Hydrocarbon potential of Upper Paleozoic in Yanbian area, Jilin Province
摘要: 吉林省延边地区上古生界油气资源研究程度很低。通过大量槽探工程取样与多项地球化学指标测试,结合重磁与地震资料解释,系统研究了该区上古生界的分布、赋存及其暗色泥岩的有机质丰度、类型、成熟度等特征。综合分析表明:延边地区上古生界分布较广,暗色泥岩发育;暗色泥岩中有机碳含量较高,总体达到了中等—好的生油岩标准;暗色泥岩有机质类型以Ⅱ-Ⅲ型为主;但有机质成熟度较高,研究区的西南部和东北部地区有机质处于过成熟阶段,Ro>4.0%,生烃潜力极小;仅有研究区中部的天桥岭—珲春地区,主体Ro为2.22%~3.48%,有机质尚处于高成熟—干气有效生烃阶段,特别是珲春盆地基底中发育的上古生界暗色泥岩具有一定的油气勘探前景。Abstract: The research extent of the Upper Paleozoic hydrocarbon resources is low in Yanbian area of Jilin Province. Through numerous trenching samplings and geochemical tests, combining with gravity-magnetic and seismic data interpretations, the distribution of the Upper Paleozoic and the organic abundance, type and maturity of dark mudstones in the study area were studied. In Yanbian area, the Upper Paleozoic is wide distributed and is rich in dark mudstone with high organic carbon content. As a whole, the dark mudstones are medium or good source rocks, which mainly produce Ⅱ-Ⅲ kerogen but with high organic maturity. In the southwestern and northeastern parts of the study area, organic matters are over matured, and the Ro value is over 4.0%, indicating for poor hydrocarbon potential. In Tianqiaoling-Hunchun area which locate in the center of the study area, the Ro value ranges from 2.22% to 3.48%, and organic matters are during the high mature-dry gas effective gene-ration stages. The Upper Paleozoic dark mudstones in the basement of the Huichun Basin have good hydrocarbon exploration potential.
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