摘要: 渗透率是影响储层性质的主要物理参数之一,根据大量国外研究成果和作者本人的实践,对渗透率非均质性参数进行了系统的研究,包括:对渗透率的分布特征、各种均值参数的计算和比较、参数的合理性和代表性分析、渗透率非均质性参数标定以及地质因素对参数计算的影响等,为油藏模拟和开发过程中渗透率参数的合理选取以及油气储量的计算提供依据。Abstract: Permeability is one of the most important parameters affecting reservoir physcical properties.This paper,based on the study of reservoir heterogeneity parameters home and abroad,gave a systematic analysis of various heterogeneous parameters,including the plane distribution features,probability distribution characteristics,calculation and comparison of different average values,rational selection and utilization of parameters,analysis of representative,characterization of parameters,and geological factors affecting the calculation of parameters,in order to provide practical permeability parameters in the course of reservoir simulation and the calcuation of oil and gas reserves.
Key words:
- permeability /
- heterogeneity /
- reservoir probability distribution /
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