Characteristics and main controlling factors of carbonate reservoirs of Middle-Lower Ordovician, Shunnan area, Tarim Basin
摘要: 顺南地区位于塔里木盆地顺托果勒低隆的南部,目前已有多口井钻获天然气。随着勘探的推进,对储层发育规律的认识成为影响勘探评价的关键问题之一。在沉积相和构造演化背景研究的基础上,基于岩心描述、薄片鉴定、物性分析、综合录井和储层预测综合分析,对该区中下奥陶统储层进行了研究。中下奥陶统碳酸盐岩发育断控及热液改造的孔缝洞、白云岩晶间孔和晶间溶孔、灰岩颗粒内微孔隙等多尺度的储集空间,可划分为裂缝-孔隙型、断控缝洞型、热液改造孔缝洞型3种储层类型。裂缝-孔隙型分布于一间房组-鹰山组上段灰岩和鹰山组下段白云岩基质中,基质物性较差,为特低孔特低渗储层;断控缝洞型、热液改造孔缝洞型沿NE向走滑断裂带分布。多阶段发育的走滑断裂及伴生裂缝本身既可形成缝洞体储集空间,又沟通孔隙和微孔隙、晶间孔和晶间溶孔成为连通的有效储层,同时也是热液流体作用的先决条件,因而是规模有效储层的主控因素。Abstract: Natural gas breakthroughs have been made in many wells recently in the Shunnan in the southern part of the Shuntoguole low uplift in the Tarim Basin. With the advancement of exploration, the understanding of reservoir development is one of the key issues affecting exploration evaluation. Based on the research of sedimentary facies and tectonic evolution, core description, thin section analysis, physical property analysis, comprehensive logging and reservoir prediction were used to study the carbonate reservoirs in the Middle-Lower Ordovician in the study area. The reservoir spaces include pores and fractures controlled by fault and hydrothermal fluid activities, and also intercrystalline pores and intercrystalline solution pores in dolomite reservoirs, micropores in limestone reservoirs. There are three types of reservoirs, including fracture-cavity type controlled by faults, fracture-cavity type controlled by hydrothermal fluid activities, and fractures-pores. The fractures-pores mainly distribute in limestones in the Yijianfang Formation and the upper Yingshan Formation and in dolomites in the Lower Yingshan Formation. They have poor physical properties, and are featured by extra-low porosity and permeability. The fracture-cavity types controlled by faults and hydrothermal fluid activities mainly distribute along the NE strike-slip fault zone. Strike-slip fractures and associated fractures developed in multiple stages are the main controlling factors for large-scale effective reservoirs. They formed fractured-vuggy reservoirs. Meanwhile, they connected pores and micropores, intercrystalline pores, and intercrystalline dissolution pores, forming connected effective reservoirs, which was also a prerequisite for hydrothermal fluid activities.
Key words:
- reservoir feature /
- carbonate rock /
- Middle-Lower Ordovician /
- Shunnan area /
- Tarim Basin
图 2 塔里木盆地顺南地区中下奥陶统储层岩石学特征和孔隙发育特征
a.亮晶颗粒(藻屑)灰岩, 选择性粒内微溶蚀, SN7井, 6 484.12 m, O2yj, (-); b.亮晶砂屑(藻屑)灰岩, 粒内微溶孔, 早期粒间孔方解石胶结, SN7井, 6 576.00 m, O2yj, (-); c.藻粘结灰岩, 粒内微溶孔和晚期开启的构造缝, SN7井, 6 549.5 m, O2yj, (-); d.藻屑颗粒, 颗粒间致密, 扫描电镜照片; e.藻屑颗粒内部的晶间孔隙, 扫描电镜照片; f.藻屑颗粒内部的有机质收缩孔, 氩离子抛光—聚焦离子束扫描电镜照片; g.细晶白云岩, 碎粒化, 压裂缝充填沥青, SN7井, 7 103.50 m, O1-2ys, (-); h.微裂缝与扩溶缝, SN501井, 6 952.06 m, O1-2ys, 铸体薄片; i.白云石晶间孔、晶间溶孔, 与h为同一铸体薄片; j.硅质岩, 硅质交代保持了原岩碎粒化结构, O1-2ys, 铸体薄片; k.硅化岩, 基质交代石英, SN4井, 6 673.22 m(+); o.硅化岩中的石英晶间孔隙, SN4井, 6 673.22 m, 铸体薄片
