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白帆. 下扬子西部地区中二叠统孤峰组气源岩发育特征及控制因素[J]. 石油实验地质, 2021, 43(3): 468-475. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202103468
引用本文: 白帆. 下扬子西部地区中二叠统孤峰组气源岩发育特征及控制因素[J]. 石油实验地质, 2021, 43(3): 468-475. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202103468
BAI Fan. Characteristics and controlling factors of natural gas source rocks of Middle Permian Gufeng Formation in western part of Lower Yangtze Platform, China[J]. PETROLEUM GEOLOGY & EXPERIMENT, 2021, 43(3): 468-475. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202103468
Citation: BAI Fan. Characteristics and controlling factors of natural gas source rocks of Middle Permian Gufeng Formation in western part of Lower Yangtze Platform, China[J]. PETROLEUM GEOLOGY & EXPERIMENT, 2021, 43(3): 468-475. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202103468


doi: 10.11781/sysydz202103468

国家科技重大专项“大型油气田及煤层气开发——重点探区页岩气资源评价” 2017ZX05036-001


    白帆(1986-), 女, 硕士, 工程师, 从事油气地质综合评价研究。E-mail: baifan.swty@sinopec.com

  • 中图分类号: TE122.113

Characteristics and controlling factors of natural gas source rocks of Middle Permian Gufeng Formation in western part of Lower Yangtze Platform, China

  • 摘要: 近年来下扬子区的非常规天然气资源越来越得到重视。通过对下扬子西部地区中二叠统孤峰组主要野外剖面和钻孔样品的分析,研究了该区孤峰组气源岩发育特征及控制因素。该区孤峰组页岩厚度中心在芜湖一带,最大厚度大于150 m,页岩总有机碳(TOC)含量较高,主要介于1.0%~4.0%,平均约为3.41%,且不同体系域中的TOC含量存在明显差异;干酪根类型主要为Ⅱ2型和Ⅲ型;孤峰组页岩整体处于热成熟晚期,位于生烃干气窗范围内。孤峰组富有机质层段的形成与火山作用及其与之紧密伴生的热水流体活动相关。火山作用及热水流体活动将地球深部物质带到表层,使得水体富营养元素,引起生物勃发,形成高生产力,进而为好烃源岩的形成提供良好的物质基础。


  • 图  1  下扬子西部地区中二叠统孤峰组沉积相与地层综合柱状图

    Figure  1.  Synthetic histogram of sedimentary facies and stratigraphy of Middle Permian Gufeng Formation in western part of Lower Yangtze region

    图  2  下扬子西部地区中二叠统孤峰组气源岩残留厚度分布

    Figure  2.  Residual thickness of gas source rocks of Middle Permian Gufeng Formation in western part of Lower Yangtze region

    图  3  下扬子西部地区中二叠统孤峰组有机质丰度平面分布

    Figure  3.  Planar distribution of organic matter abundance of Middle Permian Gufeng Formation in western part of Lower Yangtze region

    图  4  下扬子西部地区中二叠统孤峰组样品的氢指数与氧指数的关系

    Figure  4.  Correlation between hydrogen and oxygen index of samples from Middle Permian Gufeng Formation in western part of Lower Yangtze region

    图  5  下扬子西部地区中二叠统孤峰组气源岩现今成熟度Ro分布

    Figure  5.  Current maturity distribution of gas source rocks in Middle Permian Gufeng Formation in western part of Lower Yangtze region

    图  6  下扬子西部巢湖地区二叠系页岩TOC与Cuxs、Znxs、Nixs、Moxs相关性分析

    Figure  6.  Correlation between TOC content and Cuxs, Znxs, Nixs, Moxs of shale in Middle Permian, Chaohu area, western part of Lower Yangtze region

    图  7  下扬子西部巢湖地区马家山剖面孤峰组灰黑色页岩风化后析出硫、磷

    Figure  7.  Sulphur and phosphorus precipitated from gray and black shale after weathering, Gufeng Formation, Majiashan profile, Chaohu area, western part of Lower Yangtze region

    图  8  下扬子西部巢湖地区平顶山剖面孤峰组气源岩古生产力演化阶段划分

    Figure  8.  Paleo-productivity evolution stages of gas source rocks in Gufeng Formation, Pingdingshan profile, Chaohu area, western part of Lower Yangtze region

    图  9  沉积岩的log(SiO2/Al2O3)—log[(CaO+Na2O)/K2O]图解指示下扬子西部孤峰组气源岩的成因


    Figure  9.  log(SiO2/Al2O3)-log[(CaO+Na2O)/K2O] diagram of sedimentary rocks illustrating the origin of gas source rocks in Gufeng Formation, western part of Lower Yangtze region

    图  10  下扬子西部巢湖地区孤峰组气源岩发育沉积模式

    Figure  10.  Sedimentary model of gas source rocks in Gufeng Formation, Chaohu area, western part of Lower Yangtze region

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