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郑永旺 崔轶男 李鑫 肖翠 郭涛 张登峰

郑永旺, 崔轶男, 李鑫, 肖翠, 郭涛, 张登峰. 深层高阶煤层CO2-ECBM技术研究与应用启示——以沁水盆地晋中地区为例[J]. 石油实验地质, 2025, 47(1): 143-152. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2025010143
引用本文: 郑永旺, 崔轶男, 李鑫, 肖翠, 郭涛, 张登峰. 深层高阶煤层CO2-ECBM技术研究与应用启示——以沁水盆地晋中地区为例[J]. 石油实验地质, 2025, 47(1): 143-152. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2025010143
ZHENG Yongwang, CUI Yinan, LI Xin, XIAO Cui, GUO Tao, ZHANG Dengfeng. Research and insights for application of CO2-ECBM technology in deep high-rank coal seams: a case study of Jinzhong block, Qinshui Basin[J]. PETROLEUM GEOLOGY & EXPERIMENT, 2025, 47(1): 143-152. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2025010143
Citation: ZHENG Yongwang, CUI Yinan, LI Xin, XIAO Cui, GUO Tao, ZHANG Dengfeng. Research and insights for application of CO2-ECBM technology in deep high-rank coal seams: a case study of Jinzhong block, Qinshui Basin[J]. PETROLEUM GEOLOGY & EXPERIMENT, 2025, 47(1): 143-152. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2025010143


doi: 10.11781/sysydz2025010143

中国石化科技部项目“华东探区深部煤层气富集规律与有效开发技术” P23205


    郑永旺(1984—),男,高级工程师,从事非常规油气勘探开发方面的研究与管理工作。E-mail: zhengyw.hdsj@sinopec.com


    崔轶男(1995—),女,助理研究员,从事煤层气高效开发工作。E-mail: cuiyn1109.hdsj@sinopec.com

  • 中图分类号: TE341

Research and insights for application of CO2-ECBM technology in deep high-rank coal seams: a case study of Jinzhong block, Qinshui Basin

  • 摘要: 深层高阶煤层资源潜力大,但具有“强吸附、难解吸”的特点,常规开发方式难以实现效益动用。与化学驱、热力驱等其他提高采收率技术相比,CO2-ECBM(CO2地质封存及强化煤层开采)技术具有节能减排和提高煤层气采收率双重效益。为明确CO2吸附、解吸特性,论证CO2-ECBM技术提高深层高阶煤层气采收率可行性,助力深层高阶煤层气产能释放,以沁水盆地晋中地区为研究对象,开展深层高阶煤层CO2吸附、解吸特征研究实验。研究结果表明,随着平衡压力的增加,煤层对CH4的吸附量逐渐增加,而受煤层孔裂隙发育特征及CO2特征影响,煤层对CO2的吸附量呈先持续上升再在临界压力附近骤降后大幅上升的特征。深层高阶煤层对CO2的吸附能力约为CH4的2~5倍,超临界CO2在煤层中的吸附能力更强,CO2的敏感解吸压力为CH4的3/4,且吸附于煤层后,CO2呈现出明显的吸附、解吸滞后特征,大比例CO2以吸附封存和残余封存形式滞留在煤层中无法脱附,成为实现大规模封存CO2和替换CH4的有利条件。通过实验结果分析,明确了深层高阶煤层气开展CO2-ECBM具备大幅提高采收率的可行性。矿场应用中,可通过超前注气、加大注入压力等方式提高气藏压力水平,提升竞争吸附效率,同时低敏感解吸压力也表明注入CO2后返排率较高,需考虑CO2循环利用。


  • 图  1  沁水盆地晋中地区煤层孔隙孔径、孔体积曲线

    Figure  1.  Pore diameter and pore volume curves of coal seams in Jinzhong block, Qinshui Basin

    图  2  不同地区煤层裂缝发育情况

    Figure  2.  Development of coal seam fractures in different blocks

    图  3  沁水盆地晋中地区和鄂尔多斯盆地延川南地区裂隙开度分级分布

    Figure  3.  Graded distribution of fracture opening in Jinzhong block, Qinshui Basin and Yanchuan south block, Ordos Basin

    图  4  不同演化程度煤储层吸附等温线

    Figure  4.  Adsorption isotherms of coal reservoirs with different evolution degrees

