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王金伟 许浩 刘一楠 张兵 徐延勇 刘丁 宗鹏 王亚娟 宋雪静

王金伟, 许浩, 刘一楠, 张兵, 徐延勇, 刘丁, 宗鹏, 王亚娟, 宋雪静. 鄂尔多斯盆地临兴—神府地区深部煤储层储渗空间发育特征及产水能力评价[J]. 石油实验地质, 2025, 47(1): 54-63. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2025010054
引用本文: 王金伟, 许浩, 刘一楠, 张兵, 徐延勇, 刘丁, 宗鹏, 王亚娟, 宋雪静. 鄂尔多斯盆地临兴—神府地区深部煤储层储渗空间发育特征及产水能力评价[J]. 石油实验地质, 2025, 47(1): 54-63. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2025010054
WANG Jinwei, XU Hao, LIU Yinan, ZHANG Bing, XU Yanyong, LIU Ding, ZONG Peng, WANG Yajuan, SONG Xuejing. Storage and permeation space development characteristics and water production capacity evaluation of deep coal reservoirs in Linxing-Shenfu area of Ordos Basin[J]. PETROLEUM GEOLOGY & EXPERIMENT, 2025, 47(1): 54-63. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2025010054
Citation: WANG Jinwei, XU Hao, LIU Yinan, ZHANG Bing, XU Yanyong, LIU Ding, ZONG Peng, WANG Yajuan, SONG Xuejing. Storage and permeation space development characteristics and water production capacity evaluation of deep coal reservoirs in Linxing-Shenfu area of Ordos Basin[J]. PETROLEUM GEOLOGY & EXPERIMENT, 2025, 47(1): 54-63. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2025010054


doi: 10.11781/sysydz2025010054

国家自然科学基金项目 42172188


    王金伟(2000—),男,硕士生,从事深部煤层气地质勘查研究。E-mail: wjw0119@126.com


    许浩(1979—),男,博士,教授,博士生导师,从事非常规油气地质与开发方面的科研与教学工作。E-mail: xuhao600@163.com

  • 中图分类号: TE122.2

Storage and permeation space development characteristics and water production capacity evaluation of deep coal reservoirs in Linxing-Shenfu area of Ordos Basin

  • 摘要: 鄂尔多斯盆地临兴—神府地区是我国深部煤层气开发重点区块之一,实际生产中不同区域煤层气井产水量差异显著,影响了深部煤层气的高效开发。通过高压压汞、低温CO2吸附、低温N2吸附、CT扫描等实验,对临兴—神府地区8#+9#煤层的煤岩样品进行了全尺度的联测表征,查明了研究区储渗空间发育特征。通过赋水模拟实验模拟计算了煤岩储水能力,通过数值模拟预测深部储层产水量,明确了研究区深部煤储层的产水能力,并进一步结合煤层气井产水数据评价了煤层水的来源。研究表明,临兴—神府地区深部煤储层整体上微孔和宏孔及裂隙比较发育,介孔发育相对较差。随变质程度升高,总孔体积先减后增,深部煤岩原始含水性急剧下降,储水能力先减后增,光亮煤在储水能力上有较大优势。研究区低镜质体反射率(Ro)煤岩日均产水量预测为12.81~26.01 m3,中Ro煤岩为1.82~7.22 m3,高Ro煤岩为1.90~8.22 m3。煤层气井实际日产水量超出该范围即为受外源水补给影响,低于该范围即为煤层自产。深部煤储层原始含水性较差,且储水能力有限,尤其在高Ro段,即使储层在完全饱和水的条件下,其产水量也应保持较低水平,持续高产水必定伴随大量的外源输入。


  • 图  1  鄂尔多斯盆地临兴—神府地区构造位置(a)及8#+9#煤层顶板埋深(b)

    Figure  1.  Structural location(a) and buried depth of 8#+9# coal seam roof(b) in Linxing-Shenfu area, Ordos Basin

    图  2  鄂尔多斯盆地临兴—神府地区8#+9#煤层煤岩样品基于CT提取的孔裂隙三维结构及孔隙度

    Figure  2.  CT extraction-based 3D pore-fracture structure and porosity of coal rock samples from 8#+9# coal seams in Linxing-Shenfu area, Ordos Basin

    图  3  鄂尔多斯盆地临兴—神府地区8#+9#煤层煤岩样品CO2吸附、N2吸附、高压压汞联测的全孔孔径分布

    Figure  3.  Full pore size distribution of coal rock samples from 8#+9# coal seams in Linxing-Shenfu area, Ordos Basin, jointly measured using CO2 adsorption, N2 adsorption, and high-pressure mercury intrusion porosimetry

    图  4  鄂尔多斯盆地临兴—神府地区8#+9#煤层煤岩样品CO2吸附、N2吸附、高压压汞、CT扫描联测的全孔孔径分布

    Figure  4.  Full pore size distribution of coal rock samples from 8#+9# coal seams in Linxing-Shenfu area, Ordos Basin, jointly measured using CO2 adsorption, N2 adsorption, high-pressure mercury intrusion porosimetry, and CT scanning

