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高庚 谢颖逸 侯蓓蓓 马文娟 徐慧 王玉杰 霍迎冬 张景远 刘世超 赵威 梁源

高庚, 谢颖逸, 侯蓓蓓, 马文娟, 徐慧, 王玉杰, 霍迎冬, 张景远, 刘世超, 赵威, 梁源. 断陷盆地深层煤岩储层特征、发育主控因素及其勘探领域——以海拉尔盆地呼和湖凹陷白垩系南屯组二段为例[J]. 石油实验地质, 2025, 47(1): 89-103. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2025010089
引用本文: 高庚, 谢颖逸, 侯蓓蓓, 马文娟, 徐慧, 王玉杰, 霍迎冬, 张景远, 刘世超, 赵威, 梁源. 断陷盆地深层煤岩储层特征、发育主控因素及其勘探领域——以海拉尔盆地呼和湖凹陷白垩系南屯组二段为例[J]. 石油实验地质, 2025, 47(1): 89-103. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2025010089
GAO Geng, XIE Yingyi, HOU Beibei, MA Wenjuan, XU Hui, WANG Yujie, HUO Yingdong, ZHANG Jingyuan, LIU Shichao, ZHAO Wei, LIANG Yuan. Characteristics, controlling factors of development and exploration areas of deep coal-rock reservoirs in rift basins: a case study of the second member of Cretaceous Nantun Formation in Huhehu Sag, Hailar Basin[J]. PETROLEUM GEOLOGY & EXPERIMENT, 2025, 47(1): 89-103. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2025010089
Citation: GAO Geng, XIE Yingyi, HOU Beibei, MA Wenjuan, XU Hui, WANG Yujie, HUO Yingdong, ZHANG Jingyuan, LIU Shichao, ZHAO Wei, LIANG Yuan. Characteristics, controlling factors of development and exploration areas of deep coal-rock reservoirs in rift basins: a case study of the second member of Cretaceous Nantun Formation in Huhehu Sag, Hailar Basin[J]. PETROLEUM GEOLOGY & EXPERIMENT, 2025, 47(1): 89-103. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2025010089


doi: 10.11781/sysydz2025010089

国家科技重大专项 2016ZX0504

中国石油重大科技专项项目 2017E-14

中国石油重大科技专项项目 2019E-25

中国石油大庆油田有限责任公司科研项目 202121KT002


    高庚(1979—),男,硕士,高级工程师,从事油气勘探与新能源研究。E-mail: ggao_njucsu@petrochina.com.cn

  • 中图分类号: TE122.3

Characteristics, controlling factors of development and exploration areas of deep coal-rock reservoirs in rift basins: a case study of the second member of Cretaceous Nantun Formation in Huhehu Sag, Hailar Basin

  • 摘要: 近年来,深层煤岩气勘探不断取得重大突破,揭示了深层煤岩气良好的勘探前景,已成为继致密油气、页岩油气之后的非常规油气勘探开发新热点。海拉尔盆地呼和湖凹陷白垩系南屯组二段(简称南二段)深层煤岩叠置发育、厚度大,深层煤岩气资源潜力大,是重要的勘探接替领域。明确深层煤岩储集层特征、主控因素及发育规律,能够进一步指导东北富煤断陷盆地深层煤岩气勘探与开发。基于呼和湖凹陷的钻井、地震资料,通过岩心、薄片观察与实验分析数据,对南二段深层煤岩优质储集层特征及发育主控因素进行了研究。呼和湖凹陷南二段煤岩储集层具有低灰分、特低水分、中高挥发分的特点,储集空间以有机孔、裂缝和无机矿物质孔为主,孔隙度主要分布在4.5%~7.6%之间,平均为6.0%,渗透率平均为0.45×10-3 μm2,孔隙结构以微孔为主,宏孔占比高,更易于游离气赋存。沼泽化滨浅湖广泛分布,控制煤岩大面积发育,为深层煤岩气成藏提供物质来源及储集空间。优质煤岩储集层主要发育于沼泽化滨浅湖广泛分布的洼槽带和陡坡带,形成的煤岩主要为光亮—半亮型原生结构煤,割理、有机孔、微裂缝发育,有机孔沟通微裂缝,孔隙连通率高,物性更佳,含气性更优,更富“游离气”,南部洼槽区和陡坡区更易于形成多种有利源储配置关系,成藏条件优越,预测资源量超万亿立方米,是呼和湖断陷深层煤岩气勘探的有利突破区,有望成为海拉尔盆地第一个万亿立方米深层煤岩气田的突破地。


  • 图  1  海拉尔盆地呼和湖凹陷构造分带分区特征(a)与典型地层综合柱状图(b)


    Figure  1.  Structural zoning characteristics (a) and typical stratigraphic comprehensive histogram (b) of Huhehu Sag, Hailar Basin

    图  2  海拉尔盆地呼和湖凹陷白垩系南屯组二段沉积相

    Figure  2.  Sedimentary facies map of the second member of Cretaceous Nantun Formation in Huhehu Sag, Hailar Basin

