摘要: 台湾海峡盆地是位于台湾海峡及其相邻台湾西部的中、新生代叠合盆地。油气地质研究表明,烃源岩主要为古新统及始新统潮坪—澙湖相泥岩和中新统海陆过渡相炭质泥岩和海相泥岩,储层为古新统、始新统的潮下坪相砂岩及中新统三角洲相砂岩,区域盖层为中新统—第四系泥岩。东部坳陷和西部坳陷的油气地质条件存在明显的差异。含油气系统研究认为,台湾海峡盆地发育了古近系和中新统两套含油气系统,盆地西部主要发育古近系含油气系统,具有较好的油气资源前景;盆地东部主要发育中新统含油气系统,具有良好的油气资源前景。Abstract: Taiwan Strait Basin is a Mesozoic-Cenozoic superimposed basin suited in Taiwan strait and its neighborhood.The study illustrated that mudstone of tidal flat-lagoon in Paleocene and Eocene,and coaly mudstone of paralic faceies and marine mudstone in Miocene are main source rocks,and sandstones of lower tidal flat in Paleocene and Eocene and dalta sandstone in Miocene are reservoir rocks,and mudstone of Miocene-Quaternary is seal rock.There is significant difference between eastern depression and western depression.The study of petroleum geology suggests that there are two petroleum systems of Paleogene and Miocene in this basin.There is mainly petroleum system of Paleogene in eastern part of this basin that has better potential of petroleum,and there is mainly petroleum system of Miocene in western part of this basin that has good potential of petroleum.
Key words:
- petroleum potential /
- petroleum system /
- petroleum geology /
- Taiwan Strait Basin /
- China
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