Influencing factors for breakthrough pressure of carbonate caprocks
摘要: 除传统的膏盐岩和泥页岩外,较多研究证实碳酸盐岩也可作为油气封盖层。突破压力是盖层封闭能力评价的特征参数,通过对塔里木盆地不同岩性类型、不同样品长度的碳酸盐岩在不同温度下进行突破压力测定实验,分析岩石特征、温度、样品长度对实验结果的影响。岩性、渗透率及裂缝发育情况对结果影响明显;相同温度下,样品长度跟突破压力结果没有较好的相关性;不同温度下,大部分样品随温度的升高突破压力逐渐降低。因此在盖层评价中地温对盖层的封闭能力有着不可忽视的作用,是盖层封闭能力评价需要考虑的关键因素,高地温情况下泥质含量高的碳酸盐岩具有更好的封闭能力。Abstract: In addition to traditional gypsum salt rocks and shale rocks, many studies have confirmed that carbonate rocks also work as oil and gas seals. Breakthrough pressure is a characteristic parameter for the evaluation of the sealing ability of cap rocks. Different lithology types and lengths of carbonate rocks were subjected to breakthrough pressure measurement experiments at different temperatures, results showed that lithology, permeability and fracture development have obvious effects to rock characteristics. At the same temperature, sample length does not have a good correlation with breakthrough pressure, however, at different temperatures, the breakthrough pressure of most samples gradually decreases with the increase of temperature. Therefore, formation temperature has a non-negligible effect on the sealing ability of cap rocks. It is a key factor that needs to be considered for the evaluation of the sealing capacity of cap rocks. The carbonate rock with a high argillaceous content has better sealing capacity under high geothermal conditions.
Key words:
- high temperature /
- carbonate rock /
- breakthrough pressure /
- influencing factors
图 5 20 MPa下温度对界面张力的影响
Figure 5. Effect of temperature on interfacial tension at the pressure of 20 MPa
图 7 不同岩性突破压力随温度变化关系
Figure 7. Correlation between breakthrough pressure and temperature for different lithologies
表 1 塔里木盆地寒武系—奥陶系碳酸盐岩部分盖层样品基本参数
Table 1. Basic parameters of Cambrian-Ordovician carbonate samples in Tarim Basin
样品序号 层位 岩性 孔隙度/
10-3 μm2直径/
(g·cm-3)系 组 A1 奥陶系 吐木休克组 亮晶藻砂屑灰岩 0.37 0.042 3 24.87 A2 奥陶系 吐木休克组 泥晶生屑灰岩 0.02 0.000 8 24.87 A3 奥陶系 吐木休克组 亮晶藻砂屑灰岩 2.70 0.021 6 2.63 A4 奥陶系 一间房组 泥晶颗粒灰岩 0.29 0.000 8 24.87 A5 奥陶系 一间房组 泥晶灰岩 1.15 0.007 7 2.68 A6 奥陶系 一间房组 颗粒灰岩 2.51 0.015 4 2.63 A7 奥陶系 鹰山组 亮晶砂屑灰岩 0.39 0.015 7 24.85 A8 奥陶系 鹰山组 粉细晶含灰云岩 0.61 0.002 8 24.87 A9 寒武系 下丘里塔格组 泥粉晶白云岩 6.03 0.017 4 25.20 2.67 A10 寒武系 阿瓦塔格组 膏质云岩 1.26 0.009 5 24.89 A11 寒武系 阿瓦塔格组 泥晶白云岩 19.31 0.684 0 25.30 2.29 A12 寒武系 沙伊里克组 含泥膏质云岩 0.39 0.003 6 24.75 A13 寒武系 吾松格尔组 致密云岩 2.74 0.009 4 25.30 2.76 表 2 塔里木盆地不同碳酸盐岩样品矿物组成
Table 2. Mineral compositions of different types of carbonate rocks in Tarim Basin
样品序号 岩性 矿物组分/% 方解石 白云石 泥质 硅质 黄铁矿 硬石膏 石英 C1 泥晶生屑灰岩 83.9 1.5 9.6 5 C2 亮晶藻砂屑灰岩 99 1 C3 泥晶颗粒灰岩 97 3 < 1 < 1 C4 亮晶砂屑灰岩 89 6.0 5 C5 粉细晶含灰云岩 14.3 85.7 C6 膏质云岩 63.1 27.8 9.1 C7 含泥膏质云岩 52.0 10 38.0 -
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