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方栋梁 孟志勇

方栋梁, 孟志勇. 页岩气富集高产主控因素分析——以四川盆地涪陵地区五峰组-龙马溪组一段页岩为例[J]. 石油实验地质, 2020, 42(1): 37-41. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202001037
引用本文: 方栋梁, 孟志勇. 页岩气富集高产主控因素分析——以四川盆地涪陵地区五峰组-龙马溪组一段页岩为例[J]. 石油实验地质, 2020, 42(1): 37-41. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202001037
FANG Dongliang, MENG Zhiyong. Main controlling factors of shale gas enrichment and high yield: a case study of Wufeng-Longmaxi formations in Fuling area, Sichuan Basin[J]. PETROLEUM GEOLOGY & EXPERIMENT, 2020, 42(1): 37-41. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202001037
Citation: FANG Dongliang, MENG Zhiyong. Main controlling factors of shale gas enrichment and high yield: a case study of Wufeng-Longmaxi formations in Fuling area, Sichuan Basin[J]. PETROLEUM GEOLOGY & EXPERIMENT, 2020, 42(1): 37-41. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202001037


doi: 10.11781/sysydz202001037

国家科技重大专项 2016ZX05060

国家自然科学青年基金项目 41702149


    方栋梁(1982-), 男, 工程师, 从事非常规油气勘探开发研究工作。E-mail: 739981781@qq.com

  • 中图分类号: TE122.3

Main controlling factors of shale gas enrichment and high yield: a case study of Wufeng-Longmaxi formations in Fuling area, Sichuan Basin

  • 摘要: 以四川盆地涪陵地区五峰组-龙马溪组海相页岩为研究对象,综合岩心观察、地化分析、测井和地震资料,分别从页岩气富集和高产两方面开展主控因素系统分析,明确有机碳含量、微-纳米尺度孔隙和保存条件是页岩气富集主控因素。其中有机碳含量不仅是评价页岩原生品质的重要参数,同时影响微-纳米尺度孔隙发育特征,而保存条件是页岩气富集的重要基础保障。页岩气高产受脆性矿物含量、埋深、构造形态和裂缝因素影响,其中脆性矿物含量越高,页岩可压性越好;页岩埋深及构造形态对于地应力影响较大,从而影响页岩储层的压裂改造效果;裂缝的发育导致压裂过程中压力的定向性泄压,无法形成有效复杂缝网。


  • 图  1  四川盆地涪陵地区志留系底反射层构造及JY1井五峰组—龙马溪组岩性特征

    Figure  1.  Structure of basal Silurian and lithological characteristics of Wufeng-Longmaxi formations in well JY1, Fuling area, Sichuan Basin

    图  2  四川盆地焦石坝地区五峰组—龙马溪组一段含气页岩有机碳含量与总含气量和比表面积关系

    Figure  2.  Correlation diagram of organic carbon content, total gas content and specific surface area of gas-bearing shale in Wufeng Formation-first member of Longmaxi Formation, Jiaoshiba area, Sichuan Basin

    图  3  四川盆地焦石坝地区五峰组—龙马溪组一段含气页岩比表面积主控因素相关性分析

    Figure  3.  Correlation of main controlling factors of specific surface area of gas-bearing shale in Wufeng Formation-first member of Longmaxi Formation, Jiaoshiba area, Sichuan Basin

    图  4  四川盆地焦石坝地区五峰组—龙马溪组一段含气页岩微—纳米孔隙镜下观察

    Figure  4.  Observation of micro- to nano-porosity in gas-bearing shale in Wufeng Formation-first member of Longmaxi Formation, Jiaoshiba area, Sichuan Basin

    图  5  四川盆地焦页B井五峰组—龙马溪组一段含气页岩上下邻层裂缝及流体包裹体照片

    Figure  5.  Photographs of cracks and fluid inclusions in upper and lower adjacent layers of gas-bearing shale in Wufeng Formation-first member of Longmaxi Formation, well Jiaoye B, Sichuan Basin

    图  6  四川盆地焦石坝区块1 500 m水平段无阻流量与测井解释脆性指数拟合

    Figure  6.  Correlation of unobstructed flow in 1 500 m horizontal section and brittleness index fitting of logging interpretation, Jiaoshiba area Sichuan Basin

    图  7  四川盆地焦石坝地区下部气层已测试井归一化试气产量与埋深关系

    Figure  7.  Normalized test gas yield and burial depth of test wells in gas reservoir in lower part of Jiaoshiba area, Sichuan Basin

    图  8  四川盆地焦石坝地区焦页F井水平段曲率预测及微地震检测结果

    Figure  8.  Curvature prediction and microseismic test results of horizontal section of well JY F in Jiaoshiba area, Sichuan Basin

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