    图  3  海拉尔盆地呼和湖凹陷白垩系南屯组二段深层煤岩储层显微组分特征

    a.HT1井,5#煤,2 322.85 m,均质镜质体发育,局部发育少量丝质体和壳质组,白光显微镜;b.HT1井,5#煤,2 322.85 m,均质镜质体发育,局部发育少量丝质体和壳质组,荧光显微镜;c.HT1井,5#煤,2 321.15 m,均质镜质体发育,局部发育少量惰质体和壳质组,白光显微镜;d.HT1井,5#煤,2 321.15 m,均质镜质体发育,局部发育少量惰质体和壳质组,荧光显微镜;e.HT1井,6#煤,2 557.19 m,均质镜质体发育,局部发育少量惰质组和壳质组,白光显微镜;f.HT1井,6#煤,2 557.19 m,均质镜质体发育,局部发育少量惰质组和壳质组,荧光显微镜;g.HT1井,6#煤,2 568.84 m,团块镜质体发育,局部发育少量壳质组,白光显微镜;h.HT1井,6#煤,2 568.84 m,团块镜质体发育,局部发育少量壳质组,荧光显微镜。

    Figure  3.  Microscopic component characteristics of deep coal-rock reservoirs of the second member of Cretaceous Nantun Formation in Huhehu Sag, Hailar Basin

    图  4  海拉尔盆地呼和湖凹陷白垩系南屯组二段深层煤岩储层微观特征

    a.H24井,1 572.25 m,见2.76 μm有机质裂缝,有机孔发育,呈圆形和狭缝型,见石英,扫描电镜;b.H17井,2 108.91 m,有机质孔内充填黏土,见有机质裂缝,扫描电镜;c.H17井,2 108.91 m,见2.85 μm黏土裂缝,见钾长石充填,且被有机质浸染,扫描电镜;d.H14井,2 156.70 m,见325.9 nm石英粒间孔;e.H24井,1 572.25 m,见254.5 nm钠长石粒内孔,扫描电镜;f.H14井,2 156.70 m,100.4 nm黏土晶间孔隙,扫描电镜;g.H17井,2 108.91 m,见有机质裂缝和黏土晶间孔,扫描电镜;h.H24井,1 572.25 m,见植物组织孔,铸体薄片单偏光;i.HX1井,2 726.35 m,有机孔、树枝状—网状裂缝发育,沟通成网络,铸体薄片单偏光。

    Figure  4.  Microscopic characteristics of deep coal-rock reservoirs in the second member of Cretaceous Nantun Formation, Huhehu Sag, Hailar Basin

    图  5  海拉尔盆地呼和湖凹陷HT1井白垩系南屯组二段6#煤岩储层孔体积分布

    Figure  5.  Pore volume distribution of 6# coal-rock reservoirs in the second member of Cretaceous Nantun Formation of well HT1, Huhehu Sag, Hailar Basin

    图  6  海拉尔盆地呼和湖凹陷白垩系南屯组二段沼泽化滨浅湖煤岩发育模式


    Figure  6.  Development model of coal-rock in swampy shore and shallow lake environments in the second member of Cretaceous Nantun Formation, Huhehu Sag, Hailar Basin

    图  7  海拉尔盆地呼和湖凹陷呼南次凹缓坡断阶带上部断阶H24井6#煤岩储层宏观与微观特征

    a.原生结构煤,面割理、端割理和微裂缝欠发育,半亮—半暗型,岩心截面照片;b.40.24 nm有机质孔,扫描电镜;c.植物组织孔,微裂缝较发育,长度为680.9 μm,铸体薄片单偏光;d.黏土晶间孔(最长1.43 μm)及有机孔(最长423 nm),扫描电镜;e.总孔隙度为6.36%,有效孔隙度为3.03%,孔隙连通率为47.6%,平均孔隙半径为8.6 μm,微裂缝孔隙度为0.54%,微裂缝开度为43.11 μm,微米CT;f.见有机孔与微裂缝,微裂缝长度为14.2~96.3 μm,扫描电镜。

    Figure  7.  Macroscopic and microscopic characteristics of 6# coal-rock reservoir in well H24 of upper fault step of fault step zone in gentle slope of southern sub-sag, Huhehu Sag, Hailar Basin

    图  8  海拉尔盆地呼和湖凹陷呼南次凹缓坡断阶带中部断阶H14井7#煤岩储层宏观与微观特征

    a.原生结构煤,面割理、端割理和微裂缝欠发育,半暗型,岩心截面照片;b.见黏土晶间孔(41.97 nm),石英粒间孔(59.42 nm),扫描电镜;c.植物组织孔,铸体薄片单偏光;d.有机孔,长度为462.5 nm,有机质裂缝长10.3 μm,扫描电镜;e.总孔隙度为3.2%,有效孔隙度为1.34%,孔隙连通率为41.8%,平均孔隙半径为6.4 μm,微裂缝孔隙度为0.27%,微裂缝开度26.19 μm,微米CT;f.见有机质裂缝2条,长度为47.4~128.3 μm,扫描电镜。

