Acid filtration model considering CO2 effect and its application
摘要: 碳酸盐岩储层酸压施工过程中,酸岩反应生成CO2。为研究CO2对酸液滤失的影响,确定游离态CO2的体积,在常规酸液滤失模型的基础上建立了考虑CO2效应的酸液滤失模型。通过计算分析,得到游离态CO2体积对酸蚀蚓孔发育和酸液滤失的影响。模拟分析表明,游离态CO2的体积随着酸液浓度增加而增加,随缝内压力上升而减少;存在游离态CO2的情况下,酸蚀裂缝中流体的滤失规律与泡沫压裂液或泡沫酸的滤失规律相同,随着CO2体积分数增加,酸液滤失量减少,而酸蚀蚓孔半径也相应变小。Abstract: CO2 generates in the course of acidizing treatment with the reaction of acid and rock, which will influence the mechanism of acid leaking. An acid filtration model considering CO2 effect has been set up based on the conventional acid filtration model in order to study the CO2 effect on acid liquid loss and to determine the volume of free CO2. Simulation results showed that the volume of free CO2 increases with increasing acid concentration and decreases with increasing pressure. In acid corrosion fractures, when free CO2 exists, filtration law is the same as foam fracturing, and the volume of acid fluid loss reduces with increasing CO2 volume.
Key words:
- acid fracturing /
- acid fluid loss /
- leak-off mechanism /
- CO2 effect /
- carbonate reservoir
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