摘要: 氢同位素实验分析的准确性需要一种工作标准物质作为前提。钢瓶氢气可作为氢同位素实验分析的工作标准气来衡量仪器的误差及稳定性。实验过程中氢同位素分馏很大,准确标定工作标准气显得尤为重要。在进行天然水中氢同位素实验分析时,以H2-H2O(ι)体系氢同位素分馏平衡方程的理论计算为依据,实现了氢同位素工作标准气的标定,其结果与高温裂解铬还原法一致。用标定出的数值对国家标准水GBW04401和GBW04403进行验证,准确度和精度都符合要求,可用于氢同位素实验分析之中。
- 标准气 /
- 氢同位素 /
- 标定方法 /
- H2-H2O(ι)平衡体系
Abstract: The accuracy of hydrogen isotope analysis results needs a kind of working standard gas as a prerequisite.The steel-bottled hydrogen gas can be used as the working standard gas to measure the stability and the error of the instrument during the analyses of hydrogen isotopes.The hydrogen isotope fractionates greatly during the experiment,making the calibration of the standard working gas more important.Based on the theoretical results calculated from the hydrogen isotopic fractionation equilibrium equation of the H2-H2O(ι)system,the calibration of the working standard gas has been carried out in the experimental analysis of the hydrogen isotope of the natural water.The results are consistent with those analyzed by the Cr reduction method under high temperature conversion conditions.Two kinds of national standard water,Gbw04401 and Gbw04403,are used to testify the effectiveness of the calibration method.The results show that both the accuracy and the precision of this calibration method accord with the demands,and thus it can be used for hydrogen isotope analysis.-
Key words:
- standard gas /
- hydrogen isotope /
- calibration method /
- H2-H2O(ι) equilibrium system
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