摘要: 无论是油气田的勘探还是开发都离不开对储层的综合评价、建模及预测.碎屑岩储层的研究,又离不开对沉积(微)相的分析,可以说都是在相控基础上的评价、建模及预测.尤其是在油气田的开发中,对老油田的挖潜和提高采收率,均涉及到影响剩余油的分布或(和)注入剂波及系数的储层非均质性.然而,造成所有这一切结果的根本因素是形成沉积砂体的成因机制——即沉积作用(或方式).在前人的基础上,系统分析并总结了形成碎屑岩储层的八大沉积作用:“垂、前、侧、漫、筛、选、填、浊”与其所形成砂体的沉积特征、储层特征、构形及地球物理响应关系,并对各自形成的地质条件进行了探讨,意在全面更好地表征它们的地质、地球物理及储层特征,为理解和研究碎屑岩储层的非均质性及剩余油的分布等提供成因机制分析的依据.Abstract: Comprehensive evaluation, modeling and prediction of petroleum reservoir are always concerned in the oil-and-gas field exploration and development. Moreover, study of reservoir characteristics is related to analysis of depositional facies or microfacies. It revolves occurrence of residual petroleum and sweep efficiency or conformance factor of injectant to find new reservoirs and enhance oil recovery during the stage of reservoir management and development in maturing oil fields, and this is related to the study on reservoirs heterogeneity. The fundamental reason of all these results is the mechanisms forming depositional sandbody-depositional processes. The relationship between depositional process and response of reservoir heterogeneity is for the geologists and petroleum engineers to resolve. Based on the previous research, 8 major depositional processes (vertical accretion, progradation, lateral accretion, overbank accretion, sieve accretion, winnowing accretion, channel filling, and turbidity deposition) have been defined and the sedimentary features, reservoir characteristics, architecture, log and seismic responsibility of the sediments formed mainly by these depositional processes have been described in detail, in order to get a better understanding of reservoir heterogeneity and occurrences of residual petroleum on clastic rocks and to provide basis for analyzing genetic mechanism.
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