Thermal evolution history reconstruction of Carboniferous source rocks on the northeastern margin of Junggar Basin using TSM basin simulation technology
准噶尔盆地东北缘石炭系发育多套烃源岩,恢复烃源岩热演化史对深化认识该区油气成藏过程具有重要作用。在盆地原型演化与烃源岩发育特征研究基础上,应用TSM盆地模拟资源评价系统建立了一维和三维盆地模拟模型,恢复了不同构造单元埋藏史、热史和烃源岩生烃演化史。准噶尔盆地东北缘各凹陷石炭系烃源岩生烃演化过程存在明显的差异,乌伦古坳陷石炭系烃源岩在石炭纪末进入低成熟演化阶段,二叠纪隆升造成烃源岩演化停滞,三叠纪末再次埋藏演化达二次生烃门限,现今处于过成熟生干气阶段(Ro >2.0%);三南凹陷石炭系烃源岩在二叠纪进入低成熟演化阶段,现今处于高成熟演化生气阶段(Ro为1.5%~1.9%);滴水泉凹陷石炭系烃源岩在三叠纪进入低成熟演化阶段,现今仍处于成熟演化生油阶段(Ro为0.8%~1.3%)。通过模拟计算获得了乌伦古坳陷石炭系姜巴斯套组烃源岩的累计生烃量为205.2×108 t,其中石炭纪末累计生烃量为103×108 t,是主要的生油高峰期;白垩纪末累计生烃量为184.4×108 t,是主要的生气高峰期。
Abstract:Multiple sets of source rocks developed in the Carboniferous on the northeastern margin of Junggar Basin. Modelling the thermal evolution history of source rocks is of great importance to deepen the understanding of hydrocar- bon accumulation. Based on the study of basin evolution and source rock development characteristics, this paper applies a TSM Basin Simulation and Resource Evaluation System to establish one-dimensional and three-dimensional basin simulation models so as to reconstruct the burial, thermal evolution and hydrocarbon generation histories of different structural units. There are obvious differences in the hydrocarbon generation and evolution process of Carboniferous source rocks in different sags on the northeastern margin of the Junggar Basin. The Carboniferous source rocks in the Wulungu Depression entered the low-maturity evolution stage at the end of the Carboniferous, stagnated due to uplifts in the Permian, reached the threshold of secondary hydrocarbon generation at the end of Triassic when burial resumed, and are now in the over-mature stage, mainly generating dry gas (Ro>2.0%). The Carboniferous source rocks in the Sannan Sag entered the low-maturity stage in the Permian and are now in the high-maturity gas-producing stage (Ro=1.5% -1.9%). The Carboniferous source rocks in the Dishuiquan Sag entered the low-maturity stage in the Triassic and are now in the mature oil-producing stage (Ro=0.8%-1.3%). Simulation calculations show that the cumulative hydrocarbon generation of the source rocks in the Carboniferous Jiangbasitao Formation in the Wulungu Depression amounts to 20.5×109 t, in which the cumulative hydrocarbon generation until the end of Carboniferous is 10.3×109 t, which is the main oil generation stage. The cumulative gas generation at the end of Cretaceous is 18.4×109 t, which is the main gas generation period.
Key words:
- source rock /
- thermal evolution /
- TSM basin modelling /
- Carboniferous /
- Wulungu Depression /
- Junggar Basin
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