摘要: 含油气系统(petroleum system)概念提出后的20多年里,世界油气勘探业走过了一条搏奕—理性、随机—系统、盲从—高效之路,它的诞生和应用"明显地提高了勘探成功率","已经成为一种重要的勘探工具"。我国的石油地质家和勘探家在20世纪60年代总结和提出了"成油系统"的思想,并在此后的20年间又相继发展和提出了"源控论"、"定凹选带"等几乎和含油气系统"等效"的认识和理论体系,在指导我国东部相对简单盆地的油气勘探中发挥了重要作用。从20世纪80年代后期开始,中国石油人在对西部和南方多旋回叠合或改造盆地的"求知"中,在中国盆地的"土壤"上,创新性地提出了"复合含油气系统"、"复式含油气系统"、"油气保存单元"等更贴近"中国型"盆地风格和特点的含油气系统概念,并取得了在这一领域油气勘探的重大发现和突破。中国的几辈石油人在"接力棒"式的探索和实践中不断沉淀和积累,促进了含油气系统思想和中国盆地的"融合",在含油气系统理论体系中添上了浓浓的中国色彩。
- 油气保存单元 /
- 复式(合)含油气系统 /
- 含油气系统 /
- 多旋回 /
- 中国盆地
Abstract: In the over 20 years since the idea of petroleum system was put forward,petroleum exploration worldwide has undergone a way from risk to sense,random to system and blindness to high effect.The naissance and application of petroleum system have markedly improved exploration success ratio and become an important exploration tool.In the 1960s,petroleum geologists and explorationists in China brought forward the idea of "oil generation system".And in the following 20 years,the knowledge and theory system of "source controlling theory" and "determining depression and selecting zone" which is equivalent to petroleum system was developed,playing an important role in guiding petroleum exploration in relatively simple basins in the east of China.In the late 1980s,several innovative petroleum system concepts including "multiplex petroleum system","complex petroleum system" and "petroleum reserve unit" which are closer to Chinese basin style and characteristics were put forward based on the study of multicycle superimposed or deformed basins in the west and south of China,resulting in great discoveries in this field.Generations of Chinese petroleum workers have been exploring and practicing successively,whose experiences have enhanced the amalgamation of petroleum system with Chinese basins,making petroleum system Sinicized.-
Key words:
- petroleum reserve unit /
- complex petroleum system /
- petroleum system /
- multicycle /
- basins in China
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