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谢润成 邓昆 周国晓 罗紫薇 邓美洲 李思远 马婷婷

谢润成, 邓昆, 周国晓, 罗紫薇, 邓美洲, 李思远, 马婷婷. 四川盆地川西坳陷东坡地区下侏罗统大安寨段储层裂缝分布预测[J]. 石油实验地质, 2024, 46(4): 855-867. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202404855
引用本文: 谢润成, 邓昆, 周国晓, 罗紫薇, 邓美洲, 李思远, 马婷婷. 四川盆地川西坳陷东坡地区下侏罗统大安寨段储层裂缝分布预测[J]. 石油实验地质, 2024, 46(4): 855-867. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202404855
XIE Runcheng, DENG Kun, ZHOU Guoxiao, LUO Ziwei, DENG Meizhou, LI Siyuan, MA Tingting. Prediction of fracture distribution in the Lower Jurassic Da'anzhai Member on the eastern slope of the Western Sichuan Depression, Sichuan Basin[J]. PETROLEUM GEOLOGY & EXPERIMENT, 2024, 46(4): 855-867. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202404855
Citation: XIE Runcheng, DENG Kun, ZHOU Guoxiao, LUO Ziwei, DENG Meizhou, LI Siyuan, MA Tingting. Prediction of fracture distribution in the Lower Jurassic Da'anzhai Member on the eastern slope of the Western Sichuan Depression, Sichuan Basin[J]. PETROLEUM GEOLOGY & EXPERIMENT, 2024, 46(4): 855-867. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202404855


doi: 10.11781/sysydz202404855

国家自然科学基金 41572130

中国石化科技部外协项目 P24155


    谢润成(1979—), 男, 博士, 教授, 从事油气田开发地质研究。E-mail: xieruncheng06@cdut.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: TE122.23

Prediction of fracture distribution in the Lower Jurassic Da'anzhai Member on the eastern slope of the Western Sichuan Depression, Sichuan Basin

  • 摘要: 四川盆地川西坳陷东坡地区下侏罗统大安寨段是致密油气的主要开发目的层,裂缝是大安寨段储层能否获得高产的关键因素。由于大安寨段地层岩性复杂,传统裂缝预测评价方法适用范围窄、预测结果精度低。基于岩心裂缝调查及薄片鉴定资料,运用地质统计学及数值模拟方法,明确了不同岩性储层的岩石学特征,揭示了大安寨段裂缝发育特征;结合岩石破裂基础和破裂外力二大因素,在区分岩性及亚段的条件下,提出并构建了3项裂缝评价因子,对各亚段裂缝平面分布进行预测评价。研究表明:(1)大安寨段储层为(介壳)灰岩、砂岩及泥页岩相互叠置的复杂岩性;(2)主要发育全充填裂缝,(介壳)灰岩主要发育构造裂缝,砂岩和泥页岩主要发育层间缝,缝面存在溶蚀现象,对油气流动具有积极意义;(3)提出并构建了岩性厚度评价因子、构造变形强度因子和断裂破裂强度因子3项裂缝评价因子,并建立裂缝综合预测评价定量模型,对各亚段裂缝平面分布进行综合预测评价,预测的裂缝密度与单井识别的裂缝发育指数吻合性较好,预测结果可靠。该裂缝平面分布预测评价方法对于同类型油气藏的评价具有借鉴意义。


  • 图  1  四川盆地川西坳陷东坡地区构造地理位置(a)及研究区构造和采样井分布(b)

    Figure  1.  Geographical location of eastern slope of Western Sichuan Depression in Sichuan Basin (a), structure and distribution of sampling wells (b) in study area

    图  2  四川盆地川西坳陷东坡地区HL3井大安寨段取心段复杂岩性结构及典型沉积相剖面

    Figure  2.  Complex lithological structure and typical sedimentary facies profile of core section of Da'anzhai Member in well HL3 on eastern slope of Western Sichuan Depression, Sichuan Basin

