Microbial characteristics of low-amplitude structures and prediction of favorable target areas in Xinhe area, Tarim Basin
摘要: 对塔里木盆地新和地区油气微生物异常特征进行了研究,为该地区油气预测和油气微生物勘探技术的推广和应用提供依据。主要采用平板培养计数法、16SrRNA基因克隆文库法与高通量测序法对土壤样品中的油气微生物进行定量检测,利用这些方法研究了新和地区油气微生物种群构成及数量异常情况,构建出研究区油气区的油气微生物异常模式。以此为依据,对新和及三道桥地区低幅度圈闭线索区域的油气微生物进行检测,根据油气微生物异常特征预测油气有利区。最终识别出5个微生物异常区,并结合构造圈闭认识结果及油气微生物数量异常,优选出5个潜在的有利勘探目标区。Abstract: The Microbial Prospecting for Oil and Gas (MPOG) is an exploration method based on the seepage of light gaseous hydrocarbons from oil/gas reservoirs to the surface and their utilization by hydrocarbon oxidizing bacteria. By studying the abnormal characteristics of oil and gas microorganisms in Xinhe area of the Tarim Basin, this project provides a solid scientific basis for oil and gas prediction and the validation and application of oil and gas microbial exploration technology in this area. Soil samples were collected to investigate prospects for hydrocarbon exploration. The amount of cultivable soil microorganisms in different soil samples were analyzed using the agar plating method. High-throughput sequencing has been used directly to study the composition of microbial population in soil samples. Based on the data from Xinhe area, an abnormal pattern of oil and gas microorganisms has been established. By using this pattern, five abnormal microbial areas were identified in the Xinhe and Sandaoqiao area. Combined with the results of structural traps and the abnormal number of hydrocarbon microorganisms, five potential favorable exploration target areas were identified.
图 2 塔里木盆地新和地区XH5井东北向采样线油藏剖面与微生物数量异常对应关系
圈闭位置见图 1。
Figure 2. NE-oriented geological section crossing well XH5 in Xinhe area of Tarim Basin and correspondence with microbial quantity
表 1 塔里木盆地新和地区采样点信息
Table 1. Sample information in Xinhe area, Tarim Basin
采样点 油气成藏 圈闭(位置见图 1) 地表环境 高通量分组 1-9号 近XH5井,油气已知区 圈闭0 农田 XH-y 10~13号 油气预测区 圈闭1 沙漠 XH-s 14~18号,44~48号 油气预测区 圈闭2 沙漠 XH-s 34~43号 油气预测区 圈闭3 果树 XH-gs 19~21号 油气预测区 圈闭4 农田 XH-nt 22~30号 油气预测区 圈闭5 农田 XH-nt 31~33号 油气预测区 圈闭6 农田 XH-nt 表 2 塔里木盆地新和地区微生物异常样品点及异常值
Table 2. Abnormal sample points and abnormal values in Xinhe area, Tarim Basin
高异常样品点号 数量异常值 种群异常值 异常值总和 异常样品点号 数量异常值 种群异常值 异常值总和 11 1.025 -0.012 1.013 12 0.675 -0.025 0.650 27 1.565 -0.153 1.412 35 0.585 -0.036 0.549 40 2.145 -0.347 1.798 32 1.525 -0.824 0.701 46 1.845 -0.326 1.519 -
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