Geological conditions and exploration potential for shale gas in Upper Permian Wujiaping Formation in the region of western Hubei-eastern Chongqing
摘要: 鄂西渝东区上二叠统吴家坪组页岩在早期勘探中已发现具备页岩气成藏条件,但其勘探潜力仍不明确。基于Jy3井岩心分析测试资料,结合区域地震、本井及周围井测井及录井等资料,对吴家坪组吴二段页岩的分布、页岩品质及含气性、保存条件及资源规模进行了分析。研究认为:吴二段发育深水陆棚及斜坡—浅水陆棚相富有机质泥页岩,具有南西薄、北东厚的区域分布规律。页岩主要由石英(平均含量43.10%)、黏土矿物(平均含量21.95%)及方解石(平均含量17.20%)所组成,有机质以Ⅱ1型干酪根为主,丰度高(总有机碳平均含量8.77%),热演化程度高(换算Ro平均为2.06%),孔隙性优良(孔隙度平均为5.59%),含气性好(总含气量平均为3.73 m3/t)。区内红星地区吴家坪组页岩厚度最大、保存条件良好,资源量最丰富,具有优越的页岩气勘探潜力及可观的资源前景,有望成为页岩气勘探开发接替层系及区块。Abstract: The Upper Permian Wujiaping Formation shale in the region of western Hubei and eastern Chongqing has been found qualified for shale gas accumulation in early exploration activities, but the potential for shale gas exploration is still unclear. Based on the core analysis and test data of well Jy3, combined with regional seismic, testing and logging data of this well and wells nearby, the shale distribution, quality, gas-bearing properties, preservation conditions and resource scale of the second member of Wujiaping Formation were discussed. The results showed that the organic-rich shale of deep-water shelf facies and slope to shallow shelf facies were developed and they appeared to be thin in the southwest and thick in the northeast. The shale was mainly composed of quartz (averages 43.10%), clay minerals (average 21.95%) and calcite (averages 17.20%). The organic matter is rich (average TOC value of 8.77%), mainly of type Ⅱ1 kerogen, high thermal maturity (average converted %Ro value of 2.06%), excellent porosity (average value of 5.59%) and good gas bearing property (total gas content averages 3.73 m3/t). The Wujiaping Formation in the Hongxing area is the most promising replacement strata and area for shale gas exploration and development, which shares the largest shale thickness, the best preservation condition, and the most abundant resource.
图 1 鄂西渝东及其邻区主要构造单元划分
Figure 1. Tectonic units in western Hubei and eastern Chongqing and its adjacent areas
图 3 鄂西渝东区上二叠统吴家坪组吴二段地层连井剖面对比
对比路线见图 2。
Figure 3. Cross well stratigraphic correlation section of second member of Upper Permian Wujiaping Formation in western Hubei and eastern Chongqing
图 6 鄂西渝东区石柱复向斜龙驹坝构造(a)及建南构造(b)地震剖面
剖面位置见图 1。
Figure 6. Seismic profiles of Longjuba structure (a) and Jiannan structure (b) of Shizhu syncline in western Hubei and eastern Chongqing
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