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张家维 李瑞雪 邓虎成 邢梓萌 张辉 何建华 王志民 杨宇勇 宿航

张家维, 李瑞雪, 邓虎成, 邢梓萌, 张辉, 何建华, 王志民, 杨宇勇, 宿航. 超深层逆冲推覆构造致密砂岩储层地应力场扰动特征——以塔里木盆地博孜—大北地区白垩系储层为例[J]. 石油实验地质, 2024, 46(4): 760-774. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202404760
引用本文: 张家维, 李瑞雪, 邓虎成, 邢梓萌, 张辉, 何建华, 王志民, 杨宇勇, 宿航. 超深层逆冲推覆构造致密砂岩储层地应力场扰动特征——以塔里木盆地博孜—大北地区白垩系储层为例[J]. 石油实验地质, 2024, 46(4): 760-774. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202404760
ZHANG Jiawei, LI Ruixue, DENG Hucheng, XING Zimeng, ZHANG Hui, HE Jianhua, WANG Zhimin, YANG Yuyong, SU Hang. Disturbance characteristics of in-situ stress field within ultra-deep tight sandstone reservoirs in thrust-nappe structures: a case study from Cretaceous reservoirs in Bozi-Dabei area, Tarim Basin[J]. PETROLEUM GEOLOGY & EXPERIMENT, 2024, 46(4): 760-774. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202404760
Citation: ZHANG Jiawei, LI Ruixue, DENG Hucheng, XING Zimeng, ZHANG Hui, HE Jianhua, WANG Zhimin, YANG Yuyong, SU Hang. Disturbance characteristics of in-situ stress field within ultra-deep tight sandstone reservoirs in thrust-nappe structures: a case study from Cretaceous reservoirs in Bozi-Dabei area, Tarim Basin[J]. PETROLEUM GEOLOGY & EXPERIMENT, 2024, 46(4): 760-774. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202404760


doi: 10.11781/sysydz202404760

国家自然科学基金面上项目 42072182

四川省杰出青年科技人才项目 2020JDJQ0058


    张家维(1998—), 男, 硕士生, 从事地应力状态精细表征及其对压裂改造效果影响研究。E-mail: 2722342322@qq.com


    李瑞雪(1994—), 女, 博士, 副教授, 从事地质力学分析、地应力场精细表征等研究。E-mail: liruixue19@cdut.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: TE122.2

Disturbance characteristics of in-situ stress field within ultra-deep tight sandstone reservoirs in thrust-nappe structures: a case study from Cretaceous reservoirs in Bozi-Dabei area, Tarim Basin

  • 摘要: 塔里木盆地库车坳陷博孜—大北地区白垩系致密砂岩储层在由北向南的逆冲推覆下,发育了一系列大规模的北倾断层和叠瓦状堆叠的褶皱构造。复杂的构造形貌致使该区地应力复杂多变,储层改造效果差异明显。因此,亟需厘清研究区内复杂构造对地应力的扰动特征。结合多种方法对单井现今地应力的精确解释,分别分析断裂、褶皱和断褶复合构造对地应力的扰动效果,明确了相关扰动机理,并绘制了研究区地应力扰动特征分区图。基于扰动特征,绘制了不同构造的地应力扰动特征模式图,并提出井位、井轨迹建议。断裂对地应力有卸载作用,断裂附近水平主应力梯度出现不同程度的降低,其中最大水平主应力梯度降低约0.3 MPa/hm;近EW走向的断裂使得近SN向的区域应力方向发生顺时针偏转,偏转角度最大达60°;不同规模断裂的扰动范围为断距的60%。当地层曲率超过0.4 km-1时,褶皱对地应力存在扰动,褶皱地层上部张性扰动区地应力较区域应力减小,下部挤压扰动区地应力增加;张性扰动区最大水平主应力梯度最大约降低0.3 MPa/hm,地应力方向逆时针偏转,偏转角度最大达70°;褶皱变形曲率越大,张性扰动区厚度越大,扰动越明显。断褶复合构造下,断裂扰动区和褶皱张性扰动区叠加会使得地应力进一步减小,地应力方向在两者扰动效果抵消后较区域应力偏转较小或不偏转。综合考虑储层改造难易程度和致密气富集特征,应优先于断褶复合构造带断裂和褶皱张性扰动叠合区部署钻井,建议钻深不超过褶皱中性面,水平井轨迹沿EW向设计。


