Self-generated acid system for the Tahe Oil Field
摘要: 随着塔河油田勘探开发的不断深入,深层和超深层碳酸盐岩油气藏被发现并相继投入开发,逐渐形成的一系列非常规酸液体系面临着酸岩反应速度快、酸蚀作用距离短等难题。该文通过对塔河油田自生酸体系的研究,在实验室中合成了自生酸,然后测试了其耐温性、破乳性、腐蚀性、酸蚀裂缝导流能力以及与岩石的反应能力。室内实验结果显示,该自生酸在常温下的反应速度慢,可以提高自生酸的有效使用率;自生酸能增大酸蚀作用距离,加大酸压效果;自生酸的腐蚀率较低,能降低对管柱的腐蚀。实验室的测试结果显示,该自生酸能适用于塔河油田的储层,后期将该自生酸的配方应用于塔河油田TH10270井,取得了很好的增油效果。Abstract: With the development of the Tahe Oil Field, deep and ultra-deep carbonate oil and gas reservoirs have been found and put into development. The formation of a series of unconventional acid liquid system is faced with the problem of fast reaction rate and acid corrosion. In this paper, the self-acid system of the Tahe Oil Field was studied. We made self-acid in laboratory, and tested its temperature tolerance, demulsification, corrosion, acid etched fracture conductivity and rock reaction ability. The results show that the reaction rate is slow, which can improve the efficiency of acid corrosion, increase acid pressure effect, and reduce the corrosion rate of pipes. Laboratory testing results show that the acid can be applied to the reservoirs in the Tahe Oil Field. The application in well TH10270 showed good effects.
Key words:
- self-acid /
- acid etching distance /
- carbonate rock /
- Tahe Oil Field
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