扬子板块在沧浪铺组沉积期处于低纬度地区,这为岩相古地理恢复提供了约束;同时风暴作用形成连片分布的颗粒滩,有效提升储集相带的规模,有助于对颗粒滩相带的分布进行预测。Abstract: Tempestite has been discovered in the Lower Cambrian Canglangpu Formation in the north central Sichuan Basin. However, there has been limited research on storm sedimentation and the Lower Cambrian sedimentary environments, ancient geography, and ancient sedimentary geomorphology in this region. By conducting detailed core observations and thin section identifications, the storm sedimentation sequence and sedimentation model of the Canglangpu Formation have been investigated, revealing its geological significance. Various storm sedimentation structures, such as gravel sections, graded sections, parallel laminated sections, and hummocky cross-stratifications (HCS), are present in the Canglangpu Formation. The tempestites within this formation can be categorized into five types of storm sedimentation sequences: Sequence Ⅰ includes gravel sections (A), parallel laminatedsections (C), and HCS (D) above the fair-weather wave base (FWB). Sequence Ⅱ comprises parallel laminated section (C), HCS (D), and horizontally laminated mudstone section (E) deposited near the storm wave base (SWB). Sequence Ⅲ includes scouring-fill structures and gravel section (A), as well as a graded section (B) deposited between the fair-weather wave base (FWB) and SWB. Sequence Ⅳ is characterized by a graded section (B) and parallel laminated section (C) located far from the storm center, above and near SWB. Sequence Ⅴ consists of scouring-fill structures and gravel section (A) located between the mean sea level (MSL) and FWB, close to FWB. The analysis of tempestites in north central Sichuan Basin suggests that the initial member of the Canglangpu Formation was deposited on the shelf-ramp-platform margin and shelf, indicating that the Upper Yangtze Plate was situated in a low latitude region during the sedimentation period of the Canglangpu Formation. This information provides valuable insights into lithofacies paleogeography reconstruction. Storm events have resulted in the formation of storm mudflats in the study area, which are favorable for reservoir development. The investigation of storms in the Canglangpu Formation aids in predicting the distribution of shoal facies in the study area.
图 1 四川盆地研究区位置(a)及沧浪铺组地层柱状图(b)
Figure 1. Location of study area (a) and stratigraphic column of Canglangpu Formation (b) in Sichuan Basin
图 2 川中北部沧浪铺组一段风暴沉积构造特征
a.Ps7井,6 752.41~6 752.80 m,冲刷面,砾屑层;b.Db1井,5 953.50~5 953.61 m,冲刷面,板刺状砾屑;c.Ct1井,6 300.48~6 300.64 m,底冲刷构造,砾屑层;d.Ct1井,6 299.78~6 299.93 m,砾屑层,见砾屑呈菊花状构造排列;e.Ct1井,6 294.40~6 294.66 m,砾屑层,向上平行层理发育;f.Db1井,5 943.67~5 943.78 m,粒序层,平行层理;g.Ps7井,6 757.08~6 757.25 m,风暴扰动构造;h.Db1井,5 951.91~5 952.11 m,平行层理,丘状交错层理;i.Ct1井,6 288.26~6 288.46 m,透镜状纹理;j.Ps7井,6 744.77 m,含粉砂泥岩,水平层理,×2.5,单偏光;k.Ct1井,6 288.78 m,含砂泥岩,水平层理、透镜状纹层,×2.5,单偏光;l.Db1井,5 917.56 m,鲕粒白云岩,砾屑,×5,单偏光;m.Db1井,5 914.97 m,含泥粉砂岩,粒序层,×5,单偏光;n.Ps7井,6 789.32 m,鲕粒灰岩,溶蚀孔缝,×5,单偏光;o.Db1井,5 945.85 m,鲕粒白云岩,晶间孔沥青充填,×5,单偏光。
Figure 2. Structural characteristics of storm sedimentation of first member of Canglangpu Formation in north central Sichuan Basin
图 3 川中北部地区沧浪铺组一段风暴沉积序列
a.Db1井,深灰色含砾屑细鲕白云岩,5 913.55~5 913.94 m,风暴沉积A+C+D段;b.Db1井,深灰色波状到丘状纹层粉砂质泥岩,5 954.45~5 954.56 m,风暴沉积C+D+E;c.Ct1井,深灰色灰色细鲕灰岩,6 295.23~6 295.36 m,风暴沉积A+B;d.Ct1井,深灰色含泥细鲕灰岩,6 281.70~6 281.92 m,风暴沉积B+C+D;e.Ct1井,深灰色亮晶鲕粒灰岩,6 299.78~6 299.93 m,风暴沉积A段。
Figure 3. Storm sedimentation sequences of first member of Canglangpu Formation in north central Sichuan Basin
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