摘要: 在油气藏开发过程中,地层压力下降以后,研究储层孔隙度应力敏感性具有极其重要的意义。文中从孔隙体积应变的基本概念出发,推导出理论上的孔隙度应力敏感模型,提出了以孔隙应力敏感系数作为评价孔隙度应力敏感性的方法。孔隙应力敏感系数是建立在孔隙压缩系数变化的基础之上的,因此能比孔隙压缩系数更精确地描述孔隙度的应力敏感性。以此理论结果指导试验,将理论研究与实验规律相结合,在模拟地层条件下,对鄂尔多斯盆地下古生界马五段的18块岩心样品进行了孔隙度应力敏感性实验研究。实验研究表明,该方法能更精确地描述储层孔隙度应力敏感性。实验结果与理论推导结果完全一致,进一步证明了理论推导的正确。Abstract: The porosity of reservoir rocks is one of the most essential and important formation parametersin pool development. As we know,during the development of reservoirs,the formation pressure is reducing,that is to say,the effective overlying pressure is increasing. Porosity is stronger effected by porositystress sensibility. Study porosity stress sensibility has important meanings to reservoir development. Thispaper presented a porosity stress sensibility model in theory by means of porosity volumetric strain ,brought forward a parameter named porosity stress sensibility coefficient,then took it as a method to evaluate porosity stress sensibility. This parameter is based on the change of pore compression coefficient,soit can describe porosity stress sensibility more accurately than using pore compression coefficient. Combining theoretical rules with the experiment,the theory was proved to be true by the experiment of porositystress sensibility under the simulating formation situation.
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