摘要: 草湖凹陷位于塔里木盆地满加尔坳陷北部,烃源岩为下古生界寒武系、奥陶系暗色灰岩,储集岩为古生界奥陶系灰岩和石炭系东河砂岩以及中生界三叠系、侏罗系、白垩系砂岩。本凹陷是被石油地质学家一致认为极具油气勘探远景的区域。该文以含油气系统理论为主线,划分出深部O2+3-C1油气系统和上部T-E1复合油气系统,探讨了烃源岩生排烃与圈闭发育期的匹配关系以及油气运移的方式及通道,深化了对该凹陷油气富集规律的认识,指出了该凹陷油气的勘探方向和目标。Abstract: The Caohu Sag is located in the North Manjiaer Depression of the Tarim Basin. Its source rocks are the Cambrian and Ordovician melalimestone of the Lower Paleozoic, and its reservoir rocks are the Ordovician limestone and Carboniferous Donghe sandstone of the Paleozoic as well as the Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous sandstone of the Mesozoic. The sag, petroleum geologists be of the same view, is a very prospecting region for hydrocarbon exploration. Based on the theory of petroliferous systems, thedeep O2+3-C1 petroliferous system and the upper T-E1 composite petroliferous system are divided, and the matching relationship between the hydrocarbon generation and expulsion of source rocks and the developing periods of traps as well as the patterns and pathways of hydrocarbon migration is discussed. Furthermore, the understanding of hydrocarbon enrichment regularities for the sag is strengthened, and the direction and targets of hydrocarbon exploration in the sag are suggested.
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