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赵军 曹强 付宪弟 张飞飞 秦国英 闫文雯

赵军, 曹强, 付宪弟, 张飞飞, 秦国英, 闫文雯. 基于米兰科维奇天文旋回恢复地层剥蚀厚度——以松辽盆地X油田青山口组为例[J]. 石油实验地质, 2018, 40(2): 260-267. doi: 10.11781/sysydz201802260
引用本文: 赵军, 曹强, 付宪弟, 张飞飞, 秦国英, 闫文雯. 基于米兰科维奇天文旋回恢复地层剥蚀厚度——以松辽盆地X油田青山口组为例[J]. 石油实验地质, 2018, 40(2): 260-267. doi: 10.11781/sysydz201802260
ZHAO Jun, CAO Qiang, FU Xiandi, ZHANG Feifei, ZHANG Feifei, QIN Guoying. Recovery of denuded strata thickness based on Milankovitch Astronomical Cycles: A case study of Qingshankou Formation in X Oilfield, Songliao Basin[J]. PETROLEUM GEOLOGY & EXPERIMENT, 2018, 40(2): 260-267. doi: 10.11781/sysydz201802260
Citation: ZHAO Jun, CAO Qiang, FU Xiandi, ZHANG Feifei, ZHANG Feifei, QIN Guoying. Recovery of denuded strata thickness based on Milankovitch Astronomical Cycles: A case study of Qingshankou Formation in X Oilfield, Songliao Basin[J]. PETROLEUM GEOLOGY & EXPERIMENT, 2018, 40(2): 260-267. doi: 10.11781/sysydz201802260


doi: 10.11781/sysydz201802260
基金项目: 国家科技重大专项课题(2011ZX05010-001)资助。




  • 中图分类号: TE121.34

Recovery of denuded strata thickness based on Milankovitch Astronomical Cycles: A case study of Qingshankou Formation in X Oilfield, Songliao Basin

  • 摘要: 基于米兰科维奇天文旋回理论分析松辽盆地X油田青山口组剥蚀厚度,频谱分析和小波变换揭示出青山口组存在米兰科维奇天文旋回,可检测出100 ka偏心率、40 ka斜率和20 ka岁差3个周期。研究区的42口探井滤波结果显示,100 ka偏心率周期数量在35~43之间,说明地层存在剥蚀现象。研究表明,X油田青山口组剥蚀量在0~98 m之间,自东北向西南,其剥蚀厚度逐渐减薄,在西南出现大面积分布的未剥蚀区;青山口组在沉积过程中或沉积末期,X油田局部区域出现构造抬升并遭受剥蚀。


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