摘要: 油气藏中的轻烃在与环境进行物质和能量的交换过程中,各赋存状态轻烃在沉积岩表面分子引力的作用下构成了一个动态的物理化学平衡。根据环境中物理吸附轻烃的含量与组分特征,可追踪出轻烃供给源(即油气藏),并可进一步预测与推断出油气藏的性质和特征。物理吸附气技术是让样品在真空状态下比较完全地释放出物理作用吸附的气体,用气相色谱仪定性和定量分析其中的轻烃组分,然后根据轻烃的浓度变化来推断油气藏的性质和特征。物理吸附气技术在岩性变化很大的四川盆地新场气田实验剖面上、在地质及地表条件复杂的鄂尔多斯盆地镇原—泾川黄土塬实验区及塔里木盆地柴窝堡戈壁实验区都有很好的油气指示意义,取得了很好的应用效果且有着广泛的应用前景。Abstract: In the process of the light hydrocarbons in oil or gas reservoirs exchanging substance and energy with surrounding material,all states of light hydrocarbons form a dynamical equilibrium under the action of the surface of sediment.According to the composition and content of physically-absorbed light hydrocarbons,we can trace the source of light hydrocarbons(i.e.oil or gas reservoirs),and further predict or deduce the properties and characteristics of oil or gas reservoirs.By the technology of physically-absorbed light hydrocarbons,the physically-absorbed gas is completely released from the sample in a vacuum state.The light hydrocarbon compositions are analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively with gas-chromatogram.The properties and characteristics of oil or gas reservoirs are determined according to the variety of light hydrocarbon concentration.The technology of physically-absorbed light hydrocarbons got very good application results in Xinchang gas field in Sichuan Basin,Zhenyuan-Jingchuan loes-sial plateau in Ordos Basin and Chaiwopu gobi area in Tarim Basin.This technology has a very good prospect in application and popularization.
Key words:
- physically absorb /
- light hydrocarbon /
- oil or gas /
- petroleum geologic significance
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