    Figure  8.  Macroscopic and microscopic characteristics of 7# coal-rock reservoir in well H14 of middle fault step of fault step zone in gentle slope of southern sub-sag, Huhehu Sag, Hailar Basin

    图  9  海拉尔盆地呼和湖凹陷呼南次凹缓坡断阶带下部断阶HX20井3#煤岩储层宏观与微观特征

    a.原生结构煤,面割理、端割理和斜交微裂缝发育,半亮型,岩心截面照片;b.1.4 μm有机孔,扫描电镜;c.圆形和狭缝型有机孔发育,最长可达45.7 μm,微裂缝发育,最长可达120.4 ~794.1 μm,铸体薄片单偏光;d.圆形和狭缝型有机孔发育,最长可达1.61 μm;e.总孔隙度为5.6%,有效孔隙度为4.6%,孔隙连通率为81.8%,平均孔隙半径为8.1 μm,微裂缝孔隙度为1.29%,微裂缝开度为56.49 μm,微米CT;f.蜂窝状有机孔发育,见微裂缝3条,长度为78.5~463.3 μm,激光共聚焦。

    Figure  9.  Macroscopic and microscopic characteristics of 3# coal-rock reservoir in well HX20 of lower fault step of fault step zone in gentle slope of southern sub-sag, Huhehu Sag, Hailar Basin

    图  10  海拉尔盆地呼和湖凹陷呼南次凹南部洼槽区HX1井7#煤岩储层宏观与微观特征

    a.原生结构煤,面割理、端割理和微裂缝发育,光亮型,岩心截面照片;b.3.51 μm有机质孔与有机质裂缝连通,扫描电镜;c.圆形和狭缝型有机孔发育,最长261.1 μm,微裂缝发育,长度为324 ~2 179 μm,沟通成网络状,铸体薄片单偏光;d.圆形和狭缝型有机孔发育,最长为1.89 μm;e. 总孔隙度为5.19%,有效孔隙度为4.61%,孔隙连通率为88.8%,平均孔隙半径为6.7 μm,微裂缝孔隙度为1.97%,微裂缝开度为66.2 μm,微米CT;f.蜂窝状有机孔发育,见微裂缝3条,长度109~321.4 μm,激光共聚焦。

    Figure  10.  Macroscopic and microscopic characteristics of 7# coal-rock reservoir in well HX1 of southern depression zone in southern sub-sag, Huhehu Sag, Hailar Basin

    图  11  海拉尔盆地呼和湖凹陷呼南次凹南部陡坡区H17井4#煤岩储层宏观与微观特征

    a.原生结构煤,面割理、端割理和微裂缝发育,光亮型,岩心截面照片;b.786.9 nm有机质孔内充填黏土,微裂缝发育4条,扫描电镜;c.圆形和狭缝型有机孔发育,最长220.2 μm,微裂缝发育,长度为180.9~1 099.3 μm,铸体薄片单偏光;d.圆形和狭缝型有机孔发育,最长1.08 μm;e.总孔隙度为5.9%,有效孔隙度为5.0%,孔隙连通率为84.7%,平均孔隙半径为7.5 μm,微裂缝孔隙度为1.43%,微裂缝开度为86.71 μm,微米CT;f.蜂窝状有机孔发育,见微裂缝5条,长度为69.3~385.6 μm,激光共聚焦。

    Figure  11.  Macroscopic and microscopic characteristics of 4# coal-rock reservoir in well H17 of southern steep slope zone in southern sub-sag, Huhehu Sag, Hailar Basin

    表  1  海拉尔盆地呼和湖凹陷白垩系南屯组二段煤样工业分析结果

    Table  1.   Industrial analysis results of coal samples from the second member of Cretaceous Nantun Formation, Huhehu Sag, Hailar Basin

    井号 样品数/个 水分/% 灰分/% 挥发分/% 固定碳/%
    HX20 8 0.55~2.64/1.79 0.9~12.5/7.19 32.68~35.54/34.41 51.02~63.24/56.65
    HT1 9 0.23~0.48/0.36 3.04~11.64/8.12 29.11~35.38/31.28 53.69~67.79/60.60
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    表  2  海拉尔盆地呼和湖凹陷白垩系南屯组二段不同构造带煤吸附气与游离气占比

    Table  2.   Proportion of adsorbed gas and free gas in coal from different structural zones in the second member of Cretaceous Nantun Formation, Huhehu Sag, Hailar Basin

    井号 H24 H14 HX20 HX1 H17
    构造带 西部缓坡断阶带上断阶 西部缓坡断阶带中断阶 西部缓坡断阶带下断阶 东部洼槽带 东部陡坡带
    深度/m 1 572.25 2 156.70 2 053.10 2 726.35 2 108.91
    吸附气占比/% 97.09 92.80 69.60 55.60 62.50
    游离气占比/% 2.91 7.23 30.40 44.40 37.50
    下载: 导出CSV
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