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张武 蒋一鸣 肖晓光 陈浩 苗清 徐志星

张武, 蒋一鸣, 肖晓光, 陈浩, 苗清, 徐志星. 东海陆架盆地西湖凹陷中北部花港组储层致密化过程分析[J]. 石油实验地质, 2021, 43(1): 86-95. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202101086
引用本文: 张武, 蒋一鸣, 肖晓光, 陈浩, 苗清, 徐志星. 东海陆架盆地西湖凹陷中北部花港组储层致密化过程分析[J]. 石油实验地质, 2021, 43(1): 86-95. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202101086
ZHANG Wu, JIANG Yiming, XIAO Xiaoguang, CHEN Hao, MIAO Qing, XU Zhixing. Densification process of Huagang Formation in northern and central Xihu Sag of East China Sea Shelf Basin[J]. PETROLEUM GEOLOGY & EXPERIMENT, 2021, 43(1): 86-95. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202101086
Citation: ZHANG Wu, JIANG Yiming, XIAO Xiaoguang, CHEN Hao, MIAO Qing, XU Zhixing. Densification process of Huagang Formation in northern and central Xihu Sag of East China Sea Shelf Basin[J]. PETROLEUM GEOLOGY & EXPERIMENT, 2021, 43(1): 86-95. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202101086


doi: 10.11781/sysydz202101086

“十三五”国家科技重大专项“深层优势储层孔喉结构及成岩环境分析技术” 2016ZX05027002


    张武(1988-), 男, 硕士, 工程师, 从事沉积储层研究。E-mail: zhangwu8@cnooc.com.cn

  • 中图分类号: TE122.23

Densification process of Huagang Formation in northern and central Xihu Sag of East China Sea Shelf Basin

  • 摘要: 综合运用薄片鉴定、扫描电镜、恒速压汞、X衍射、流体包裹体测温、激光拉曼成分分析及伊利石同位素测年等技术方法,分析了东海陆架盆地西湖凹陷中北部花港组储层致密化过程,并探讨了储层致密化控制因素。花港组储层非均质性受孔喉结构控制,喉道半径小于1 μm即为致密储层;埋藏压实是储层普遍低渗、致密的主因,差异成岩作用加剧了储层的差异演化,当地温超过160℃,环边绿泥石对胶结作用的抑制明显减弱,中成岩B期碱性封闭环境使得大量含铁碳酸盐、绒球状绿泥石及搭桥状伊利石富集直接堵塞喉道,造成花港组储层规模性致密。对花港组储层关键成岩期演化过程进行恢复,推测花港组H4、H5砂层组在9~7 Ma进入规模性致密,龙井运动强烈侧向挤压加速了致密化进程。


  • 图  1  东海陆架盆地西湖凹陷构造带位置及地层简表

    Figure  1.  Regional tectonic division and stratigraphic column of Xihu Sag, East China Sea Shelf Basin

    图  2  东海陆架盆地西湖凹陷中北部花港组储层孔隙类型特征

    Figure  2.  Pore type characteristics of Huagang reservoirs in northern and central Xihu Sag, East China Sea Shelf Basin

    图  3  东海陆架盆地西湖凹陷中北部花港组储层孔喉结构特征

    Figure  3.  Pore throat characteristics of Huagang reservoirs in northern and central Xihu Sag, East China Sea Shelf Basin

    图  4  东海陆架盆地西湖凹陷中北部花港组粒度及泥质含量与储层物性的关系

    Figure  4.  Relationship between particle size and argillaceous content with reservoir physical properties of Huagang Formation in northern and central Xihu Sag, East China Sea Shelf Basin

    图  5  东海陆架盆地西湖凹陷中北部花港组胶结物含量—负胶结物孔隙度投点图

    Figure  5.  A scatter diagram of cement content and negative cementation porosity of Huagang Formation in northern and central Xihu Sag, East China Sea Shelf Basin

    图  6  东海陆架盆地西湖凹陷中北部花港组胶结物含量与储层物性的关系

    Figure  6.  Relationship between cement content and reservoir physical properties of Huagang Formation in northern and central Xihu Sag, East China Sea Shelf Basin

    图  7  东海陆架盆地西湖凹陷中北部花港组黏土矿物特征

    Figure  7.  Clay mineral characteristics of Huagang Formation in northern and central Xihu Sag, East China Sea Shelf Basin

    图  8  东海陆架盆地西湖凹陷中北部花港组物性与黏土矿物演化对比

    Figure  8.  Comparison of reservoir physical properties and clay mineral evolution of Huagang Formation in northern and central Xihu Sag, East China Sea Shelf Basin

    图  9  东海陆架盆地西湖凹陷中北部花港组储层包裹体均一温度与地层温度

    Figure  9.  Inclusion homogenization temperature and formation temperature of Huagang reservoirs in northern and central Xihu Sag, East China Sea Shelf Basin

    图  10  东海陆架盆地西湖凹陷中北部花港组成岩演化与储层致密化关键时刻

    Figure  10.  Critical moments of diagenetic evolution and reservoir densification of Huagang Formation in northern and central Xihu Sag, East China Sea Shelf Basin

    表  1  东海陆架盆地西湖凹陷中北部花港组烃类包裹体激光拉曼分析结果

    Table  1.   Laser Raman analysis results of hydrocarbon inclusions in Huagang Formation in northern and central Xihu Sag, East China Sea Shelf Basin

    井号 深度/m 层位 包裹体特征 赋存状态 均一温度/℃ 盐度/% 测点位置 成分 谱峰位置/cm-1 充注期次
    Z4 3 739 H3 气烃包裹体 石英加大边内侧成带状分布 132~137 4.80~4.96 气相 CO2 1 336,1 605 Ⅰ期
    CH4 2 910
    3 739 H3 含烃盐水包裹体 切穿石英成岩期后微裂隙 141~150 0.88~2.07 气相 CH4 2 918 Ⅱ期
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    表  2  东海陆架盆地西湖凹陷中北部花港组自生伊利石40Ar/38Ar同位素定年测试结果

    Table  2.   40Ar/38Ar isotopic dating of authigenic illites in Huagang Formation in northern and central Xihu Sag, East China Sea Shelf Basin

    井号 深度/m 层位 流体性质 K2O/% 40K/(10-7mol·g-1) 40Ar/38Ar 40Ar*/(10-10mol·g-1) 年龄/Ma ±1σ/Ma
    Z4 3 699.3~3 716.2 H3 致密气层 9.08 2.18 1.004 5 1.18 9.35 0.16
    Z4 3 808.9~3 820.9 H3 气层 9.15 2.19 1.051 6 1.45 11.32 0.21
    Z5 3 855.0~3 861.0 H3 致密气层 9.99 2.40 0.996 6 1.32 9.44 0.16
    Z4 4 005.7~4 014.1 H4 致密气层 9.66 2.32 1.031 3 1.36 10.05 0.19
    Z3 3 597.5~3 618.1 H3 含气水层 9.40 2.25 1.157 8 1.50 11.40 0.21
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