    图  3  四川盆地川西坳陷东坡地区大安寨段不同岩性地层岩石学特征

    a.细晶介壳灰岩,大一亚段,2 736.84 m,HL3井,×25(+);b.细—粗晶介壳灰岩,大一亚段,2 740.41 m,HL3井,×25(-);c基质为黏土杂基,大一亚段,2 724.49 m,HL3井,×25(-);d.基质为黏土杂基,大一亚段,2 734.55 m,HL3井,×25(-);e.微晶—细晶灰岩,大一亚段,2 745.31 m,HL3井,×25(+);f.泥晶灰岩,大一亚段,2 750.66 m,HL3井,×50(-);g.长石岩屑砂岩,大三亚段,2 777.16 m,HL3井,×50(-);h.长石岩屑砂岩,大三亚段,2 783.93 m,HL3井,×50(-);i.FX3井,大二亚段,2 733.85~2 733.95 m,灰黑色泥页岩;j.FX3井,大二亚段,2 736.07~2 736.33 m,灰色钙质泥页岩;k.FX3井,大二亚段,2 732.86 m, 灰黑色泥页岩,岩性致密,见白云石、石英、菱铁矿、有机质等相间分布;l.FX3井,大二亚段,2 733.95 m,深灰色泥页岩,有机质多呈碎块状、填隙状,见微粒状石英发育串珠状孔隙。

    Figure  3.  Petrological characteristics of different lithological strata of Da'anzhai Member on eastern slope of Western Sichuan Depression, Sichuan Basin

    图  4  四川盆地川西坳陷东坡地区大安寨段不同成因裂缝在不同岩性中的分布

    Figure  4.  Distribution of different genesis fractures in different lithologies in Da'anzhai Member on eastern slope of Western Sichuan Depression, Sichuan Basin

    图  5  四川盆地川西坳陷东坡地区大安寨段裂缝发育特征

    Figure  5.  Development characteristics of fractures in Da'anzhai Member on eastern slope of Western Sichuan Depression, Sichuan Basin

    图  6  四川盆地川西坳陷东坡地区大安寨段泥页岩储层裂缝缝面特征


    Figure  6.  Characteristics of fracture surfaces in shale reservoirs in Da'anzhai Member on eastern slope of Western Sichuan Depression, Sichuan Basin

    图  7  四川盆地川西坳陷东坡地区大安寨段岩层厚度反向指数与裂缝发育指数的关系

    Figure  7.  Relationship between rock layer thickness inverse index and fracture development index in Da'anzhai Member on eastern slope of Western Sichuan Depression, Sichuan Basin

    图  8  四川盆地川西坳陷东坡地区大安寨段构造变形主曲率与构造变形强度因子的关系

    Figure  8.  Relationship between main curvature of tectonic deformation and tectonic deformation intensity factor in Da'anzhai Member on eastern slope of Western Sichuan Depression, Sichuan Basin

    图  9  四川盆地川西坳陷东坡地区大安寨段断裂破裂强度因子平面分布

    平面位置见图 1b

    Figure  9.  Planar distribution of fracture rupture strength factor in Da'anzhai Member on eastern slope of Western Sichuan Depression, Sichuan Basin

    图  10  四川盆地川西坳陷东坡地区大安寨段岩层厚度反向指数与页地比关系

    Figure  10.  Relationship between rock layer thickness inverse index and clay-to-ground ratio in Da'anzhai Member on eastern slope of Western Sichuan Depression, Sichuan Basin

    图  11  四川盆地川西坳陷东坡地区大安寨段裂缝综合预测

    平面位置见图 1b

    Figure  11.  Comprehensive prediction of fractures in Da'anzhai Member on eastern slope of Western Sichuan Depression, Sichuan Basin

    图  12  四川盆地川西坳陷东坡地区大安寨段裂缝预测值与单井识别的裂缝发育指数对比

    Figure  12.  Comparison between predicted fracture values and fracture development index by individual wells in Da'anzhai Member on eastern slope of Western Sichuan Depression, Sichuan Basin

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