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马勇 曾溅辉 冯枭

马勇, 曾溅辉, 冯枭. 致密砂岩微米级孔隙网络系统石油驱替实验三维在线模拟[J]. 石油实验地质, 2020, 42(1): 139-146. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202001139
引用本文: 马勇, 曾溅辉, 冯枭. 致密砂岩微米级孔隙网络系统石油驱替实验三维在线模拟[J]. 石油实验地质, 2020, 42(1): 139-146. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202001139
MA Yong, ZENG Jianhui, FENG Xiao. Three-dimensional simulation of oil distribution during waterflooding in a micrometer-sized pore network system of tight sandstone[J]. PETROLEUM GEOLOGY & EXPERIMENT, 2020, 42(1): 139-146. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202001139
Citation: MA Yong, ZENG Jianhui, FENG Xiao. Three-dimensional simulation of oil distribution during waterflooding in a micrometer-sized pore network system of tight sandstone[J]. PETROLEUM GEOLOGY & EXPERIMENT, 2020, 42(1): 139-146. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202001139


doi: 10.11781/sysydz202001139

国家自然科学基金项目 41802149

国家自然科学基金项目 41330319

中国石油大学(北京)引进人才科研启动基金项目 2462017YJRC019


    马勇(1988-), 男, 博士, 讲师, 从事非常规油气地质研究。E-mail: mayong@cup.edu.cn


    曾溅辉(1962-), 男, 博士, 教授, 从事油气成藏机理研究。E-mail: zengjh@cup.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: TE135

Three-dimensional simulation of oil distribution during waterflooding in a micrometer-sized pore network system of tight sandstone

  • 摘要: 致密油储层孔隙度和渗透率均较低,其微米级孔隙网络系统内石油赋存状态是致密油成藏地质研究中亟待解决的核心问题之一。采用油气驱替系统与X射线微米CT扫描系统联用,通过对3 mm和5 mm直径致密砂岩干岩心、饱和碘化钾(KI)溶液及油驱替KI溶液后致密砂岩岩心在线CT扫描及数据重构,三维展示了致密砂岩微米级孔隙网络系统中石油的赋存状态。研究发现孔隙半径10 μm以上孔隙的连通性较好,是石油聚集的优势孔隙网络系统,致密砂岩62.9%~84.1%的石油聚集于半径在10~60 μm之间的孔隙内;孔隙半径小于10 μm的孔隙数量多,但其在空间上多呈孤立状分布,该部分孔隙的石油充满度较低,只聚集了致密砂岩内6.8%~20.0%的石油。致密砂岩含油饱和度随孔径呈阶梯状增长,半径小于10 μm、10~60 μm和60~80 μm的孔隙的含油饱和度分别为10%~40%,30%~75%,40%~75%。致密砂岩微米级孔隙网络系统石油的赋存与孔隙的尺寸、成因类型及空间分布特征有关。


  • 图  1  非常规油气成藏模拟实验装置示意

    Figure  1.  Experimental system for unconventional hydrocarbon accumulation

    图  2  直径3 mm干岩心、饱和KI溶液岩心和油充注后相同视域致密砂岩岩心X射线CT扫描


    Figure  2.  X-ray CT images showing the structure of tight sandstone (core plug with diameter of 3 mm) before and after saturated with KI and oil in the same view

    图  3  直径5 mm干岩心、饱和KI溶液岩心和油充注后相同视域岩心CT扫描


    Figure  3.  X-ray CT images showing the structure of tight sandstone (core plug with diameter of 5 mm) saturated with KI and oil in the same view

    图  4  直径3 mm岩心致密砂岩孔隙网络和油驱替后岩心CT扫描三维重构

    a.孔隙网络三维分布;b.油驱替饱和KI溶液后三维空间分布, 红色部分为油

    Figure  4.  Three-dimensional reconstruction of X-ray CT images showing pore network distribution and oil inside tight sandstone, core plug with diameter of 3 mm

    图  5  直径5 mm岩心致密砂岩孔隙网络和油驱替后岩心CT扫描三维重构


    Figure  5.  Three-dimensional reconstruction of X-ray CT images showing the distribution of pore and oil inside tight sandstone, core plug with diameter of 5 mm

    图  6  3 mm岩心(a)和5 mm岩心(b)孔隙体积及含油体积分数与孔隙半径分布曲线

    Figure  6.  Volume fraction of porosity and oil versus pore radius for core samples with diameter of 3 mm (a) and 5 mm (b)

    图  7  3 mm岩心(a)和5 mm岩心(b)不同半径孔隙的含油饱和度分布

    Figure  7.  Distribution of oil saturation in pores with different radius for core samples with diameter of 3 mm (a) and 5 mm (b)

    表  1  两块致密砂岩样品基本信息及基于CT扫描重构获得的岩石孔隙度参数

    Table  1.   Basic information of two tight sandstone samples and porosity parameters calculated from CT reconstruction

    样品编号 样品直径/mm CT扫描图像分辨率/μm 据CT重构数据计算
    绝对孔隙度/% 含油体积分数/% 含油饱和度/%
    1号 3 2.0 12.7 5.6 44.2
    2号 5 3.3 16.0 6.3 39.4
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    表  2  CT扫描重构获取的2块致密砂岩孔隙、油及含油饱和度分布特征

    Table  2.   Pore and oil distributions and oil saturation of two tight sandstone samples calculated from CT reconstruction

    孔隙半径区间/μm 孔隙分布体积分数/% 油分布体积分数/% 含油饱和度/%
    3 mm岩心 5 mm岩心 3 mm岩心 5 mm岩心
    < 10 31.4 16.5 20.0 6.8 (10~40)/25.7
    10~60 57.7 77.1 62.9 84.1 (30~75)/46.1
    60~80 10.9 6.4 17.1 9.2 (40~75)/59.3
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