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刘军 钟洁 倪振 王庆国 冯仁蔚 贾将 梁岳立

刘军, 钟洁, 倪振, 王庆国, 冯仁蔚, 贾将, 梁岳立. 基于机器学习的低含油饱和度砂岩储层参数预测——以准噶尔盆地夏子街油田夏77井区下克拉玛依组为例[J]. 石油实验地质, 2024, 46(5): 1123-1134. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2024051123
引用本文: 刘军, 钟洁, 倪振, 王庆国, 冯仁蔚, 贾将, 梁岳立. 基于机器学习的低含油饱和度砂岩储层参数预测——以准噶尔盆地夏子街油田夏77井区下克拉玛依组为例[J]. 石油实验地质, 2024, 46(5): 1123-1134. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2024051123
LIU Jun, ZHONG Jie, NI Zhen, WANG Qingguo, FENG Renwei, JIA Jiang, LIANG Yueli. Machine learning-based prediction of low oil saturation sandstone reservoir parameters: a case study of Lower Karamay Formation in Xia 77 well block of Xiazijie Oilfield, Junggar Basin[J]. PETROLEUM GEOLOGY & EXPERIMENT, 2024, 46(5): 1123-1134. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2024051123
Citation: LIU Jun, ZHONG Jie, NI Zhen, WANG Qingguo, FENG Renwei, JIA Jiang, LIANG Yueli. Machine learning-based prediction of low oil saturation sandstone reservoir parameters: a case study of Lower Karamay Formation in Xia 77 well block of Xiazijie Oilfield, Junggar Basin[J]. PETROLEUM GEOLOGY & EXPERIMENT, 2024, 46(5): 1123-1134. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2024051123


doi: 10.11781/sysydz2024051123

中国石油天然气股份有限公司重大科技专项 2019E-2602


    刘军(1986—), 男, 硕士, 工程师, 从事油气藏地质及油田开发研究。E-mail: fclj3@petrochina.com.cn


    冯仁蔚(1982—), 男, 博士, 工程师, 从事油气地质研究。E-mail: 70873990@qq.com

  • 中图分类号: TE122.2

Machine learning-based prediction of low oil saturation sandstone reservoir parameters: a case study of Lower Karamay Formation in Xia 77 well block of Xiazijie Oilfield, Junggar Basin

  • 摘要: 准噶尔盆地夏子街油田夏77井区块下克拉玛依组(简称克下组)特低孔特低渗油藏油水关系复杂、产量低、储层含水高,且具有低含油饱和度、孔渗相关性差、储层参数与测井响应关系不清晰、油水层识别困难等特征,常规储层参数评价及预测方法适用性差。通过对岩性、物性、含油性分析,明确了克下组储层岩性为砂砾岩、砂质砾岩,黏土矿物以伊蒙混层为主;储层为以原生粒间孔和残余粒间孔为主要储集空间的低孔隙度、特低渗透率储集层。通过建立含油饱和度解释模型,确定了本区油藏属于低饱和度油藏,含油饱和度一般为36%~55%。砂砾岩储层物性和含油性优于中细砂岩,储层物性控制含油性,呈现低饱和度特征,电性受含油性和岩性双重影响。通过低含油饱和度油藏形成机理研究,认为储层微观孔隙结构是形成低含油饱和度的主要原因。通过对敏感参数优选,基于自然伽马、电阻率和声波时差测井等资料,引入基于机器学习的BP神经网络技术,对夏子街油田夏77井区块克下组油藏进行了孔隙度、渗透率和含水饱和度的计算及预测,储层参数预测精度均高于80%,相关结论及方法可为低含油饱和度致密砂岩储层的物性参数预测提供依据和参考。


  • 图  1  准噶尔盆地夏子街油田夏77井区块地理位置

    Figure  1.  Geographical location of Xia 77 well block in Xiazijie Oilfield, Junggar Basin

    图  2  准噶尔盆地夏子街油田夏35井下克拉玛依组岩心

    Figure  2.  Core of Lower Karamay Formation of Xia 35 well in Xiazijie Oilfield, Junggar Basin

    图  3  准噶尔盆地夏子街油田夏301井下克拉玛依组(1 688.73 m)粒度粒级分布直方图

    Figure  3.  Grain size distribution histogram of Lower Karamay Formation(1 688.73 m) of Xia 301 well in Xiazijie Oilfield, Junggar Basin

    图  4  准噶尔盆地夏子街油田夏77井区下克拉玛依组孔隙度和渗透率直方图

    Figure  4.  Histogram of porosity and permeability of Lower Karamay Formation in Xia 77 well block in Xiazijie Oilfield, Junggar Basin

    图  5  准噶尔盆地夏子街油田夏77井区下克拉玛依组岩心含油级别统计结果

    Figure  5.  Statistical results of oil-bearing grade of rock cores in Lower Karamay Formation of Xia 77 well block in Xiazijie Oilfield, Junggar Basin

    图  6  准噶尔盆地夏子街油田夏77井区下克拉玛依组岩性与物性关系

    Figure  6.  Relationship between lithology and physical properties of Lower Karamay Formation in Xia 77 well block in Xiazijie Oilfield, Junggar Basin

    图  7  准噶尔盆地夏子街油田夏77井区下克拉玛依组岩性与电性关系

    Figure  7.  Relationship between lithology and electrical properties of Lower Karamay Formation in Xia 77 well block in Xiazijie Oilfield, Junggar Basin

    图  8  准噶尔盆地夏子街油田下克拉玛依组三孔隙度测井曲线分布直方图

    Figure  8.  Histogram of distribution of three porosity logging curves in Lower Karamay Formation in Xiazijie Oilfield, Junggar Basin