Figure 2. Petrographic characteristics and pore development of classic samples in carbonate reservoirs of Middle-Lower Ordovician, Shunnan area, Tarim Basin
图 5 塔里木盆地顺南地区一间房组灰岩物性特征[27]
Figure 5. Physical properties of limestones in Yijianfang Formation, Shunnan area, Tarim Basin
表 1 塔里木盆地顺南地区钻井放空漏失统计
Table 1. Statistics of well emptying and leakage in Shunnan area, Tarim Basin
井号 井段/m 层段 漏失/m3 放空/m SN4 6 672.00~6 674.00 O1-2ys2 1 493.41 SN4 6 673.52~6 679.00 O1-2ys2 5.48 SN401 6 457.07 O1-2ys2 3 391.50 SN401 6 457.07~6 458.68 O1-2ys2 1.61 SN5 7 209.80 O1-2ys1 1 152.50 SN501 7 168.56 O1-2ys1 327.70 SN5-1 7 216.68 O1-2ys1 压井漏失141.00 SN5-2 7 106.83 O1-2ys1 36.50 SN6 7 502.15~7 504.50 O1-2ys1 2.35 SN6 7 505.80~7 525.00 O1-2ys1 1 996.70 SN7 6 945.05~7 276.00 O1-2ys1 1 841.10 表 2 塔里木盆地顺南地区碳酸盐岩各类储集空间与成因关系统计
Table 2. Statistics of carbonate reservoir space and its generation in Shunnan area, Tarim Basin
地层 岩性 孔隙类型 成因 断裂关系 热液改造程度 微相关系 实例井 O2yj 颗粒灰岩、藻粘结灰岩 粒内孔、粒内溶孔、粒内微孔 准同生期溶蚀、埋藏期有机酸溶蚀 ++ SN7 O1-2ys2 硅化灰岩、硅化岩 裂缝、孔洞、石英晶间孔 断裂、热蚀变矿物充填、硅质交代 ++ +++ SN4 O1-2ys1- O1p 细—粗晶白云岩 裂缝—扩溶缝、晶间孔、晶间溶孔 白云岩化、断裂—裂隙 + + SN501 O1-2 构造破裂碳酸盐岩 洞穴、多尺度裂缝 多期走滑断裂 +++ SN1/4/401/4-1,SN5/501/6/7,SN5-1/5-2 注: “+”表示孔隙的形成受有关因素影响的程度,“+++”最强;“++”中等;“+”弱。 表 3 塔里木盆地顺南地区微生物相关灰岩岩心柱塞样物性分析
Table 3. Physical properties of microbialite core plugs in Shunnan area, Tarim Basin
送样号 深度/m 岩性 孔隙度/% 渗透率/10-3 μm2 SN7-4-39 6 550.70 颗粒(藻屑)灰岩 2.08 低于检测限 SN7-4-30 6 549.57 颗粒(藻屑)灰岩 4.39 2.35 SN7-4-14 6 547.11 窗孔灰岩 3.70 0.47 SN7-3-28-2 6 534.00 颗粒(藻屑)灰岩 1.60 1.17 SN7-3-28-1 6 533.95 颗粒(藻屑)灰岩 2.35 低于检测限 SN7-3-25-2 6 533.64 颗粒(藻屑)灰岩 4.04 0.05 SN7-3-5-2 6 530.58 窗孔灰岩 3.39 0.09 SN7-2-45 6 491.72 颗粒(藻屑)灰岩 1.13 0.05 SN7-2-30 6 489.24 窗孔灰岩 1.77 低于检测限 SN7-2-24 6 487.93 颗粒(藻屑)灰岩 2.98 1.78 SN7-2-5 6 484.97 颗粒(藻屑)灰岩 3.83 5.30 SN7-1-13 6 429.08 瘤状球粒粒泥灰岩 0.97 低于检测限 SN7-1-10 6 428.55 瘤状球粒粒泥灰岩 1.27 0.35 SN7-1-2 6 426.90 瘤状球粒粒泥灰岩 1.11 3.73 ST1-1-20 7 672.24 生屑泥晶灰岩 3.30 0.39 ST1-1-39 7 675.60 瘤状生屑泥晶灰岩 1.41 0.07 ST1-1-44 7 676.10 瘤状生屑泥晶灰岩 1.70 低于检测限 ST1-2-2 7 704.37 泥晶灰岩,含硅质,硅质部分孔隙发育 7.77 0.11 ST1WX-1 7 704.48~7 704.50 亮晶生屑砂屑灰岩,见粒状石英, 藻屑内见沥青 5.51 0.04 ST1-2-5 7 704.84 瘤状生屑泥晶灰岩 2.97 低于检测限 ST1-2-10 7 705.65 含生屑泥晶灰岩 3.21 低于检测限 ST1-2-11 7 705.82 含生屑泥晶灰岩(藻屑沥青浸染) 2.85 低于检测限 ST1-2-12 7 706.06~7 706.22 泥晶灰岩(热蚀变) 4.24 低于检测限 ST1-2-12 7 706.06~7 706.22 泥晶灰岩(热蚀变) 2.97 0.02 ST1-2-13 7 706.47 含生屑泥晶灰岩(生屑沥青浸染) 3.26 低于检测限 ST1-2-14 7 706.73 含生屑泥晶灰岩(藻屑沥青浸染) 5.34 低于检测限 ST1-2-18 7 707.21 含生屑泥晶灰岩 5.76 0.09 ST1WX-6 7 707.39 亮晶生屑灰岩(生屑沥青质浸染)、粒状石英 6.76 0.01 ST1WX-6 7 707.39 亮晶生屑灰岩(生屑沥青质浸染)、粒状石英 4.42 0.03 ST1-2-23 7 707.57 泥亮晶生屑灰岩 3.38 低于检测限 ST1-2-24 7 707.80 生屑砂屑泥晶灰岩 4.24 低于检测限 ST1-2-28 7 708.40 生屑砂屑泥晶灰岩 3.64 低于检测限 ST1-2-32 7 708.82 生屑泥晶灰岩 3.70 12.26(裂缝) ST1-2-38 7 709.30 生屑泥晶灰岩 4.40 低于检测限 ST1-3-10 7 860.66 泥亮晶砂砾屑灰岩 0.99 0.04 ST1-4-10 7 862.42 灰泥岩 1.62 0.06 -
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