    图  5  各地区敏感解吸压力对比

    Figure  5.  Comparison of sensitive desorption pressures in each block

    图  6  煤岩高压储层流体吸附、解吸性能测定装置及流程

    Figure  6.  Device and process for measuring fluid adsorption and desorption performance of high-pressure coal reservoir

    图  7  沁水盆地晋中地区煤样CH4吉布斯吸附量曲线

    Figure  7.  Curves of CH4 Gibbs adsorption capacity of coal samples from Jinzhong block, Qinshui Basin

    图  8  沁水盆地晋中地区煤样CO2吉布斯吸附量曲线

    Figure  8.  Curves of CO2 Gibbs adsorption capacity of coal samples from Jinzhong block, Qinshui Basin

    图  9  沁水盆地晋中地区煤样CH4吸附等温线以及Langmuir模型拟合结果

    Figure  9.  CH4 adsorption isotherm of coal samples from Jinzhong block, Qinshui Basin, and Langmuir model fitting results

    图  10  沁水盆地晋中地区煤样CO2吸附等温线以及Langmuir模型拟合结果

    Figure  10.  CO2 adsorption isotherm of coal samples from Jinzhong block, Qinshui Basin, and Langmuir model fitting results

    图  11  沁水盆地晋中地区煤样气体吸附量对比

    Figure  11.  Comparison of gas adsorption capacities of coal samples from Jinzhong block, Qinshui Basin

    图  12  318.15 K温度下CO2密度随压力变化特征


    Figure  12.  Variation of CO2 density with pressure at 318.15 K

    图  13  沁水盆地晋中地区煤样CH4吸附和解吸曲线

    Figure  13.  CH4 adsorption and desorption isotherms of coal samples from Jinzhong block, Qinshui Basin

    图  14  沁水盆地晋中地区煤样CO2吸附和解吸曲线

    Figure  14.  CO2 adsorption and desorption isotherms of coal samples from Jinzhong block, Qinshui Basin

    表  1  沁水盆地晋中地区煤样CH4、CO2吸附和解吸实验样品基本信息

    Table  1.   Basic information of CH4 and CO2 adsorption and desorption experimental coal samples from in Jinzhong block, Qinshui Basin

    煤样编号 井段/m 块体密度/(g/cm3) Ro/% 显微组分/% 工业组分/%
    镜质组 惰质组 矿物 水分 灰分 挥发分 固定碳
    J1-28-1 1 883.50~1 883.75 1.4 3.0 75.4 19.8 4.8 3.2 29.4 6.5 60.9
    J1-29-1 1 883.90~1 884.17 1.5 2.9 68.2 24.4 7.4 3.4 16.9 5.2 74.5
    J1-29-2 1 884.50~1 884.77 1.5 2.9 72.0 19.8 8.2 2.7 20.8 6.8 69.6
    J1-33-1 1 889.23~1 889.50 1.5 2.9 88.2 6.8 5.0 1.8 20.5 7.4 70.2
    J1-34-1 1 890.44~1 890.70 1.5 2.9 71.6 26.8 1.6 2.7 18.0 8.3 71.0
    J1-34-2 1 889.87~1 890.14 1.4 2.9 73.4 25.0 1.6 1.9 7.5 7.1 83.5
    J1-35-1 1 891.64~1 891.90 1.4 3.0 79.2 11.6 9.2 3.1 20.1 6.3 70.5
    J1-35-2 1 891.38~1 891.64 1.4 2.9 82.8 14.0 3.2 2.3 16.6 6.7 74.5
    下载: 导出CSV

    表  2  沁水盆地晋中地区煤样CH4吸附等温线Langmuir模型拟合结果

    Table  2.   Langmuir model fitting results for CH4 adsorption isotherm of coal samples from Jinzhong block, Qinshui Basin

    煤样编号 质量/g VL/ (cm3/g) PL/ MPa 相关系数 平均相对误差/%
    J1-28-1 20.132 1 48.31 2.39 0.996 5 4.27
    J1-34-2 20.031 4 41.49 1.87 0.999 0 2.56
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    表  3  沁水盆地晋中地区煤样CO2吸附等温线Langmuir模型拟合结果

    Table  3.   Langmuir model fitting results for CO2 adsorption isotherm of coal samples from Jinzhong block, Qinshui Basin

    煤样编号 质量/g VL/ (cm3/g) PL/ MPa 相关系数 平均相对误差/%
    J1-28-1 20.040 0 69.44 1.47 0.978 1 5.82
    J1-34-2 20.499 0 66.23 1.01 0.990 8 5.01
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