    图  9  准噶尔盆地夏子街油田夏77井区下克拉玛依组岩性与含油性统计直方图

    Figure  9.  Statistical histogram of lithology and oil content of Lower Karamay Formation in Xia 77 well block in Xiazijie Oilfield, Junggar Basin

    图  10  准噶尔盆地夏子街油田夏77井区下克拉玛依组物性与含油性关系

    Figure  10.  Relationship between physical properties and oil content of Lower Karamay Formation in Xia 77 well block in Xiazijie Oilfield, Junggar Basin

    图  11  准噶尔盆地夏子街油田三层BP神经网络结构

    Figure  11.  Structure of 3-layer BP neural network in Xiazijie Oilfield, Junggar Basin

    图  12  准噶尔盆地夏子街油田BP神经网络对孔隙度训练及预测结果

    Figure  12.  Training and prediction results of BP neural network for porosity in Xiazijie Oilfield, Junggar Basin

    图  13  准噶尔盆地夏子街油田BP神经网络对渗透率的训练及预测结果

    Figure  13.  Training and prediction results of BP neural network for permeability in Xiazijie Oilfield, Junggar Basin

    图  14  准噶尔盆地夏子街油田BP神经网络对含油饱和度的训练及预测结果

    Figure  14.  Training and prediction results of BP neural network for oil saturation in Xiazijie Oilfield, Junggar Basin

    表  1  准噶尔盆地夏子街油田3种机器学习算法评价指标总结

    Table  1.   Summary of evaluation indicators for three machine learning algorithms in Xiazijie Oilfield, Junggar Basin

    评价模型 MSE(均方误差) MAE(平均绝对误差)
    孔隙度 渗透率 含油饱和度 孔隙度 渗透 含油饱和度
    BP神经网络 0.33 0.45 0.35 0.15 0.14 0.17
    随机森林 0.86 0.86 0.84 1.20 1.80 1.10
    支持向量机 0.81 0.82 0.79 0.92 0.81 0.99
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    表  2  准噶尔盆地夏子街油田夏038井BP神经网络预测结果

    Table  2.   Prediction results of BP neural network for Xia 038 well in Xiazijie Oilfield, Junggar Basin

    序号 深度/m 自然伽马/API 深电阻率/(Ω·m) 声波时差/(μs/ft) 岩性密度/(g/cm3) 孔隙度/% 预测孔隙度/% 渗透率/10-3 μm2 预测渗透率/10-3 μm2 含油饱和度/% 预测含油饱和度/%
    1 2 338.4 87.55 34.11 71.98 2.49 10.51 10.84 0.14 0.15 39.69 39.63
    2 2 347.5 73.52 43.26 70.03 2.52 9.29 10.69 0.07 0.06 41.11 42.67
    3 2 352.2 78.63 39.07 70.69 2.49 9.70 9.08 0.09 0.06 40.10 42.10
    4 2 447.0 88.72 54.13 67.30 2.55 8.88 9.01 0.06 0.07 45.71 44.00
    5 2 451.9 93.78 48.80 67.21 2.51 8.79 8.57 0.06 0.03 42.07 41.28
    6 2 455.4 98.74 65.70 66.73 2.54 8.48 8.84 0.04 0.04 49.21 48.06
    7 2 462.6 89.87 46.50 68.67 2.56 9.87 9.62 0.10 0.09 45.80 42.75
    8 2 466.4 86.04 44.38 67.45 2.56 8.95 8.88 0.06 0.05 40.17 43.11
    9 2 467.2 83.85 35.55 70.54 2.58 11.18 11.48 0.21 0.27 43.30 41.32
    10 2 472.1 89.05 36.64 69.14 2.56 10.16 10.52 0.11 0.11 40.24 41.58
    11 2 473.9 80.42 47.44 69.16 2.53 10.23 9.98 1.32 0.06 47.24 44.95
    12 2 483.4 84.94 53.35 65.28 2.59 7.36 7.86 0.02 0.03 44.49 43.41
    13 2 484.0 87.07 51.17 67.28 2.54 8.85 8.85 0.06 0.06 51.89 51.55
    14 2 491.8 91.87 57.07 66.71 2.55 8.44 8.53 0.05 0.08 52.68 54.37
    15 2 496.2 81.68 51.65 67.08 2.56 8.70 8.75 0.05 0.05 51.67 51.08
    16 2 501.5 81.29 49.38 67.13 2.56 8.73 8.81 0.05 0.05 50.75 50.49
    17 2 506.2 83.05 43.70 67.76 2.56 9.18 9.57 0.07 0.09 49.91 46.11
    18 2 514.2 88.60 48.23 66.56 2.55 8.31 8.82 0.04 0.05 47.81 46.71
    19 2 515.6 86.09 54.25 66.70 2.55 8.43 8.88 0.05 0.06 51.17 51.72
    20 2 522.4 94.75 50.73 67.20 2.53 8.79 8.65 0.06 0.05 51.57 51.30
    21 2 524.6 91.54 48.69 66.70 2.56 8.41 8.53 0.04 0.05 48.51 47.14
    22 2 527.1 76.79 40.23 68.16 2.56 9.46 9.98 0.08 0.06 49.33 45.05
    23 2 530.0 80.97 37.49 69.81 2.55 10.65 10.79 0.16 0.14 52.80 53.18
    24 2 532.9 87.18 40.81 66.63 2.56 8.32 8.75 0.04 0.05 43.28 46.89
    25 2 533.5 84.83 37.38 68.12 2.57 9.41 9.45 0.08 0.08 47.18 47.21
    26 2 535.4 81.69 38.29 68.02 2.61 9.34 9.53 0.07 0.07 47.51 45.63
    27 2 541.0 80.20 42.77 67.73 2.55 9.15 9.57 0.07 0.07 49.13 51.47
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