Application of well testing data in the Tahe OilField
摘要: 塔河油田碳酸盐岩断裂交会区通常能量强、易见水,导致产量递减快,如何抑制底水锥进一直以来是一大难题。通过实践发现,定期流压监测估算避水高度可提前有效控液延长无水采油期。部分河道控制井区充填严重,生产压差大导致生产低效且挖潜难度大,通过研究认为避开充填洞酸压可有效沟通储集体。随着逐渐开发,套漏问题也逐渐凸显,注入剖面测试是塔河油田找套漏主要手段,但是缝洞型油藏吸水能力强,导致部分套漏井段吸水量偏小而流量、流温曲线无明显变化,通过对比研究GR曲线可有效辅助判断套漏层位。Abstract: In the fracture intersection regions in carbonate reservoirs in the Tahe Oil Field, strong formation energy often causes water breakthrough, which is harmful for oil production. How to suppress bottom water coning is a major problem. Field works show that we can estimate in advance water avoidance height by monitoringflow pressure periodically, which can control water breakthrough effectively and prolong water-free oil production period. The wells in river dominant areas are filled severely, and big production pressure differential makes it difficult for oil production. For these wells, we should avoid filled caves and inject acid fluid to connect reservoirs. Pipe casing leaks more and more often in production, which can be found by injection profile testing. Fractured and vuggy reservoirs have strong water absorption ability, so the leaking position of pipe casing absorbs less water and shows minor changes on flow amount and temperature curves. In this situation, we can compare GR curves to find leaking position.
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