摘要: 气相色谱分离技术能有效地对混合物中不同痕量的化合物进行分离并对不同组分进行定量.根据油(气)井生产过程建立混采油井化学模型,采用GC和GC/MS实验分析技术,选择大港油田某断块原油进行气相色谱指纹化合物可配比性实验和化学模拟.结果表明:并非所有色谱指纹化合物都具有可配比性,指纹化合物的可配比性不但取决于生成原油的地质背景,而且还与原油组分的性质、浓度以及色谱分析的分离度和定量方法等因素有关.应用具有可配比性的原油色谱指纹,可以定量模拟混采井生产过程中不同单层的贡献率,并对油藏进行动态监测管理.实验研究结果还可以进一步推广到多油源区不同烃源岩对油藏储量贡献率的模拟计算,寻找有效烃源岩及主要运移路径,确定最佳勘探目标区;同时该技术还有望用来解决环境污染动态监测的技术问题.Abstract: The trace compounds in hydrocarbon can be discriminated and calculated by gas chromatography (GC).Chemical model of commingled production wells was established based on its developing process.Partition experiment and chemical simulation of GC fingerprint compounds were carried out in one reservoir of Gangxi area in Dagang oilfield.The results showed that not all GC fingerprint compounds were partitive,which were resulted from the geological setting of oil generation,the properties and concentration of oil composition,the resolution of chromatogram,and the quantitative method of fingerprint parameters.Therefore,only the partitive fingerprint compounds can be used to monitor the performance of developing wells.At the same time,the method provided a new thought for the quantitative simulation of hydrocarbon generation of different source rocks and for the monitoring of air and water pollution.
Key words:
- partitive fingerprint /
- GC fingerprint /
- GC chemical simulation /
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