Geologic features of abyssal topography and drilling conditions in block JDZ-2, Nigeria
摘要: 利用尼日利亚JDZ-2区块海上三维地震采集数据拾取海底反射时间,计算了海水深度,绘制了详细的海底地形图,分析了复杂的海底地形特征,对海底地貌类型及其分布进行了分析。结合相邻区块的钻探成果,利用三维地震资料,对浅层地层进行层序划分,在地震剖面上对4个层序进行对比追踪和地震解释。根据地震地质综合研究结果,对整个区块浅层地层的地质灾害在平面上和纵向上进行了探讨,指出了对深海钻探以及其他作业的危害性。对预选井位区域的海底地貌特征和浅层地质灾害进一步分析,提出了潜在的地质灾害,为第一口探井施工位置优选和制定钻进过程中应采取的防范措施提供了可靠依据,也为下一步油气勘探开发提供了帮助。Abstract: In block JDZ-2 of Nigeria, oceanic 3d seismic data have been applied to obtain the reflection time to seabed. The water depth is calculated, on the basis of which a detailed topography of seabed is drawn. The types and distribution of seabed topography are analyzed. Combined with the drilling results of adjacent blocks, by means of 3d seismic data, the sequences of shallow formation are divided. 4 sequences are traced and interpreted on seismic profiles. The underlying geologic disasters to drilling engineering in the shallow formation of the whole block are demonstrated. According to the abovementioned analysis, the fine research of topographic characteristics and potential shallow calamities in the planned area for drilling is completed. The first exploration well surface location is optimized and the countermeasures are established for drilling. The research would be guidable for further explorations.
Key words:
- geologic calamity /
- abyssal topography /
- Delta Basin /
- Guinea Gulf /
- Nigeria
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