Application of acid and sand fracturing in carbonate reservoirs
摘要: 塔河油田碳酸盐岩油藏属于陆上海相油气藏类型,油藏埋深在5000 m以下,地层具有高温高压的特性,储层类型为裂缝和孔洞型,因此新井在进行完井的过程中大部分要进行储层改造以达到建产的目的,但由于碳酸盐岩的高闭合压力,进行普通酸压完井的油井往往投产一段时间又要进行酸化解堵甚至要重复酸压。近年来塔河油田在酸压过程中采用阶段加砂的方式来提高裂缝的导流能力,但由于碳酸盐岩储层改造在加砂时常常压力过高,对酸压施工造成不安全隐患,成功率不高,经过多年探索研究,采用注入前置酸的方式可提高加砂作业的成功率。Abstract: The Tahe carbonate reservoirs are marine facies reservoirs on land buried over 5000 m deep. The formations are featured by high pressure and high temperature, and the reservoirs are fractured and vuggy ones. Most wells only produce after acid fracturing. But some wells achieve productivity by acid refracturing not long after completion due to high closure pressure. In recent years, Tahe oilfield improved fracture conductivity by sand-adding acid fracturing. But the high pressure during sand-adding may cause dangers, and the success ratio of sand-adding is low. By research and exploration, injecting pre-acid during sand-adding acid fracturing achieved good effects.
Key words:
- pre-acid /
- sand-adding /
- acid fracturing /
- carbonate reservoirs /
- Tahe Oil Field
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