A method for the development of ultra-deep heavy oil reservoirs with dilute gas
摘要: 塔河油田超稠油区块油井具有井深、油稠、掺稀量大、产量低的特点,常规工艺技术已经无法满足生产需要。通过对超深超稠油井注氮气复合掺稀油工艺技术的研究,从掺稀点深度、注入氮气量、油嘴大小确定和掺稀气举启动压力几方面的分析,创新了降黏工艺设计方法,提高了油井产能,并对于奇地区YQ5-1井进行了现场试验。结果表明,掺稀比由试验前的11:1下降到3.4:1,单井产量由10 t/d增加到38 t/d,不仅节约了稀油而且增加了油井产量,为超稠油井合理、高效开采提供了一种新的方法。Abstract: Wells in the heavy oil producing blocks of the Tahe Oil Field are usually very deep and demand a large amount of dilute gas, yet have a low yielding rate. Conventional techniques can no longer meet production needs. Nitrogen is now applied to dilute gas injection. Injection depth, nitrogen amount, choke size and the start-up pressure of gas lift were discussed. This new method was practiced in well YQ5-1 in Yuqi area and proved successful. Blending rate decreased from 11:1 to 3.4:1, and single well yield increased from 10 t/d to 38 t/d. It saved dilute gas and raised oil production.
Key words:
- dilute gas injection /
- gas lift /
- ultra-deep heavy oil reservoir /
- oil engineering /
- Tahe Oil Field
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