摘要: 塔里木盆地雅—轮地区大部分圈闭及油气藏的形成与断裂作用密切相关,对断层封堵性的综合研究已成为该地区油气勘探的重要因素。应用地质定性分析、Allen剖面分析及断层涂抹量计算等方法,通过对研究区4个典型断层封堵油气藏的系统解剖研究,建立雅—轮地区断裂封堵性评价标准,对雅—轮地区断层的封堵性进行综合评价。雅—轮地区断层整体封堵效果良好,断层在圈闭形成和油气聚集过程中起着重要的控制作用,形成一系列沿断层带状分布的油气藏。亚南断裂的封堵效果东部要优于西部,下部要优于上部。轮台断裂在不同部位、不同深度均存在着不同的封堵性能,封堵非均质性明显,总体显示断裂东部地区(也根附近)的封堵性要好于西部雅南地区。Abstract: Most traps and pools in Yakela-Luntai area of the Tarim Basin are closely related to faults,which play a very important role in trap formation and hydrocarbon accumulation.Therefore,integrated research of fault sealing has become a decisive factor of the exploration in the area.The fault sealing of four typical fault-screened reservoirs in this area has been studied by geological qualitative analysis,(Allen)cross-section analysis,shale smear factor,etc.,so as to establish a standard evaluation criteria of fault sealing which can be used in the general appraisal of Yakela-Luntai area.In conclusion,faults seal well in the whole area,and control trap formation and hydrocarbon accumulation.Series of pools have been discovered along the fault belts.The Ya'nan Fault seals better in the east and the underlayer than in the west and the upside.Obviously,the Luntai Fault seals variously in different part and depth,in brief better in the east part(near Yegen area)than the west.
Key words:
- fault sealing /
- Yakela-Luntai area /
- the Tarim Basin
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