    图  5  鄂尔多斯盆地临兴—神府地区8#+9#煤层岩心工业分析含水量及测得的最大饱和水量

    Figure  5.  Water content by industrial analysis and measured maximum saturation water content of 8#+9# coal seam cores in Linxing-Shenfu area, Ordos Basin

    图  6  鄂尔多斯盆地临兴—神府地区8#+9#煤层产水量动态预测

    生产压差为11 MPa。

    Figure  6.  Dynamic prediction of water production in 8#+9# coal seams in Linxing-Shenfu area, Ordos Basin

    图  7  鄂尔多斯盆地临兴—神府地区煤层气井产水来源

    Figure  7.  Water production sources for coalbed methane wells in Linxing-Shenfu area, Ordos Basin

    表  1  鄂尔多斯盆地临兴—神府地区8#+9#煤层煤岩样品基本信息

    Table  1.   Basic information of coal rock samples from 8#+9# coal seams in Linxing-Shenfu area, Ordos Basin

    样品编号 岩性 平均镜质体反射率/% 工业组分/% 显微组分/%
    水分 灰分 挥发分 固定碳 壳质组 镜质组 惰质组
    L-GL 光亮煤 0.77 1.32 8.48 23.13 67.07 3.1 95.4 1.5
    L-AD 暗淡煤 0.77 1.28 31.89 28.59 38.24 5.3 38.0 56.7
    M-GL 光亮煤 1.26 0.39 2.59 22.20 74.82 98.6 1.4
    M-AD 暗淡煤 1.26 0.37 37.68 14.67 47.28 30.8 69.2
    H-GL 光亮煤 2.10 0.37 4.16 9.63 85.84 93.7 6.3
    H-AD 暗淡煤 2.10 0.34 38.19 10.57 50.90 46.4 53.6
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    表  2  鄂尔多斯盆地临兴—神府地区8#+9#煤层煤岩样品压汞法和气体吸附法联测孔隙结构信息

    Table  2.   Pore structure information of coal rock samples from 8#+9# coal seams in Linxing-Shenfu area, Ordos Basin, jointly measured using mercury intrusion porosimetry and gas adsorption analysis

    样品编号 CO2吸附法 N2吸附法 压汞
    DR比表面积/ (m2/g) DA总孔容/ (cm3/g) 平均孔径/ nm BET比表面积/ (m2/g) BJH总孔容/ (cm3/g) 平均孔径/ nm 注汞体积/ (mL/g) 平均孔径/ nm
    L-GL 67.095 0.020 72 1.262 50 1.334 9 0.005 45 14.350 0.43 264.69
    L-AD 56.087 0.017 35 1.172 50 2.802 0 0.010 56 13.870 0.22 113.78
    M-GL 64.449 0.009 88 1.044 40 0.915 4 0.005 68 23.570 0.08 57.62
    M-AD 16.608 0.002 02 0.992 30 2.429 0 0.011 20 19.160 0.05 97.32
    H-GL 113.941 0.027 57 1.117 70 0.490 0 0.002 00 3.981 0.11 71.39
    H-AD 55.690 0.014 54 1.154 10 1.437 0 0.003 00 3.902 0.08 125.39
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    表  3  鄂尔多斯盆地临兴—神府地区8#+9#煤层产水量计算参数

    Table  3.   Parameters for water production calculation of 8#+9# coal seams in Linxing-Shenfu area, Ordos Basin

    Ro/% 煤岩类型 孔隙度/% 总压缩系数/MPa-1 地层原始渗透率/10-3 μm2
    0.60 光亮煤 28.8 2.282 06 0.96
    暗淡煤 12.0 3.249 75 0.19
    1.00 光亮煤 15.6 2.003 54 0.82
    暗淡煤 9.5 2.865 94 0.17
    1.35 光亮煤 2.1 1.141 03 0.56
    暗淡煤 0.8 1.522 97 0.13
    1.80 光亮煤 2.5 0.283 54 0.68
    暗淡煤 0.9 0.564 27 0.15
    2.10 光亮煤 3.5 0.228 21 0.72
    暗淡煤 0.9 0.315 18 0.16
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    表  4  鄂尔多斯盆地临兴—神府地区8#+9#煤层理论日均产水量预测结果

    Table  4.   Predicted theoretical daily average water production of 8#+9# coal seams in Linxing-Shenfu area, Ordos Basin

    Ro/% 煤岩类型 理论平均日产水量(生产压差为11 MPa)/m3
    0.60 光亮煤 26.007 3
    暗淡煤 12.809 8
    1.00 光亮煤 13.439 2
    暗淡煤 5.337 4
    1.35 光亮煤 7.224 4
    暗淡煤 1.815 2
    1.80 光亮煤 8.172 3
    暗淡煤 1.892 9
    2.10 光亮煤 8.215 7
    暗淡煤 1.901 9
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