Mixed sedimentation in the Carboniferous Xiaohaizi Formation in the central uplift of the Tarim Basin
摘要: 在前人研究的基础上,通过野外露头、古构造沉积背景、古生物、钻井和地震等资料的综合分析,对塔里木盆地中央隆起带石炭系小海子组地层和沉积相进行了研究,认为本区小海子组为碎屑岩与碳酸盐岩混合沉积。工区东部的岩性组合变化代表了碳酸盐岩-陆源碎屑强烈混合的过渡性沉积环境。共识别出了混积潮坪、开阔台地和局限台地等3种沉积相类型。在此基础上,建立了中央隆起带小海子组混合沉积发育模式。Abstract: The stratigraphic and sedimentary facies of the Carboniferous Xiaohaizi Formation in the central uplift of the Tarim Basin were analyzed in details based on previous research and combined with outcrops, ancient tectonic sedimentary background, paleontological, drilling and seismic data. Mixed clastic and carbonate deposits widely distributed in the study area. The change of lithology assemblage in the east of the study area corresponded to the transition environment with intense clastic and carbonate mixing. We recognized three kinds of mixed sedimentary facies such as mixed tidal flat facies, open platform facies and restricted platform facies. A development model of the mixed sedimentation in the Carboniferous Xiaohaizi Formation in the central uplift of the Tarim Basin was summarized.
Key words:
- Carboniferous /
- Xiaohaizi Formation /
- mixed sedimentation /
- central uplift /
- Tarim Basin
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