  • 图  1  塔里木盆地博孜—大北地区构造地理位置及岩性柱状图


    Figure  1.  Structural location and lithology column of Bozi-Dabei area in Tarim Basin

    图  2  塔里木盆地博孜—大北地区A6-A13井地震剖面


    Figure  2.  Seismic profile of wells A6 to A13 in Bozi-Dabei area, Tarim Basin

    图  3  水力压裂曲线关键节点示意图(a)和B12-5井水力压裂曲线(b)


    Figure  3.  Key points on hydraulic fracturing curves (a) and a case of well B12-5 (b)

    图  4  塔里木盆地博孜—大北地区A103JS井声发射测试结果

    Figure  4.  Acoustic emission test results of well A103JS in Bozi-Dabei area, Tarim Basin

    图  5  井壁崩落法的应力多边形二次约束示意图(a)及B901井应用实例(b、c)


    Figure  5.  Stress polygon quadratic constraint of wellbore collapse method (a) and a case of well B901 (b、c)

    图  6  塔里木盆地博孜—大北地区A101井测井解释综合柱状图

    Figure  6.  Comprehensive logging interpretation histograms of well A101 in Bozi-Dabei area, Tarim Basin

    图  7  诱导缝、井壁崩落原理以及A3井成像测井响应


    Figure  7.  Principles of induced fractures and wellbore collapse and their imagining logging responses in well A3

    图  8  塔里木盆地博孜—大北地区A104-1井双井径解释结果

    Figure  8.  Interpretation results of dual-caliper logging for well A104-1 in Bozi-Dabei area, Tarim Basin

    图  9  塔里木盆地博孜—大北地区A11井偶极横波各向异性解释结果

    Figure  9.  Interpretation results of dipole shear wave anisotropy for well A11 in Bozi-Dabei area, Tarim Basin

    图  10  塔里木盆地博孜—大北地区现今地应力大小和方向

    Figure  10.  Magnitude and direction of current in-situ stress in Bozi-Dabei area, Tarim Basin

    图  11  塔里木盆地博孜—大北地区A24井断裂上、下盘地应力方向对比

    Figure  11.  Comparison of in-situ stress direction of upper and lower plates of fractures in well A24 in Bozi-Dabei area, Tarim Basin

    图  12  塔里木盆地博孜—大北地区A102井与A11井水力压裂曲线

    Figure  12.  Hydraulic fracturing curves of wells A102 and A11 in Bozi-Dabei area, Tarim Basin

    图  13  塔里木盆地博孜—大北地区不同规模断裂对地应力方向、大小扰动统计

    Figure  13.  Statistics of disturbance in the direction and magnitude of in-situ stress by different scale faults in Bozi-Dabei area, Tarim Basin

    图  14  褶皱变形派生应力示意图

    Figure  14.  Schematic diagram of derived stresses of a fold deformation

    图  15  塔里木盆地博孜—大北地区B903井与B9井最大主应力梯度纵向分布

    Figure  15.  Longitudinal distribution of maximum principal stress gradient of wells B903 and B9 in Bozi-Dabei area, Tarim Basin

    图  16  塔里木盆地博孜—大北地区褶皱变形区地层曲率与地应力方向、大小交会图

    Figure  16.  Intersection diagram of fold curvature and the direction and magnitude of in-situ stress in Bozi-Dabei area, Tarim Basin

    图  17  塔里木盆地博孜—大北地区褶皱张性扰动区厚度与曲率交会图

    Figure  17.  Intersection diagram of fold tensile disturbance zone thickness and fold curvature in Bozi-Dabei area, Tarim Basin

    图  18  塔里木盆地博孜—大北地区A9井与A901井最大水平主应力对比

    Figure  18.  Comparison of the maximum horizontal principal stress of wells A9 and A901 in Bozi-Dabei area, Tarim Basin

    图  19  塔里木盆地博孜—大北地区地应力扰动特征分区

    Figure  19.  Zoning map of disturbance characteristics of in-situ stress in Bozi-Dabei area, Tarim Basin

    图  20  塔里木盆地博孜—大北地区不同构造类型地应力扰动特征及井位、井轨迹设计建议

    Figure  20.  Disturbance characteristics and suggested well locations and trajectories for different structural types in Bozi-Dabei area, Tarim Basin

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