As viewed from the tectonic evolution of the SE China continental margin as a whole,it has experienced a long,continueous and successive developing process though the variation of geological evolution is characterized by stages, During the pre-Indosinian (or late Variscian)of the ancient global tectonic stage,the tectonics of the continental margin was characterized by continental growth or accretion in the mode of ductkile creeping or variotis terrane collisions at different times. The lndosinian diktygenesis broiight ab0ut the trans-formation of tectonic regimes,i.e, from the accient global tectoiiic regime into the new global tectonic regime of plate tectonics,indicated by the generation,development and stib-duction of the Tethvan and Pacific plates. Since the tectonic deformation and the stJperim-position of the later tectonics on those of the former continued to go on by collision after convergence or interblock squeezing reactivated along pre-collisional belts.This is indeed a type of thin-crusted collision tectonics that occurred in the new global tectonic stage of plate tectonic regime. However,the tectoiiics of the SE China continental margin differs from both of the Alps and S.Appaliachian types since the interblock collision followed by continental squeezing and various derived terrane collision took place at different times and in different stvles. Moreover,it differs also from the Germano and Cordileran types of oro-genic tectonics siiice the interblock squeezing was accompaiiied by severe deformation,a profuse of metamorphism,magmatism,migmatization and magma intrusion,as well as the various highly heterogeneous terranes which welt to each other in different times and stvles. Therefore,it is concluded that the tectonics and their evolution of the SE China con-tinental margin should have its unique geological characteristics.