摘要: 通过长焰煤、焦煤和无烟煤对CH4,N2,CO2单组分和6种不同配比浓度(80%CH4+20%CO2,50%CH4+50%CO2,20%CH4+80%CO2,80%CH4+20%N2,50%CH4+50%N2和20%CH4+80%N2)二元混合气的等温吸附实验研究,探讨了3种不同煤级煤对单组分气体和不同配比二元混合气体的吸附特征。结合煤层气勘探试验井的实测气含量、储层压力等资料,对纯甲烷气体和二元混合气体等温吸附实验结果进行了实例分析,解释了实际生产中出现的含气饱和度出现过饱和达110%的异常现象,认为根据不同地区、不同组分的煤层气,配制与其相同的混合气来进行吸附实验,才能提供更接近实际情况的吸附参数和吸附等温曲线。Abstract: The sorption characteristics of the single-component gas(CH4,N2,CO2) and the binary gas with different proportion(80% CH4+20% CO2,50% CH4+50% CO2,20% CH4+80% CO2,80% CH4+20% N2,50% CH4+50% N2,20% CH4+80% N2) on long-flame coal,coking coal and anthracite were studied by means of isotherm adsorption experiment in laboratory.Based on gas content data and gas reservoir pressure data measured through coalbed gas test,some abnormal phenomena taking place in actual production,such as the gas saturation being at the extra-saturated state of 110%,were analyzed in details.The results indicate that in order to obtain the relatively accurate sorption parameters and adsorption isotherm curves,the mixed gas used in isotherm adsorption experiment in laboratory should be matched to the actual coalbed gases in different areas.
Key words:
- long-flame coal /
- coking coal /
- anthracite /
- binary gas /
- isotherm adsorption
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